How To Properly Sit In A Car?

How To Properly Sit In A Car?
How To Properly Sit In A Car?

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How to properly sit in a car?

How to properly sit in a car?
How to properly sit in a car?

It would seem, what is especially difficult about how to sit in a car? Everyone knows that a person driving a car should be as collected and attentive as possible, which means that they should sit as they see fit. This statement is true, but only partially. It is true that the driver should really be comfortable, but the fallacy of judgment lies in the fact that an inexperienced, and sometimes even an experienced driver is not always able to independently figure out which landing to choose.

The situation on the road changes every second, and what was convenient a minute ago, in the next half hour, can cause such muscle overload that will provide pain for the next week, and this is at best. At worst, an uncomfortable driving position at a critical moment can lead to an emergency.

By the way, it is precisely because of the constantly changing situation on the road that many drivers believe that there are no general rules for how to sit in a car. The motivation is that, good in one situation, unacceptable in other circumstances. This is not entirely true. Of course, there is a big difference between sitting in a car that is stuck in a traffic jam and moving at a speed of several kilometers per hour, and between sitting in a car speeding along the highway. In addition, different car brands dictate different fit. Of course, the truck driver and the drivers of the best mid-range cars will sit differently. However, there are a few general rules that will suit any driver, regardless of the size and make of the car he drives:

  • The main weight should be on the center of the seat;
  • Neither arms nor legs should be tense, otherwise muscle pain and stiffness in movements are inevitable;
  • The back, from the lumbar region to the shoulder blades, must fully rest on the seat back;
  • Seat height adjusts for maximum visibility and easy access to permanently used switches;
  • The headrest should be positioned so that the back of the head and neck are comfortable when resting on it.

If the driver is accustomed to driving differently, gripping the steering wheel firmly and transferring some of the weight to it, he may initially feel uncomfortable applying these rules. However, if he follows these simple advice, then very soon he will notice that the stress during the ride has gone away, the actions have become calmer and more confident, the reaction has improved, as well as the state of health at the end of the day, and the question of how to sit in the car is correct.

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