Poor Ecology And Human Health

Poor Ecology And Human Health
Poor Ecology And Human Health

Table of contents:


Poor ecology and human health

Industrial emissions affect the environment and human health
Industrial emissions affect the environment and human health

Poor ecology and human health have been a sore subject for at least the last hundred years. Actually, from the moment human activity began to actively influence the environment, and for the worse, reliable data have appeared that this has an extremely negative effect on human health.

What is ecology? Literally from Greek, this word is translated as the science of home. The entire planet is the home of man, since there are no isolated systems in it. Thus, ecology and human health are directly related. There are three main types of life support - breath, water, food. Let's consider them in the light of the impact of ecology on health.

But no matter how clean your personal home is, the air you breathe still comes from the street. Exhaust fumes from thousands of cars, tons of industrial dust and increased carbon dioxide content - that's what the average city dweller breathes. You can shield yourself with air conditioners and not leave the house - in theory. However, this lifestyle is not healthy in itself, and air conditioners are not a panacea and sometimes pose a serious health hazard themselves.

Isn't it true, very few people would think to open the faucet in the kitchen and drink some water now? Well, unless, again, if there is a drinking filter, which, by the way, must be changed in a timely manner so that it can cope with its function. Pay attention to the tendency: at first, a person created a certain ecological environment, and then, realizing the connection between ecology and health, he began … no, not to correct this environment, but to violently fence off from it with filters. Needless to say, this activity is sad and ineffective.

And finally, a few words about food. Let's not talk about deliberately harmful things such as fast food. Let's talk about the most useful - vegetables and fruits. The idea of artificial cultivation of vegetables and fruits has received economic recognition and is actively used. In the meantime, it has completely failed in

Chemical treatment of plants adversely affects the environment and human health
Chemical treatment of plants adversely affects the environment and human health

terms of health benefits. So, vegetables and fruits grown artificially do not contain any useful substances, except for the chemicals with which they were fed. Should we consider lemons, in which the content of vitamin C is lower than in natural ones, ten times as an achievement? Or apples with almost nothing but fiber? Useless foods are also ecology and human health does not become stronger because he feeds his body with useless food.

Do you still think that bad health ecology does not concern you personally?

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