How to cook rice properly

Rice is one of the ancient cultivated crops that had a significant impact on the formation of civilization, at least in its eastern part. In the East and Southeast, rice is a staple food, while enjoying the well-deserved respect and love of the western part of the world, it is one of the most common foods. Despite such a solid "portfolio", the benefits of rice are still hotly debated, both its supporters and opponents have arguments.
Rice consists of an embryo surrounded by a dense white shell, 70% starch, a brown shell containing a large amount of minerals, amino acids and even vitamins. During processing, the main part of rice is ground to a white shell, which gives reason to some researchers to say that the benefits of rice are completely lost, and only useless starch remains. In fact this is not true. Even the white shell and the germ of rice contain amino acids and minerals, albeit in lower quantities than brown.
There are many varieties of rice, each of which has its own taste and field of application, but the benefits of rice almost do not depend on the variety, it depends only on the processing. In addition to brown and white rice, another option is now gaining popularity - parboiled rice. Parboiled rice is obtained by steaming unpolished grains, followed by grinding. This method allows you to preserve the maximum benefits of rice, since the minerals from the brown shell in large quantities pass into the grain, but the rice after cooking has a beautiful snow-white color.
In addition to the content of nutrients, the benefits of rice are manifested in another valuable property - it absorbs and allows you to remove toxins contained either in products consumed with it, or in the body, serving as a kind of sponge. Remember, in childhood, when we got sick with indigestion, mother or grandmother certainly gave us rice porridge? The medicinal properties of rice in this case are just based on this feature. True, for this, rice must be consumed without any additives, as it is mainly used in the countries of the East and Southeast Asia.
The smile, cheerfulness, harmony and working capacity of the inhabitants of those countries where rice is eaten constantly in large quantities, unequivocally support the theory of the benefits of rice.
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