White Chocolate - Composition, Benefits And Harms

White Chocolate - Composition, Benefits And Harms
White Chocolate - Composition, Benefits And Harms

White chocolate

How to make homemade white chocolate
How to make homemade white chocolate

Treats are loved by everyone, regardless of age. Among the huge variety of all kinds of desserts, white chocolate is in great demand. The unusual caramel flavor of this product attracts many sweet tooths. Chocolate is produced both in "pure form" and with the addition of various fillers. This allows everyone to choose a suitable taste of their favorite dessert.

White chocolate - ingredients

Chocolate is a product made using the fruit of the cocoa tree. These are beans, as a result of the processing of which cocoa liquor is obtained, as well as powder and butter, based on it. Depending on the type of treat, in addition to these main ingredients, sugar and milk can be added to it in different proportions, which makes the dessert bitter or milky. There is another type of product familiar to everyone - white chocolate, which was created less than a hundred years ago. Such an unusual color makes many fans of the classic dark dessert doubt its "chocolate" quality.

Unlike the first two varieties, the composition of white chocolate is less saturated with cocoa products - it contains neither grated cocoa nor powder from it. The lack of these ingredients explains the unnatural color of the familiar product. To make a white dessert, you only need cocoa butter. Also required: sugar, crushed to a powder, milk powder and vanilla as a flavoring. Powdered milk gives the product a specific caramel flavor. The presence of cocoa butter suggests that the delicacy still belongs to the “chocolate family”.

The grated cocoa contains alkaloids, caffeine and theobromine, which have a tonic and stimulating effect on the human body. White chocolate, the composition of which excludes the presence of these substances, can be consumed by people suffering from insomnia or high blood pressure. However, a large amount of sugar and a high calorie content of the product, if consumed excessively, contribute to the weight gain of sweet lovers.

White chocolate - pros and cons

The attitude towards white chocolate is ambiguous. Opponents of the unusual dessert speak of its harmfulness and complete uselessness for the body. An excess amount of sugar, in their opinion, can ruin any figure and even lead to the development of various diseases, for example, diabetes.

Lovers of sweet delicacies, not without reason, argue that cocoa butter contains a number of essential amino acids, as well as antioxidants and vitamins. The absence of stimulating substances in white chocolate makes it possible to enjoy its taste for people who are contraindicated in the classic dark version of the dessert. To avoid health problems, you just need to observe the measure in the use of this product.

Manufacturers make their own adjustments to the dispute between supporters and opponents of white chocolate. Trying to reduce the cost of production, they often replace standard ingredients with their cheaper counterparts, for example, instead of cocoa butter, they use vegetable fats. This leads to the fact that practically no nutrients remain in chocolate.

In order not to give up your favorite delicacy and at the same time to avoid a low-quality product, you can make a dessert yourself. Fans of white chocolate will surely like the recipe for making a treat with their own hands.

White chocolate - homemade

For self-preparation of white chocolate, you need to prepare the main components of this product. First of all, cocoa butter, sugar is also required, preferably in the form of powdered sugar, milk powder and vanilla. All ingredients are readily available, with the exception of cocoa butter, but you can buy it at the pharmacy. The basic method for making homemade white chocolate is quite simple. This requires:

  • Melt 100 g of cocoa butter in a water bath until liquid, having broken it into small pieces beforehand;
  • Add 100 g of milk powder and powdered sugar mixed with vanilla to the melted butter, stir everything very thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • Pour the resulting liquid chocolate into silicone molds, cool to room temperature and refrigerate for one hour.
White chocolate - composition and nutritional value
White chocolate - composition and nutritional value

After that, the homemade treat is ready to eat. The dessert can be diversified by adding various ingredients to your taste: nuts, raisins, pieces of fruit. This should be done before the sweet mass solidifies.

White chocolate, the recipe for which is uncomplicated, can be easily prepared at home if desired. Thus it is possible to obtain a product with different flavors, as well as with a limited sugar content, by changing the proportions of the main ingredients. Homemade white chocolate has a pleasant taste and does not contain substances harmful to the body.

At any age, a person needs positive emotions. A piece of white chocolate will help relieve irritability, improve mood. You can even make a treat at home, because its recipe is very simple. However, the abuse of sweets leads to unpleasant consequences, so it is important not to overdo it in the process of getting pleasant emotions.

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