Fitness for the face Revitonika is a physiological method for restoring the architectonics of the neck and face. It is based on the principle of regulation of the facial and skeletal muscles.

Reviews of Revitonika confirm the fact that it is a worthy alternative to plastic surgery, and in some cases, for example, when reconstructing the chin, lengthening the neck and forming a young jaw angle, Revitonika is more effective than plastic surgery.
The Revitonika complex includes techniques and exercises for systematic work at home. Thanks to such exercises, the process of rejuvenation is started, the disturbed functions of the body are restored. Those involved in Revitonics work independently to align the balance of the back and front surfaces of the body, establish face and neck lifting, as well as lymphatic drainage. As a result of the actions taken, the capillary network is restored and the edema of the supracranial aponeurosis decreases.
The vector of the impact of the Revitonika complex
The Revitonics exercise system is aimed at:
- Removal of muscle blocks;
- Launching lymphatic drainage of the tissues of the neck and face;
- Recovery of neck and posture statics;
- Working with a group of facial and chewing muscles;
- Activation of blood flow in the capillary network.
The Revitonika complex is a real catalyst for changing world views on the aging process of the face and neck. The proposed system of exercises and knowledge gives any woman a unique opportunity to solve her individual problems, whether it be fine wrinkles in her youth, or the revival of the whole face at a more mature age.
This versatility is explained by the fact that Revitonics exercises are developed taking into account the knowledge of biohydraulics, biomechanics and the key principles of osteopathy. The method is based on "reverse" osteopathic principles of work, they follow the body's natural self-regulation system and help to relieve muscle clamps and blocks.
Indirect (or reverse) treatment techniques are absolutely safe, because they are built into the system for regulating the balance of the human body at the local and global levels. They do not "tell" the body where and what to "move", the purpose of such techniques is to follow the deformation and help the body to untangle its "knot".
Anatomical base of Revitoniki
The fascia system, which supports and unites all tissues of the face and body, is in the focus of Revitonika's facial fitness. According to anatomy, the human body is structured just by connective tissue (microfibrils and fascia), its specific gravity is 70%. This implies the importance of the fascial system for human beauty and health.
The fascia controls the tension of the muscles and entangles the entire body, while uniting the head and face with all, even distant areas. Thanks to the understanding of these internal relationships, it is possible to find out not only the reasons for many age-related changes, but also to model the face, change its shape and features, participate in the process of tightening its contour and in rejuvenation.
According to the Revitonics principle ("the body is one"), the face is an extension of the trunk, that is, the main reason for its age-related changes is the imbalance of skeletal muscles, back and front surfaces of the body (posture, neck static, the state of the musculoskeletal system).
Skin changes (wrinkles, folds, sagging) are caused by the effects of deforming skull bones and aging muscles. Therefore, those who decide to perform the Revitonics exercises should know that the real reasons causing age-related changes in facial features are deformations of the entire musculoskeletal system.
For example, the main culprit for the formation of a double chin and facial puffiness is very often hypertonicity (spasm) of the occipital muscles, which disrupts the outflow of fluid media, and they accumulate in the tissues.

By restoring the posture and statics of the neck, lymph flow and blood flow, working on the balance of the fascia tension, it is possible to give a new stimulus to the body's self-regulation mechanisms, which will get rid of most of the "age-related" defects.
The Revitonics method, according to reviews, gives excellent results not only for tightening the muscles of the face, body shaping and lengthening the neck, but also improves well-being: the trainees talk about normalizing blood pressure, improving vision and note a decrease in headaches.
Thus, Revitonica is the only unique facial fitness system with the following features:
- Scientific validity and experimental evidence (hence health safety);
- The uniqueness of the algorithm for performing special exercises aimed at modeling the neck and face;
- Revitonics is based on the natural abilities of the human body for self-rejuvenation and self-healing.
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