Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a procedure that can significantly increase the power of your smile. Teeth whitening can be divided into two types. The first is professional teeth cleaning. Tartar and smoker's plaque are removed using ultrasound. Then the teeth are polished and they regain their characteristic shade. This procedure is quite effective, but it will not be able to make your teeth lighter than they are by nature.
The second type of teeth whitening is teeth whitening. In this case, active chemicals are used that can penetrate deep into the tooth tissue and displace dark pigment molecules from the enamel and dentinal tubules.
Teeth whitening can now be done on your own or by visiting your dentist. In the first case, one of the whitening systems is used at home, a wide selection of which is now offered by any pharmacy. The principle of their use is to apply a whitening agent to the teeth. The substance remains on the teeth for some time, then it is removed. Sometimes a special mouthguard is offered for this - an overlay on the teeth, which protects the tissues of the oral cavity from getting a caustic reagent on them.
There are more disadvantages to self-whitening than advantages. A substance that can penetrate into the dental tissue, and this is the hardest tissue in the body, has a significant impact force. Such a substance easily damages softer tissues, and the teeth themselves can be damaged if it lasts a little longer than the prescribed time. As a result, you can earn increased sensitivity of the teeth, which is very unpleasant, but that's not all. After such bleaching, teeth darken much faster than before, since the surface layer of enamel is etched away and becomes rougher, respectively, the coloring pigments adhere to it faster and stronger.

Professional teeth whitening is performed in the dentist's office. Currently, the most common method is the following: after cleaning the teeth, a special reagent is applied in an inactive state. Then, under the action of a special lamp, the substance is activated and interacts with the teeth for a strictly necessary time. Then it is removed, and the teeth are processed in order to "seal" the open tubules and eliminate the resulting roughness. Such teeth whitening is safe and can make your smile dazzling white.
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