Foot Mask - Benefits And Recipes

Foot Mask - Benefits And Recipes
Foot Mask - Benefits And Recipes

Foot mask - benefits and recipes


A foot mask is one of the means to keep the skin of your feet in perfect condition. True, the first rule of beauty also applies here: the method works only with a systematic approach. The fact that you make the mask for the feet once, little will change, although pleasant sensations are guaranteed to you. But if you make a foot mask at least once a week, then in a month you will be surprised how you did without it before, the difference will be so noticeable.

What is the purpose of the foot mask? There are several of them. First, it nourishes the skin of the legs, which increases its protective properties and elasticity. Secondly, it removes the rough top layer of the heel skin that causes painful cracks. Thirdly, this is the maintenance of their external beauty, because no one will call legs beautiful if they are calloused and rough. And fourthly, self-care in general, and a foot mask in particular, is an expression of self-love, because care is an effective manifestation of love. If you don't love yourself and your legs, no one else will either.

In order to make a foot mask, it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics, although they can be quite good. But the exact same result with regular use can be achieved with home remedies. Main principles:

  • Feet must be clean;
  • It is necessary to prepare everything so that during the operation of the foot mask you do not have to go anywhere, even within the apartment. Prepare everything you need within arm's reach;
  • Prepare two thin plastic bags and soft socks;
  • Apply the foot mask evenly over the entire surface of the foot, especially watching the heels;
  • After applying the mask, put plastic bags on your feet, socks on top;
  • When the effect of the foot mask is over, rinse off the mask with warm water, wipe your feet dry, apply a nourishing cream on your feet.

Several recipes for foot masks:

  • Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with egg yolk and a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • Mix half a glass of oatmeal with a tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil, slightly heat in a water bath or in a microwave;
  • Use a little warmed vegetable oil as a foot mask.

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