Shiitake - Properties, Treatment, Reviews, Calorie Content, Vitamins

Shiitake - Properties, Treatment, Reviews, Calorie Content, Vitamins
Shiitake - Properties, Treatment, Reviews, Calorie Content, Vitamins


Shiitake - mushrooms with medicinal properties, which are widely used in the treatment of malignant tumors. But the healing properties of Shiitake do not end there.

The nutritional value Shiitake portion 100 g Amount per serving Calories 34 Calories from Fat 4.41 % Daily value * Total Fat 0.49 g 1% Cholesterol 0 0% Sodium 9 mg 0% Potassium 304 mg 9% Total Carbohydrates 6.79g 2% Sugar 2.38 g Dietary fiber 2.5 g 10% Proteins 2.24 g 4% Vitamin B6 15% Vitamin D 2% Niacin 19% Thiamine 1% Iron 2% Magnesium 5% Phosphorus 11% Zinc 7% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product


Source: How to burn 34 kcal?

Walking 9 minutes
Jogging 4 minutes
Swimming 3 min.
A bike 5 minutes.
Aerobics 7 minutes
Household chores 11 minutes


Shiitake is a popular gourmet mushroom that is grown primarily on the long-pointed castanopsis trees.

The homeland of the mushroom is the countries of Southeast Asia and China. It was grown on specially processed wood stumps in the mountainous regions of Korea, China, Japan since very ancient times. The first written review of Shiitake regarding its use for food dates back to 199 BC, and in Chinese medicine it has been used since more ancient times. According to some sources, this mushroom was used by the Chinese emperors to protect against various diseases and prolong youth.

In the 70s of the last century, shiitake began to be grown in America and Europe, where it became very popular. The mushroom has a pleasant aroma and taste, soft texture, which allowed it to take the leading position among cultivated mushrooms. Today, along with traditional technologies, shiitake mushrooms have been successfully grown on sawdust, pre-enriched with special nutritional supplements.

The cap of the mushroom has a dark brown color, which can reach 5-20 cm in diameter. A beautiful pattern of cracks and thickenings can be observed on it. The stem is fibrous, in young mushrooms with a protective lamina, which breaks when the spores mature. The most useful mushrooms are those in which the cap is 70% open, no more than five centimeters in diameter, with a dark brown velvety color.

Judging by the numerous positive reviews, shiitake is very popular and widely used in cooking. In addition, shiitake treatments are also popular. In Japan, the mushroom is highly prized for absorbing the flavor of other ingredients without overpowering them. And in Europe, shiitake is an indispensable ingredient in various dishes due to its characteristic caramel smell and ease of preparation.

Many soups, spices and even drinks are prepared from the mushroom. It is added to hot meals as it goes well with meat, vegetables and noodles. Grilling shiitake and baking in tempura is popular (for this it is better to use mushrooms with large diameter caps).

The composition and calorie content of shiitake

100 g of shiitake mushrooms contains 89.74 g of water, 4.29 g of carbohydrates, 2.5 g of fiber, 2.24 g of proteins, 0.73 g of ash, 0.49 g of fat; vitamins: retinol (A), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (PP), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12), calciferol (D); macronutrients: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium; trace elements: selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron.

The calorie content of shiitake is 34 kcal per 100 g of product.

Useful properties of shiitake

The healing properties of shiitake are widely known in Japan. For many centuries, it has been used mainly for the prevention of heart disease, colds, tumors, and hypertension. Shiitake treatment is believed to prevent sexual dysfunctions and problems caused by aging. Reviews of Shiitaka residents of Japan testify that they consider it the elixir of life, which refreshes both the spirit and the body at the same time.

In our latitudes, shiitake is not so popular, although, due to a wide range of preventive and therapeutic effects, this exotic mushroom is eaten all over the world. Two decades ago, shiitake was considered a very expensive and very rare oriental delicacy. Currently, the mushroom is becoming more widespread in the West, so it can already be easily found on supermarket shelves. Increasingly, shiitake treatment began to be used for such common diseases of the 20th century as AIDS, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Shiitake mushroom is an ideal protein due to the fact that it contains ten amino acids that are indispensable for the human body, and precisely in such a proportion that is most suitable for human nutrition. Along with many enzymes and vitamins, the mushroom contains amino acids such as lysine and leucine, which determines the very important healing properties of shiitake, since these amino acids are practically not contained in cereals. In addition, the mushroom is an excellent source of B vitamins, including vitamin B12.

The mushroom contains polysaccharides that enhance the immune system. After a series of studies, the polysaccharide lentinan was identified in the mushroom, as well as biologically active substances such as interleukin and interferon, which strengthen the immune system.

In addition to preventing the aforementioned diseases, reviews of shiitake indicate that it is effective in high blood pressure, slows down the aging process and lowers blood cholesterol levels. The world famous mushroom researcher, Mari Kisako, claims that shiitake treatment is beneficial for kidney stones, diabetes, stomach ulcers, anemia, vitamin deficiency, and colds. From his scientific works, you can find out that the mushroom has a strong antibacterial and antiviral effect, since the polysaccharides contained in it prevent viruses and bacteria from multiplying.

Thanks to the lentinan contained in the mushroom, the antitumor effect of shiitake has been proven. At the Tokyo State Cancer Research Institute, studies carried out in the 60s of the last century scientifically confirmed the anticancer effect of the fungus. The test results were published in the American journal Cancer Research. Thanks to these data, Japanese scientists have achieved impressive results in the treatment of patients who are in a relapsed or advanced stage of the disease.

Shiitake mushroom soup
Shiitake mushroom soup

Today, in many cases, in the treatment of cancerous tumors, along with chemotherapy, patients are prescribed an extract of the shiitake mushroom in order to reduce the toxic effect of drugs on the immune system and healthy tissues.

According to the latest studies, it has been proven that shiitake inhibits the reproduction of the HIV virus that causes AIDS in the tissue culture environment. Scientists at the same Tokyo State Cancer Research Institute have come to the conclusion that the extract of the shiitake mushroom prevents the cell destruction caused by the HIV virus. Thus, the shiitake mushroom is of interest to scientists dealing with the problems of AIDS treatment.


Shiitake mushroom is the only fungus that can cause allergic reactions in the body. Therefore, it must be introduced into the diet with small portions, gradually increasing them.

In addition, it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women to consume the mushroom, as it contains too many biologically active substances.

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