Tsindol For Chickenpox In Children: Instructions For Use

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Tsindol For Chickenpox In Children: Instructions For Use
Tsindol For Chickenpox In Children: Instructions For Use

Video: Tsindol For Chickenpox In Children: Instructions For Use

Video: Tsindol For Chickenpox In Children: Instructions For Use
Video: Chickenpox In Children - Causes, Signs & Treatment 2024, October

Tsindol for chickenpox in children: instructions for use, advantages and disadvantages

The content of the article:

  1. What is chickenpox
  2. Composition and description of the drug
  3. How Tsindol works
  4. Instructions for the use of Tsindol for chickenpox in children
  5. Contraindications and side effects
  6. Advantages and disadvantages of Tsindol
  7. Video

Tsindol for chickenpox is an effective remedy that has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and drying effect. It is used in the complex therapy of the disease. The effect of using the drug becomes noticeable as early as 2-3 days.

Tsindol is an effective external remedy for chickenpox
Tsindol is an effective external remedy for chickenpox

Tsindol is an effective external remedy for chickenpox

Chickenpox is a viral infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. The disease is highly contagious and spreads quickly; most people carry it during childhood. Therefore, a medicine for chickenpox should be not only effective, but also safe.

What is chickenpox

The chickenpox virus in the environment dies within a quarter of an hour, but during this period, together with the air current, it can travel long distances. The incubation period ranges from 10 days to three weeks. Then the patient's condition worsens, weakness, lethargy appear, body temperature rises.

During the day, red spots appear on the skin, which after 2-3 hours turn into single-chambered vesicles containing a clear liquid. After they are deflated, crusts form at this place.

The rash is accompanied by severe itching. Scratching can lead to the formation of scars (pockmarks) on the skin that remain for life.

Composition and description of the drug

Tsindol is a suspension, the main active ingredient of which is zinc oxide. It has many useful properties, therefore it is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. In addition, the preparation includes:

  • distilled water;
  • glycerol;
  • medical talc;
  • ethanol.
Tsindol is a white suspension
Tsindol is a white suspension

Tsindol is a white suspension

Tsindol looks like a heterogeneous mass of white or grayish color. After agitation, a precipitate precipitates quickly. The suspension is in a dark glass vial, sealed with a polyethylene stopper and closed with a plastic cap. It is placed in a cardboard box complete with instructions.

Store the drug in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. The shelf life is 2 years.

How Tsindol works

Suspension Tsindol is an antiseptic, has anti-inflammatory, astringent, wound healing effect. The tool quickly dries wet wounds and is an adsorbent.

When applied to pustules, the components of the drug quickly draw out the liquid, after which the surface is covered with crusts, which fall off, and the skin surface becomes smooth and flawless again.

Tsindol is used not only for the treatment of chickenpox. There are the following indications for the use of the drug:


Mode of application

Diaper rash For the treatment of diaper rash in a baby, the suspension is mixed in the same proportion with baby cream and applied to the skin under a diaper
Acne For acne, the remedy is applied to the damaged area before bed. If possible, use it twice a day.
Skin ulcers, dermatitis For the treatment of dermatitis, the suspension is applied to the damaged area of the skin 2-3 times a day

The drug is allowed to get rid of the problem in a short period.

Instructions for the use of Tsindol for chickenpox in children

Before use, the product must be shaken well so that its consistency becomes uniform. Using a cotton swab, the drug is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

The product is applied to the skin with a cotton swab
The product is applied to the skin with a cotton swab

The product is applied to the skin with a cotton swab

Chickenpox chatterbox can be applied pointwise, only on the bubbles, but if the rash covers almost the entire body, they simply smear the skin with the medicine - a small amount of the product is poured onto the palm and evenly distributed. Before this, hands are first washed with soap.

The suspension is left to dry for a few minutes. Processing must be carried out daily. How many days the remedy is used depends on the severity of the symptoms. Therapy should be carried out until the rash completely disappears.

Before starting use, you should consult with your doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

The manufacturer does not recommend using Tsindol if you are sensitive to its components. Do not apply the talker to the eye area. If the medicine gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water.

Usually the drug is well tolerated, but in some cases, side effects may occur. In the area of application, local allergic reactions may appear, which include redness, rash, and increased itching. In this case, the use of the tool must be abandoned.

Advantages and disadvantages of Tsindol

Tsindol is a fairly popular remedy that has been used for the treatment of chickenpox for a long time. According to reviews of people who have used the medicine, its benefits include:

  • fast action. The very next day after treatment, many elements of the rash are covered with crusts. Within three days, the number of rashes is significantly reduced;
  • lack of staining. Unlike brilliant green and Fukortsin, the drug does not have a coloring effect, therefore it does not stain clothes and bed linen much. A thin white film appears on the surface of the skin, which is quickly erased;
  • lack of greasy spots. The suspension dries quickly and, unlike ointments, does not leave greasy stains on clothes;
  • availability. The cost of the drug is low, and you can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • shelf life. After opening the package, the drug can be used for a long time, until the expiration date.

According to patient reviews, the disadvantages of the drug are not so significant. The main ones include a slight burning sensation when applied to open wounds, so some children do not tolerate treatment very well. If the suspension applied to the skin does not dry out, it leaves white spots on the clothes (usually they are well washed and do not leave marks).

Other disadvantages:

  • the possibility of an allergic reaction. Often there are minor manifestations in the form of redness in the area of application;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • high consumption, although it is noted that the low cost compensates for this.

What is better for chickenpox - Tsindol or Kalamin? According to the reviews of people who compared these two drugs, after using Kalamin, the itching disappeared very quickly. At the same time, Tsindol does not have such an antipruritic effect, but at the same time it dries the vesicles faster.

In childhood, chickenpox is easily tolerated, while in adults the rash lasts longer and there is a risk of complications. Therefore, timely started treatment makes it possible to cure the disease without negative consequences.

Despite the fact that Tsindol is a fairly safe drug, you should consult your doctor before using it.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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