Calamine Lotion For Chickenpox: Instructions For Use, Analogues

Calamine Lotion For Chickenpox: Instructions For Use, Analogues
Calamine Lotion For Chickenpox: Instructions For Use, Analogues

Calamine lotion for chickenpox: how to use it correctly, contraindications and side effects

The content of the article:

  1. What is chickenpox

    Disease symptoms

  2. Release form and composition of Kalamin
  3. Drug action
  4. Indications for use
  5. How to use Calamine lotion for chickenpox
  6. Contraindications
  7. Side effects
  8. Reviews
  9. Storage period
  10. Analogs
  11. Video

Calamine lotion for chickenpox is an effective remedy that helps to cope with the manifestations of the disease. The drug has been known on the pharmaceutical market for about 20 years. It relieves itching well and eliminates inflammation.

Unlike Brilliant Green and Fukortsin Solution, it does not stain skin and clothing. At the same time, the tool is universal, and it can be used for various, no less serious diseases, both in adults and in children.

For the first time Calamine lotion was made in 1997 in Israel. To date, the drug is already produced in fifteen countries. In Russia, Israeli Kalamin is certified as a cosmetic product.

What is chickenpox

Chickenpox, or chickenpox, is an infectious viral disease, which is characterized by the appearance of a specific rash on the skin. The disease is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication (fever, weakness, lack of appetite).

The virus that causes chickenpox is quickly transmitted by airborne droplets
The virus that causes chickenpox is quickly transmitted by airborne droplets

The virus that causes chickenpox is quickly transmitted by airborne droplets

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that is quickly transmitted by airborne droplets. Susceptibility to it is high, so about 90% of the population tolerate it in childhood. The chickenpox virus (Varicella Zoster) lives only in the human body, and when it gets into the air with mucus particles when coughing and talking, it dies within 15 minutes.

During this period, with air, it can move sufficiently long distances. Therefore, it is very easy to become infected with chickenpox, and if a patient appears in the children's team, the virus spreads quickly.

Disease symptoms

After 10–21 days, the first symptoms of the disease appear, the child becomes lethargic, his appetite disappears and his body temperature may rise. Then, red spots appear on the skin, which within a few hours turn into single-chambered bubbles filled with a transparent liquid. After they open, crusts appear on the surface.

A characteristic symptom of the disease is skin rashes
A characteristic symptom of the disease is skin rashes

A characteristic symptom of the disease is skin rashes.

Rashes with chickenpox cause quite severe itching, and scratching can lead to a secondary infection and scarring (the so-called pockmarks).

It is difficult for a small child to explain that small bubbles on the body cannot be combed, therefore it is necessary to use dermatological agents that will help to cope with the problem and prevent secondary infection.

With proper skin care and application of Kalamin, problems can be avoided, since the product relieves itching, which, in turn, prevents scratching and the appearance of deep wounds and scars on the skin.

Release form and composition of Kalamin

Calamine lotion is a light pink (colorless or white) opaque suspension with a slight, subtle smell of phenol, in 100 ml dark glass bottles.

The lotion contains calamine (zinc carbonate), zinc oxide, glycerin, bentonite clay, water, carbolic acid and sodium citrate. In addition to these components, some manufacturers can add essential or vegetable oils, as well as potato starch.

Calamine is also available in the form of an ointment. But for the treatment of chickenpox, it is better to use lotion, since it is water-based, so it absorbs and dries faster. Unlike an ointment, this product does not leave greasy stains on clothes.

Drug action

Calamine lotion, after being applied to the skin surface and drying, forms a thin film on the surface. It prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the injured tissue.

The drug has the following actions:

  • eliminates burning and itching;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • eliminates puffiness;
  • reduces redness;
  • cools and moisturizes the skin;
  • stimulates the regeneration of the skin.

Indications for use

Chickenpox disappears within 7-10 days, then the body develops a stable lifelong immunity to this disease. Therefore, many people, before purchasing a medicine, think about when it can still be used.

The instructions for the drug indicate that it can be used for the following dermatological diseases:

  • herpes (including herpes zoster);
  • demodicosis;
  • allergic and atopic dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • acne;
  • measles and rubella.

Also, the lotion can be used for sunburn. It relieves itching and swelling well after stinging insects (bees, wasps, mosquitoes) or contact with stinging and poisonous plants. It can be applied to scratches. For cosmetic purposes, Calamine is used for oily problem skin.

How to use Calamine lotion for chickenpox

In order for the medicine to acquire a uniform consistency, it must be shaken well before use. To apply the product, you can use cotton, cotton pad or stick, bandage, which must be moistened with lotion.

Lotion has an antiseptic effect and relieves itching
Lotion has an antiseptic effect and relieves itching

Lotion has an antiseptic effect and relieves itching

The medicine is gently applied to areas of the skin where the rash is located or where itching is felt. After that, you need to wait a little for the skin to dry. You can put on clothes only after the medicine dries, because only in this case it forms a protective film. Otherwise, it will not have the desired effect.

The drug is applied 2–4 times a day. Treatment is carried out until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. For other diseases, the method of administration may differ.


The tool cannot be used in case of hypersensitivity to its components. It is not recommended to apply the lotion to the area around the eyes, in order to avoid getting it on the mucous membranes. If this happens, you must immediately rinse them with running water.

Application in special patient groups:

Special patient groups Application features
Children Calamine can be used to treat children from one year old
Pregnancy and breastfeeding period A medicine is used if the benefits of its use outweigh the potential harm

Side effects

When used correctly, the drug practically does not penetrate into the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect.

In very rare cases, Calamine can cause redness and burning in the area of application. If this happens, the lotion must be rinsed off with running water and then abandoned.


According to reviews from people who have used Calamine Lotion for the treatment of chickenpox, this drug is very effective. The medicine eliminates itching in a short time.

The disadvantages of the drug include its cost. Also, some buyers say that the medicine is not sold in all pharmacies.

Storage period

The lotion has a shelf life of 3 years. Store the medicine in a cool, dark place out of the reach of children. After opening the bottle, the drug retains its properties for one year.


Since the drug is not cheap and it is not possible to purchase it in every pharmacy, there is an opportunity to replace it with other drugs with a similar effect, such as Floseta, PoxKlin, Tsindol.

A direct analogue of Kalamin lotion and ointment is the Turkish Kalmosan remedy, which is produced in the form of a suspension and cream.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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