Taibo is a complex of physical exercises that includes elements of martial arts such as punches and kicks, which has become popular since 1990. Taibo training was developed by American taekwondo athlete Billy Blank and was one of the first integrated combat fitness programs to receive great commercial success around the world.

In taibo classes, elements of combat movements are used at a fast pace, and the main principles are self-improvement, spiritual and physical calm, awareness of oneself and the world.
Taibo classes are held all over the world today and are very popular with people of all ages. According to reviews, taibo includes punches and kicks, like in karate, but taibo classes are not aimed at teaching self-defense. There are no throws, grabs and blows, no sparring is practiced and strikes are not practiced.
This type of workout enhances the effect of fitness, includes movements from step aerobics and various dance styles, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the whole body. Trainings are conducted with fast and energetic music, and the creator of the complex recommends practicing taibo to the rhythms of hip-hop.
Workouts take place at a high pace and intensity, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, develops strength, muscle endurance and flexibility.
Benefits of practicing tibo
Taibo was developed as an alternative to aerobics and cardio training that focuses on achieving peace of mind, enlightening the mind, and developing physical strength and endurance. Thus, the benefits of taibo lie not only in achieving good physical shape, but also in achieving peace of mind and harmony with the outside world.
According to reviews, taibo not only develops body musculature, but also improves balance, flexibility, coordination and cardiovascular function.
The elements of taekwondo included in taibo classes help in developing self-awareness and adding self-confidence. The elements of martial arts combined with boxing punches and dance movements cooperate with the work of the mind and body, increase mental and physical performance, improve coordination, accuracy and speed.
The most attractive aspect of exercising is the effectiveness of tibo for weight loss. An hour's workout of taibo burns between 500 and 800 kcal, while traditional aerobics helps to burn no more than 400 kcal during the same training period.
The effectiveness of taibo for weight loss is due to the intensity of training, which leads to the production of sweat and weight loss at a faster rate, provided that the training is carried out at least three times a week.
People of all ages and even pregnant women can do taibo, but it is better to consult a doctor before starting workouts, since large and intense loads are not useful for everyone.

Taibo for girls is a way to lose weight quickly without much change in the diet and strict diets. When you stop taibo training for girls, there are no problems with a sharp set of lost weight, it does not return for a long period of time.
Taibo classes can be done in two ways. The easiest way is to choose any sports center where there is a specialized trainer who has completed courses in taibo techniques and has a clear understanding of all the elements and basic principles of this fitness complex.
The second way is that the creator of the tibo complex Billy Blanca, back in 1995, released a dozen video tutorials that you can watch and practice without leaving your home.
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