Effective Remedies Against Fungus

Effective Remedies Against Fungus
Effective Remedies Against Fungus

Effective remedies against fungus

Effective remedies against nail fungus
Effective remedies against nail fungus

Fungal diseases of the nails, they are also onychomycosis, are very common, and sometimes a person may not suspect for a long time that he has a nail fungus, simply not paying attention to it. Fungal infection is easily transmitted from one person to another, and this does not require direct contact at all, it is enough to walk barefoot through the place where an infected person passed, or use an infected object. The fungus is extremely sticky and contagious. The infection can progress slowly, and it can take months from the moment of infection to the first symptoms of the disease. The course of onychomycosis is long-term, prone to transition to a chronic form. The earlier the fungus is found, the easier it is to cure it.

However, you should know that even a short course of treatment in this case is by no means days, or even weeks, but months, and this is subject to the use of effective remedies against nail fungus. Otherwise, the disease can be treated for years, with varying success. What tools are considered effective? These are antifungal antibiotics for local and general use. The affected nail is locally processed until all the affected tissue comes off and healthy tissue begins to grow. Medicines of general action are taken orally in the form of tablets.

Effective agents against nail fungus are the drugs Loceril, Lamisil, Batrafen, Terbix and the like. They are available in the form of ointments and medicated varnishes. It should be borne in mind that simply covering a sick nail with ointment or varnish is not effective enough, since the dilapidated and compacted tissue of the nail prevents the penetration of the drug into the deep layers, exactly where the fungus intensively multiplies. Therefore, in addition to these drugs, special ointments and patches of keratolytic action are prescribed, that is, they destroy the nail plate. After applying them, it is necessary to remove the softened part of the nail, and only then treat it with an antifungal agent.

Effective remedies against nail fungus
Effective remedies against nail fungus

As a general antifungal therapy, drugs containing one of the powerful antibiotics of antifungal action are prescribed. These highly effective agents against nail fungus include terbinafine, fluconazole, griseofulvin, ketoconazole and itraconazole, as well as other drugs that contain these active ingredients. You should know that these drugs are highly toxic, and therefore self-medication with their participation is strictly prohibited. They need to be taken only as directed by a doctor, strictly adhering to medical recommendations. Given that onychomycosis is characterized by a persistent course and resistance to therapy, complex treatment is usually prescribed with the simultaneous administration of external and internal remedies against nail fungus, several courses with breaks.

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