Hallux Valgus Of The Foot And Toes - Treatment

Hallux Valgus Of The Foot And Toes - Treatment
Hallux Valgus Of The Foot And Toes - Treatment

Hallux valgus

Brief description of the disease

Hallux valgus
Hallux valgus

In the people, the disease hallux valgus is simply called "bumps" or "bones". At the moment, this is one of the most common diseases of the foot, which manifests itself in the form of a deformity of the big toe. When walking, especially in tight, uncomfortable shoes, he deviates inward of the foot. In this case, the head of the first metatarsal bone is displaced and inflammation of the joints develops, which further leads to the formation of osteophytes - thorns (bones) in the area of the first joint of the thumb. Little by little, the latter begins to bend inside the foot and press on the second toe, which also bends and is fixed in a deforming position. This is how hallux valgus occurs in both children and adults.

The pathology described above is not only cosmetic (an ugly foot gives a person psychological discomfort), but also an orthopedic problem, since the lump does not allow a person to walk normally, constantly hurts, makes him wear large shoes that are several sizes larger than the required one. Note also that hallux valgus affects not only the foot, but also the tendons, bones, joints of other parts of the body. In particular, the disease leads to:

  • deforming arthrosis of the joints;
  • exostosis of the metatarsal heads;
  • chronic bursitis;
  • internal (varus) bone abnormalities;
  • combined or transverse flat feet

Hallux valgus - causes of the disease

The factors that provoke the appearance and development of the disease are not fully understood. Nevertheless, in recent years, medical scientists have made progress in identifying the causes of the disease. So, for example, they found out that hallux valgus is a consequence of genetic and endocrine disorders, flat feet, osteoporosis. What kind of footwear a person chooses is especially important. If you prefer to wear high-heeled shoes or boots with a narrow toe (the so-called "Cossacks"), then be prepared for the fact that, sooner or later, you will need treatment for hallux valgus, since tight, improperly fitted shoes leads to an uneven distribution of the load and the development of various pathologies.

Hallux valgus symptoms

At first, patients complain of a small bump that has formed at the base of the thumb. At first, it does not cause almost any inconvenience, but some discomfort when wearing ordinary, everyday shoes begins to be felt from the first days of the disease. As the pathology develops, the pain increases, and the skin near the bone becomes inflamed and calloused, which limits the range of motion and causes severe pain when walking. In the end, the thumb is completely deformed, and from this moment a person begins a “fun life”, when every step is like a feat, because even special orthopedic shoes cannot save you from severe pain.

Hallux valgus - treatment and prognosis

In the early stages, for the treatment of hallux valgus, it is permissible to use a variety of orthopedic devices - instep supports, finger correctors, insoles and ties. Massages, physiotherapy procedures and warm foot baths also show a good effect. However, all these funds, as well as recipes for traditional medicine, will absolutely not help with a neglected disease. They just relieve pain and inflammation in the area of the lump, but they cannot cope with the main problem - joint deformation. In the latter case, only surgical treatment of hallux valgus will be effective, aimed at correcting adverse changes and achieving good aesthetic results.

Previously, surgical operations were carried out using absolutely barbaric methods. The surgeons either simply sawed off the protruding part of the joint, or removed it completely. In both cases, the problem was only partially solved, since as a result of operations, the thumb was held only by the soft tissues, and the risk of various complications was too high.

Modern orthopedics offers much more gentle operations. Nowadays, low-traumatic methods of joint correction have gained particular popularity. Due to their use, the hallux valgus of the fingers is corrected without plaster and metal structures, which significantly improves the quality of human life. Surgical intervention is aimed at changing the angle between the bones of the foot and the correct distribution of the pulling moment of the ligaments. Previously, such operations were carried out only abroad, but now in our country there are specialists who are able to relieve a person of pain without crippling his legs. Note also that if the hallux valgus was removed using modern techniques, then the patient quickly recovers after treatment and can move independently on the second day after the operation, without worrying aboutthat he may have relapses of the disease.

Hallux valgus in children

Treatment of vagal deformity in children
Treatment of vagal deformity in children

In childhood, the disease most often occurs after the child begins to walk on his own. During this period, his legs are under serious stress, which, together with a weak musculo-ligamentous apparatus, leads to the appearance of various pathologies. If unfavorable changes are not noticed in time, then hallux valgus will lead to flat feet and other complications. In the most severe cases, children develop severe curvature of the legs and spine, poor posture, scoliosis, and constant leg pain.

For any symptoms of hallux valgus, it is necessary to urgently consult an orthopedist, refrain from long walks and games while standing. The orthopedist will select special shoes for the baby, corrective insoles and other means for correcting the foot. If the hallux valgus, the treatment of which did not lead to the expected results, continues to progress, then the doctors consider the issue of treatment with orthopedic splints, corrective styling or surgery.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
