Marjoram - Properties, Application, Contraindications

Marjoram - Properties, Application, Contraindications
Marjoram - Properties, Application, Contraindications


Marjoram is a herbaceous plant from the Oregano genus with a pleasant spicy scent. In the wild, the herb grows in Asia Minor, North Africa, and as a spice it is grown in Western Europe, India.


Useful properties of marjoram

In the aerial part of the plant, carotene, ascorbic acid, rutin, pectin and tannins were found.

Traditional and official medicine knows such healing properties of marjoram - antibacterial, sedative, expectorant, analgesic.

Both herb and marjoram essential oil are used for medicinal purposes.

It is noticed that the oil relieves vascular spasms, eliminates headaches and toothaches, helps with diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs, with stagnation of bile, swelling caused by neuralgia or osteochondrosis, with gout, varicose veins, diseases of the kidneys, liver, allergies, colds, flatulence …

Doctors recommend using the plant oil for people who suffer from diabetes or have suffered a heart attack.

Such property of marjoram, as the ability of its oil to have a sedative effect, is used to treat emotional and mental disorders, neurasthenia, and insomnia.

The use of marjoram and its herb oil in aromatherapy helps to relieve fatigue and raise vitality.

The use of marjoram

In folk medicine, the herb collected during flowering is used.

Tea made from the herb helps with poor appetite, migraines, intestinal cramps, flatulence, incl. in young children, with diarrhea, menstrual pain.

To make tea, pour one or two teaspoons of herbs with 250 ml of boiling water, insist for 5 minutes, then filter and drink. The allowed amount of marjoram tea per day is one or two cups. It is recommended to drink the drink in small sips.

Traditional medicine also knows the beneficial properties of marjoram ointment.

If the child is worried about intestinal colic, you can rub the area around the navel with ointment. After 10-20 minutes, the child will feel better.

For the treatment of a runny nose, you can also use marjoram ointment: it is lubricated with the nasal passages inside and out, lightly rubbed into the skin.

You can buy the ointment ready-made at the pharmacy, or prepare it yourself: take one teaspoon of ground marjoram herb, pour it with wine alcohol (a teaspoon), leave for several hours, add a teaspoon of unsalted fresh butter. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath for 10 minutes, then filtered and cooled.

In addition to the fact that marjoram herb ointment can be used for runny nose and flatulence, it has been noted that it helps with pain caused by sprains, dislocation of the limbs, abscesses and wounds, rheumatic diseases, varicose veins.

Marjoram oil is used for rubbing, massage, compresses, inhalation.

To perform massage and rubbing, add oil to the base product at the rate of 6 and 10 drops, respectively, per 10 grams of base.

For hot inhalations for colds, 2-3 drops of oil are dripped into a container with hot water. Inhalation lasts 4-5 minutes.

Baths with marjoram oil restore strength. For tonic baths add 4-6 drops of oil to water.

Cosmetologists advise making oil applications to soften calluses and rough skin on the legs. Mix 3 drops of almond oil with 5 drops of marjoram oil, apply the mixture to the hardened areas of the skin, after a while, gently remove the softened calluses.

The healing properties of marjoram are also manifested with the internal use of the essential oil of the herb: mix 2 drops of sunflower or olive oil with 1-2 drops of marjoram oil, drip the resulting mixture onto bread and eat. Take oil in this way 1-2 times a day. Treatment helps to eliminate stagnation of bile, intestinal colic, vascular spasms.

Dried marjoram
Dried marjoram


Marjoram oil and herbal tea are contraindicated in pregnancy, plant allergies.

People with low blood pressure should use marjoram oil and tea with caution for treatment.

It was also found that long-term use of marjoram in large doses has a depressing effect on the nervous system and causes headaches.

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