Diet Angelina Jolie "Raw" - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet Angelina Jolie "Raw" - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Diet Angelina Jolie "Raw" - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Angelina Jolie's Raw Diet

Angelina Jolie's Raw Diet is designed according to the principles of raw food. The author of the diet, a famous Hollywood actress, claims that it is with the help of this nutrition system that she manages to keep her weight under control.

In products that have not been cooked, a maximum of vitamins and other useful substances are preserved. Raw food promotes proper digestion, and although it is slightly more difficult for the body to absorb, this can be considered a positive point for weight loss.

Angelina Jolie's Raw Diet Rules:

  • in the daily diet, at least 75% of the products should be raw;
  • poultry and fish must be boiled, baked or steamed;
  • you can not mix vegetables and fruits in one meal;
  • you need to exercise regularly, otherwise stretch marks form on the skin.

It is difficult to switch to a raw food diet right away, the author of the diet recommends doing it gradually. First, you should eat raw food once a day or arrange fruit or vegetable fasting days once or twice a week. Gradually, you need to increase the proportion of thermally unprocessed food in the diet, and when the body adapts to it, you can start the diet.

Angelina Jolie's "Raw" diet: nutritional rules
Angelina Jolie's "Raw" diet: nutritional rules

Merits of Angelina Jolie's Raw Diet

Angelina Jolie's "raw" diet allows you to lose 3-5 kg of weight in 10 days.

Eating a large amount of raw vegetables and fruits contributes to the saturation of the body with useful substances (vitamins, macro- and microelements). The work of the intestines is normalized, the heaviness in the stomach disappears, and the condition of the skin improves. Already after a few days of the diet, a surge of strength is noted, an increase in efficiency, sleep is getting better.

Disadvantages and contraindications of Angelina Jolie's "Raw" diet

For those who are accustomed to eating cooked foods, it can be difficult to stick to even a partial raw food diet for 10 days.

Angelina Jolie's "raw" diet is contraindicated in diseases of the digestive system.

What foods are allowed?

  • Vegetables, fruits, dried fruits.
  • Seeds, nuts.
  • Sprouted wheat and legumes.
  • Low-fat milk, yogurt, cottage cheese.
  • Lean poultry and fish.
  • Cereals that can be eaten soaked without heat treatment, for example, buckwheat and oatmeal.
  • Muesli. Shop-made muesli contains too much sugar, so it is better to cook it yourself: mix several types of cereals and add dried fruits.
  • Spices.
  • Seaweed.
  • Coconut milk.
  • Pure still water, green tea, freshly squeezed fruit juices.

What foods are prohibited?

All foods that are not on the permitted list are prohibited, including salt and sugar.

Angelina Jolie's Raw Diet Menu

An example of Angelina Jolie's Raw Diet menu for one day:

First breakfast Fruit salad with nuts and pumpkin seeds or any fruit. Lunch Milk. Dinner Vegetable salad or vegetables of the same kind. Afternoon snack Fruit of the same type. Dinner Vegetable soup or a slice of meat or fish.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. It is useful to drink ginger tea every day - it strengthens the immune system and activates metabolism.

Tip 2. A good option for dinner is cold soups, for example, gazpacho, tarator.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: 10 days

3.5 out of 5

Angelina Jolie's diet is based on a partial raw food diet - plant foods are eaten raw, and meat is cooked. This simple nutritional system is highly effective.

Recommended frequency: not determined
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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