Diet for the press

A flat and toned tummy in beautiful open clothes is an eternal symbol of summer, vacation and relaxation. However, during the long cold season, during which all activity is reduced to moving from transport to the office and back home, including short visits to the store, the figure by the summer usually requires correction, which includes, in addition to a diet for the press, a mandatory set of exercises.
If for exercises it is better to turn to an experienced trainer who will help you choose the optimal complex, then the diet menu for the press for women and men can be selected independently.
If the goal is not only to gain a slender figure by summer, but also to have a beautiful abs, you may need to consult a specialist to draw up the correct diet. This is necessary in cases where you need to make a diet for drying the press and a diet for swinging the press.
Diet for the abs for women
Women, as a rule, before changing something in their life, need to carefully weigh and think everything over.
A food diary can help them with this, in which you should first analyze the daily diet. For two weeks, it should record everything eaten and drunk, not forgetting to record the method of cooking and serving volumes.
When the time comes to analyze the amount of healthy and unhealthy foods eaten, it turns out that it is the traditional diet that causes excess weight. This usually serves as a strong incentive for changes in life, namely, in order to go on a diet for the press.
The easiest and safest diet for the abs is to change their diet:
- Bread should not be ruled out, but it should be replaced with whole grain or bran;
- Porridge must be cooked from whole grains, preferably in water;
- It is recommended to add bran and various meals (from pumpkin, milk thistle or flaxseed) to your diet, which will help to quickly cleanse the intestines from decay products and decay;
- Meat and fish should also be present in the diet for the press, however, you should not eat pork at this time, preferably chicken fillet;
- Vegetables and fruits should be eaten in large quantities as they are a source of vitamins, fiber and minerals. Citrus, apples and pears are the best weight loss products, but not grapes and bananas. It is recommended to give preference to raw vegetables;
- From dairy products on a diet for the press, preference should be given to fermented milk with low fat content (no more than 2-3%);
- Of the nuts, walnuts and almonds are considered the most useful;
- Seafood can be eaten almost every day, because it contains a lot of easily digestible and healthy protein and unsaturated fats with a minimum amount of calories.

Thus, if you exclude from the diet all unhealthy foods that, in addition to excess weight and a round belly, lead to the development of many serious diseases, then you can create a complete and tasty diet menu for the press for women.
Diet for the press for men
The list of healthy foods for women is also suitable for composing an abs diet for men. And if it is difficult for women to give up starchy foods and sweets, than they often compensate for the feeling of safety and protection from stress, then for men in the diet for the press, the refusal of smoked meats and alcohol, especially beer, causes more problems.
It is the frequent consumption of beer that contributes to the growth of the abdomen, as can be seen from the figures of the inhabitants of many countries in which beer is considered a national product.
Tips for a Proper Abs Diet
As such, special diets for drying the abs and diets for swinging the abs do not exist. However, choosing healthy foods in your diet, and trying to use them in the correct ratio, taking into account the required time interval, in a few weeks you can not only lose weight, but, with constant training, it is easy to pump up the abs. Of course, for this it is necessary to perform a set of exercises, which should be selected with an experienced instructor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.
So, for a diet for drying the press and a diet for swinging the press, the following recommendations should be considered:
- Gradually reduce your fat intake in your daily diet. Most research confirms that dietary fat leads to obesity. At the same time, excess fat increases the deposition of subcutaneous fat faster than excess carbohydrates. You can use a variety of spices, herbs, and cooking methods to make delicious, low-fat meals. However, this recommendation does not apply to omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish and olive oil, since these fats are essential for the body to maintain health and prevent the development of many cardiovascular diseases;
- Try to observe the ratio during the abs diet: 1/3 of any serving of food are sources of protein (chicken, fish, turkey), 2/3 are sources of carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, rice). Vegetables should not be substituted for two-thirds because they do not contain the calories needed for exercise;
- Eat small, frequent meals. This will help maintain blood glucose levels at the same level, and, therefore, prevent the feeling of acute hunger, which usually occurs when eating three meals a day. In addition, small portions of food are digested faster and more completely;
- For a diet for the press, the following ratio of nutrients should be observed: 65% - carbohydrates, 20% - proteins and 15% fats;
- Drink plenty of fluids, as during intense exercise, fluid loss can sometimes be as high as several liters per hour. Drinking fluids on a regular basis will help prevent dehydration, which can be detrimental to fat burning. Preference should be given to plain clean water, however, sometimes you can use special drinks containing from 6 to 8% carbohydrates (glucose polymers) and small amounts of sodium and potassium;
- Allow yourself to eat what you want once a week. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, however, according to the results of many studies, it has been noticed that too long restriction in food can lead to stress, as a result of which the body begins to accumulate it instead of burning fat;
- Try to combine fiber and fluid when you are on an abs diet for men and women, as together they promote faster movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. This will reduce the effects of metabolic toxins that are produced during digestion;
- In order not to overeat, you should not start eating immediately after training, when the feeling of hunger is at its peak. Before that, nutritionists are advised to relax and start eating slowly and deliberately. It is also recommended to take several breaks to control the feeling of fullness while eating.
Proper nutrition, combined with the necessary exercises, will allow not only to quickly pump up the abs and get an excellent figure by the summer, but also to strengthen health and immunity.
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