Suppositories for menopause from dryness and to restore microflora
Menopause brings many changes to a woman's life. The decline in reproductive function is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, which are caused by a decrease in estrogen in the body. One of the disturbing signs of menopause is dryness of the intimate area. This symptom brings many problems of an intimate nature: pain during sex, discomfort in the vagina, itching, burning, etc. If you start therapy in a timely manner, you can moisten the mucous membrane in a short time and forget about the problem. Consider in what cases it is recommended to use candles for menopause, which ones to choose and how to use them correctly.

Types of topical preparations
To eliminate problems of an intimate nature, hormone therapy is required. It is not at all necessary to take pills with hormones - the problem can be solved with the help of products intended for topical use. Below is a brief overview of preparations of various forms for the restoration of the vaginal mucosa with menopause:
- Vaginal suppositories for menopause: vaginal suppositories containing female hormone are used according to the principle of hygienic tampons. Candles are inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5-6 cm. With pronounced symptoms, candles are placed daily. After the normalization of health and the extinction of alarming signs, it is enough to use candles 2-3 times a week as maintenance therapy.
- Vaginal rings. A flexible ring is inserted into the vagina. It is desirable that the manipulations be carried out by a gynecologist. This product releases a certain amount of a hormone daily. Every three months it is necessary to replace the ring with a new one. According to the patients' reviews, this is not the most convenient option, since situations often happen when the ring falls out or causes significant discomfort.
- Vaginal cream. Vaginal creams are inserted into the vagina in certain portions using a special applicator. As a rule, this manipulation is recommended to be carried out at night. At first, it is recommended to use the cream daily, as soon as the symptoms subside, 2-3 times a week is enough.
According to statistics, most often women prefer vaginal suppositories. This is due to a number of significant advantages. This form of local hormone therapy is popular with doctors and patients. Ease of use and high efficiency are the main advantages of vaginal suppositories for menopause.
For what symptoms is topical treatment recommended?
Normally, menopause occurs in absolutely every woman aged 45 to 50 years.
In some cases, there are exceptions when menopause occurs earlier or later than the due date. Each organism is individual, therefore, the climacteric period is different for everyone. Consider some of the symptoms that require topical treatment:
- Dryness in the vagina, sometimes accompanied by itching and burning.
- Pain during sex due to a lack of natural vaginal lubrication. Often, after sexual intercourse, a woman develops microtrauma on the mucous membrane and a slight discharge of blood.
- Decreased libido, associated not only with hormonal disruption, but also with discomfort during sex.
- Urinary incontinence, such as when coughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects.
Additional symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, etc. When using funds for local treatment, the intensity of these signs is significantly reduced, since the hormonal drug introduced into the vagina is insignificant, but enters the bloodstream and compensates for the acute estrogen deficiency. In addition, some of the symptoms are interrelated. For example, by eliminating dryness in the intimate area, the psycho-emotional background of the woman is restored, and the problem with pain during sex goes away and libido is restored.
So, as soon as you are faced with menopause, the first thing to do is not to run to the pharmacy, first you need to visit a gynecologist and make sure that it is really about menopause, and not about any pathological processes. The fact is that some diseases and pathologies in the body can have similar symptoms.
At the consultation, the doctor will find out exactly what symptoms bother the woman, how long ago it started, whether any treatment was carried out, etc. As a rule, it is enough for an experienced specialist to understand that we are talking about menopause after consultation with the patient. However, to confirm the diagnosis and exclude pathologies, the doctor will prescribe some types of diagnostics:
- Gynecological examination.
- Laboratory blood tests for hormones.
- Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
- Examination of vaginal smears.
If necessary, other types of diagnostics can be prescribed. The sooner you go to the doctor, the sooner you will forget about the discomfort in the intimate area and return to your usual way of life.
How to choose candles?
Today, pharmacological companies offer a huge variety of vaginal suppositories, however, not all of them are effective in menopause. Let's consider some types of candles:
- With estrogens. Vaginal suppositories contain a female hormone - estrogen or its analogues. Hormonal suppositories for menopause help to eliminate the deficiency and eliminate problems of an intimate nature: dryness, itching and burning inside the vagina, pain during sex, urinary incontinence, etc. In addition, topical hormonal drugs help normalize the acidity in the vagina and stimulate the production of natural lubrication.
- With lactic acid. Suppositories with lactic acid are effective in killing acid-sensitive microorganisms and those that are opportunistic. Suppositories are actively used for colpitis, vaginitis, etc.
- With lactobacilli. Suppositories with lactobacilli allow good bacteria to be colonized on the mucous membrane, which actively multiply and displace pathogenic microorganisms such as staphylococci, streptococci, etc. Suppositories help to normalize the microflora in the intimate place and normalize the acidity level, however, they do not cope with the main problem with menopause - dryness in the intimate area.
With menopause, the restoration of the vaginal microflora is most effective with the help of vaginal suppositories containing estrogen. This is due to the fact that all the uncomfortable sensations in the intimate area are caused precisely by the deficiency of estrogen. The use of vaginal suppositories for menopause with hormone content replenishes the deficit, normalizes the acidity of the vagina, strengthens the walls of the vagina, makes them more elastic and elastic, and also stimulates the production of natural lubrication in the vagina.
For this reason, the violation of the microflora of the vagina during menopause is preferably treated with suppositories containing a hormone, such as estriol (Ovestin drug). You can buy it at almost any pharmacy.

Vaginal suppositories Ovestin
This drug contains estriol (an analogue of estrogen). The tool has been known on the Russian pharmaceutical market for over 25 years. Ovestin candles with menopause will help relieve a woman of a complex of intimate problems. Treatment with suppositories for menopause in women leads to the following results:
- There is a restoration of the vaginal mucosa.
- The acidity level of the vagina returns to normal.
- The production of natural lubrication is stimulated.
- The walls of the mucosa become more elastic and resilient.
- Improves blood circulation in the pelvic area.
- The process of urination is normalized, including problems with urinary incontinence in women disappear.
Ovestin suppositories for menopause from dryness have been clinically tested, and have many positive reviews from women who used this drug during menopause. Hormonal suppositories for moisturizing the intimate zone with menopause, acting on the cause - estrogen deficiency - cope with the task and alleviate the woman's condition, in contrast to non-hormonal local drugs.
How to use Ovestin vaginal suppositories correctly
Before using candles, it is necessary to carry out standard hygiene procedures. Suppositories are released from the packaging and inserted into the vagina, about 5-6 cm. It is most effective to carry out this manipulation at night, 1 candle per day. At first, candles are used daily. Once the condition has improved, 2 applications per week are sufficient as maintenance therapy.
Climax is an inevitable process in the life of every woman. Dryness in the intimate area, burning, pain during sex, etc. - all these symptoms can be easily eliminated with proper treatment. In no case do not try to solve problems with folk remedies and self-medication - this is not only ineffective, but can also lead to an aggravation of the situation. Don't become self-contained and don't try to come to terms with disturbing symptoms. See your doctor as soon as the first symptoms of menopause appear. Be healthy!
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