Diet For Psoriasis According To Pagano And According To Fire - Features

Diet For Psoriasis According To Pagano And According To Fire - Features
Diet For Psoriasis According To Pagano And According To Fire - Features

Diet for psoriasis

Diet for psoriasis is the most effective way to treat this disease
Diet for psoriasis is the most effective way to treat this disease

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the skin, scalp, and sometimes joints. Diet is very important for treating psoriasis. If the patient partially or completely ignores the rules of the diet, treatment with medication will be completely useless.

Diet for psoriasis is the most effective way to treat and prevent psoriasis today. There are several diets for the treatment of psoriasis, but the most effective are the diets developed by Dr. Pegano and Ognevoy. Both of these diets emphasize the importance of maintaining the correct acid-base balance in the human body - the alkaline reaction of the body should dominate, not the acid one.

Proper nutrition, diet for psoriasis

Each day, a psoriasis patient's diet should be 80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acidic. Both doctors offer their own lists of needed foods. But, there are contradictions in their lists.

These contradictions do not suggest that one of these diets is useless. For example, Dr. Ognevaya believes that only grapefruit is useful from citrus fruits for psoriasis, and the Pegano diet for psoriasis also recommends lemons, limes and oranges.

The Pagano psoriasis diet recommends consuming more non-fried fish: sturgeon, halibut, perch, tuna and blue fish. Dr. Pegano refers this fish to foods that can form acid, so he recommends eating it four times a week - it should make up no more than 20 percent of the patient's daily diet. But in the diet for psoriasis according to Ognevoy, all this fish belongs to products that form alkali.

Useful grains include barley, millet, buckwheat, rye, oats, brown and wild rice, corn, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds.

Being aware of all these contradictions in the Ognevaya and Pagano diets, patients should understand the basic principles on which proper nutrition should be built in psoriasis.

Maintaining the correct acid-base balance is the basis of the diet for psoriasis
Maintaining the correct acid-base balance is the basis of the diet for psoriasis

The main symptom of psoriasis is pronounced metabolic disorders. People with psoriasis have weak immunity and an imbalance in the reduction-oxidative processes. Due to all these negative processes in the body, the skin becomes keratinized and flaky.

How diet can help with psoriasis

Thanks to proper nutrition, a diet for psoriasis corrects the metabolism in the body, and, therefore, prevents exacerbation of skin processes. First, before you start using one of the diets for psoriasis, you need to identify the foods that can cause you allergies. Even if they are allowed in the diet, their use must be limited or completely eliminated.

Additional recommendations

It is advisable for people with psoriasis to completely exclude alcohol from their diet, as it can dramatically weaken a person's own control over eating, as well as impair liver function and negatively affect the nervous system. But, according to the Pagano psoriasis diet, sometimes you can pamper yourself with 55-110 grams of white or red wine.

It is better to take food little by little and often. You should completely abandon fried foods and replace them with boiled, stewed or baked foods. It is also necessary to limit or completely exclude the use of spicy foods, smoked meats, spices and spicy vegetables and products containing phytoncides. Curry spices and grilling and frying spices are also prohibited.

The scalp psoriasis diet contains the same nutritional guidelines.

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