Instructions for use:
- 1. Release form and composition
- 2. Indications for use
- 3. Contraindications
- 4. Method of application and dosage
- 5. Side effects
- 6. Special instructions
- 7. Drug interactions
- 8. Analogs
- 9. Terms and conditions of storage
- 10. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Laferon-PharmBiotek is a drug with antiviral, immunomodulatory and antitumor activity.
Release form and composition
Laferon-PharmBiotek is available in three dosage forms:
- Rectal suppositories: from light yellow to white, cylindrical with a pointed end, of uniform consistency (in blisters, 5 pcs., 2 packages in a cardboard box);
- Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for injection: amorphous white powder, readily soluble in water, with a residual moisture content of up to 5%; the resulting solution is non-opalescent, transparent, sterile, pH 6-7.5 (in vials, 1, 5, 10 vials in plastic cassettes, 1 cassette in a cardboard box, complete with or without solvent);
- Lyophilized powder for the preparation of nasal drops (in vials, 1 bottle in a cardboard box).
1 suppository contains:
- Active substance: human interferon alpha-2b - 0.5, 1, 3 million IU (International Units);
- Auxiliary components: polysorbate-80, ascorbic acid, solid fat.
The composition of 1 vial of lyophilisate for preparation of solution for injection includes:
- Active substance: recombinant human interferon alpha-2b - 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 18 million IU;
- Auxiliary components: sodium chloride - 9 mg, dextran-70 - 5 mg.
The composition of 1 bottle of lyophilized powder for the preparation of nasal drops includes:
- Active substance: human interferon alpha-2b - 1 million IU (after dissolving the powder, 1 ml of drops contains about 0.2 million IU of interferon);
- Auxiliary components: sodium chloride - 9 mg, dextran-70 - 5 mg, anhydrous disodium hydrogen phosphate - 0.144 mg, anhydrous potassium dihydrogen phosphate - 0.025 mg.
Indications for use
Laferon-PharmBiotek injection solution is used as monotherapy and as part of the complex treatment of various viral-bacterial and viral infections:
- Viral hepatitis B and C;
- Viral, bacterial and mixed infections (acute course), incl. in newborns;
- Septic diseases of bacterial and viral etiology (acute and chronic course), including sepsis in dissiminated forms;
- Multiple sclerosis;
- Infections of various localization caused by the herpes simplex virus: herpetic keratouveitis and keratoconjunctivitis, genital herpes, shingles, multiple herpetic skin rashes;
- Laryngeal papillomatosis;
- Urogenital chlamydia (chronic course);
- Nervous system disorders, accompanied by poly- and mono-radicular pain syndromes;
- Malignant neoplasms: multiple myeloma, Kaposi's sarcoma, melanoma of the skin and eyes, kidney, ovarian, urinary bladder, breast cancer;
- Hemoblastosis: chronic myeloid leukemia, hairy cell leukemia, non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma.
Laferon-PharmBiotek in the form of rectal suppositories is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital and respiratory tract, intrauterine infections, cervical dysplasia, viral hepatitis, sepsis, meningitis, childhood viral infectious diseases (as monotherapy or simultaneously with other drugs). Also, the drug is indicated for the rehabilitation of children who are often sick.
Laferon-PharmBiotek nasal is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral-bacterial and viral infections in patients of all ages, including newborns. Also, the drug is used for prophylaxis with the threat of infection (in contact with patients, during the epidemic period).
Laferon-PharmBiotek in all dosage forms is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the drug components.
Pregnant women should not use the drug in the form of an injection solution; in the form of suppositories, its use is possible after 28 weeks of pregnancy after assessing the benefit / risk ratio.
Method of administration and dosage
Solution for injection
Laferon-PharmBiotek, depending on the indications, is administered intravenously, intramuscularly, intraperitoneally, subcutaneously, endolymphically, intravesically, rectally, intranasally or parabulbarly.
To dissolve the lyophilisate in a volume of 1 ml, you need to use water for injection, if it is necessary to obtain a larger volume, physiological solution.
Application schemes are determined by indications:
- Viral hepatitis B (acute course): intramuscularly, 2 times a day, 1 million IU (in severe cases, a single dose may be doubled), the course is 10 days. If indicated, it is possible to increase the duration of the course to 14-21 days or use 1 million IU 2 times in 7 days for several weeks;
- Viral hepatitis B (chronic course): intramuscularly, 3 times a week, 3-4 million IU, course - 60 days;
- Viral hepatitis C (chronic course): intramuscularly 3 times a week, 3 million IU, course - 6 months (as monotherapy or simultaneously with nucleoside analogues);
- Acute respiratory viral infection in children, including newborns: intranasally, 3-6 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nasal passage, the course is 3-5 days. Also, the drug can be used by alternately injecting cotton turundas soaked in a solution into the nasal passages (the duration of the procedures is 10-15 minutes). Dosage for newborns - 0.02-0.05 million IU / ml, for other children - 0.1 million IU / ml;
- Acute respiratory viral infection (including influenza) in adults: intramuscularly, 1-3 million IU, course - 3 days (therapy begins from the first or second day of illness). Also, the drug can be used intranasally - 6-8 times a day, 4-6 drops (0.1 million IU / ml) in each nasal passage (before use, the solution should be heated to body temperature);
- Pneumonia with viral-bacterial and viral etiology (acute and recurrent course): 1 million IU intramuscularly, course - from 5 to 7 days (simultaneously with antibacterial, detoxification and anti-inflammatory therapy);
- Diarrheal syndrome (acute course) in newborns: rectally, daily, like microclysters with a content of 0.1 million IU of the drug, the course is 3-7 days;
- Intestinal infections (acute course) in young children, accompanied by a slowdown in blood coagulation: rectally, 3 times with an interval of 48 hours at 0.01 million IU / kg of body weight;
- Multiple abscesses of the abdominal cavity, purulent-septic diseases, peritonitis: intravenously, once a day, 2-4 million IU, course dose - 12-16 million IU. Laferon-PharmBiotek in the same dose can be simultaneously administered endolymphatically;
- Shingles: intramuscularly, daily, 1 million IU simultaneously with subcutaneous injection around the rash zone (at several points) 2 million IU in 5 ml of saline, course - from 5 to 7 days;
- Skin herpetic eruptions: subcutaneously (around the focus) or intramuscularly, 2 million IU daily (therapy can be combined with applications to the area affected by herpes);
- Genital infections caused by the herpes simplex virus: intramuscularly, daily, 2 million IU simultaneously with applications to the affected area;
- Keratoconjunctivitis caused by the herpes simplex virus: application of a solution (1 million IU in 5 ml of saline solution) under the conjunctiva of the eye, every 2 hours, 2-3 drops, course - from 7 to 10 days. As the condition improves, the frequency of use of the drug is reduced (every 4 hours);
- Herpetic stomatitis (acute course) in children: applications simultaneously with intranasal administration, 4 times a day, 0.25 million IU (1 million IU should be diluted in 4 ml of water for injection, 1 ml of solution is used for 1 application and intranasal administration: 2 drops intranasally, the rest of the solution is applied topically in the form of applications after preliminary treatment of the oral mucosa), the course is from 7 to 10 days;
- Damage to the nervous system, accompanied by radicular pain: intramuscularly, 1 million IU, course - 5 to 10 days (complex therapy);
- Laryngeal papillomatosis: intramuscularly (preferably perifocal to the larynx), 0.1-0.15 million IU / kg daily, course - 20-25 days. It is recommended to repeat courses with a break of 1-1.5 months for 6 months, then over the next 6 months - after 2-3 months. Laferon-PharmBiotek should be used simultaneously with A-vitamin therapy;
- Multiple sclerosis: intramuscularly, 2-3 times a day, 1 million IU, course - 10-15 days. Then, within 6 months, the drug is administered 1 time per week, 1 million IU;
- Melanoma of the skin: intramuscularly, 3 million IU per day, course - 10 days. In the future, for six months with a break of 1.5 months, the course is repeated. It is also possible to use a different scheme: endolymph injection 4 times with a break of 48 hours, 3 million IU of solution, followed by lymphotropic administration of the drug monthly for 4 days, 1 million IU;
- Uveal melanoma: parabulbar, 1 million IU daily, course - 10 days. The course should be repeated 2 times with a break of 20 days, the course dose is 30 million IU. If necessary, with a break of 1.5 months, repeated treatment courses are carried out;
- Kidney cancer: intramuscularly, 3 million IU daily, course - 10 days. The courses are repeated for 6 months with interruptions from 3 to 5 weeks, then during the year - with interruptions of 1.5-2 months;
- Bladder cancer: intravesical instillations of 5-10 million IU per instillation, course - 3-6 procedures, course dose - 30 million IU. Repeated courses of therapy are carried out every 2-3 months for 1-2 years;
- Ovarian cancer: intraperitoneally during surgery and over the next 5 days - 5 million IU in the drainage. In the future, Laferon-PharmBiotek is injected intramuscularly at 3 million IU, the course is 10 days (between courses of chemotherapy), the course dose is 90 million IU. Further, courses (3 million IU daily for 10 days) are prescribed for 1-1.5 years at intervals of 2-3 months;
- Breast cancer: intramuscularly, 3 million IU daily, course - 10 days. During the year, repeated courses are carried out with a break of 1.5-2 months, then - in 2-3 months (according to indications). It is advisable to alternate courses of Laferon-PharmBiotek application with chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
- Kaposi's sarcoma: intramuscularly, daily, 3 million IU, course - 10 days (simultaneously with the use of prospidin as monochemotherapy). The courses are repeated for 6 months (once a month);
- Multiple myeloma: intramuscularly, daily, 3 million IU, course - 10 days. The courses are repeated 4-6 times a year (once every 1.5-3 months);
- Chronic myeloid leukemia: intramuscularly, 5 million IU daily, course - 6 months (as monotherapy or simultaneously with small doses of cytosar and hydroxyurea). After achieving remission, the use of Laferon-PharmBiotek is continued as a maintenance treatment: 5 million IU daily, the course is from 10 to 12 months;
- Hairy cell leukemia: intramuscularly, 3 times a week (every other day), 3 million IU, course - from 4 to 6 weeks. After achieving remission, maintenance therapy is carried out: every other day, 3 million IU, course - up to 12 months;
- Non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma: intramuscularly, 3 times a week, 3 million IU, course - 12-18 months (as maintenance therapy after achieving remission due to chemotherapy). In case of partial remission, other chemotherapy protocols are shown with further use of Laferon-PharmBiotek: intramuscularly, 3 times a week, 3 million IU, course - 18 months.
Treatment of chronic urogenital chlamydia is carried out in two stages. In the preparatory period, enterosorbents and multivitamins are used in therapeutic doses for 14 days. Starting from the tenth day, an immunotropic drug is prescribed - thymalin (intramuscularly, every other day, 10 mg in the evening, course - 5 injections).
At the second stage, basic antibiotic therapy is carried out as follows: 5 days the first antibiotic, after a seven-day break for 10 days another antibiotic is prescribed. Laferon-PharmBiotek is used during breaks and after the completion of the antibacterial course (intramuscularly, 1 time per day in the evening, 1 million IU, course - 10 injections). During the use of antibiotic drugs in therapeutic doses, hepatoprotectors (Carsil) and antifungal drugs (Nizoral, Diflucan, Nystatin, Clotrimazole) are prescribed.
Rectal suppositories
The doctor sets the regimen of Laferon-PharmBiotek individually based on the clinical picture and dynamics.
Typically, the drug is prescribed as follows:
- Infectious and inflammatory diseases in infants, including meningitis, sepsis, pneumonia, intrauterine infections, acute respiratory viral infections (complex treatment): 2 times a day, 0.25 million IU, course - 5 days. If necessary, with a break of 5 days, courses can be repeated;
- Viral and bacterial infections (complex treatment): 2 times a day; children 1-7 years old - 0.25 million IU each, children from 7 years old and adults - 0.5 million IU each; course - 10 days. In the future, it is possible to carry out maintenance treatment according to an individual scheme for 1-12 months;
- Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections: 2 times a day; children 1-7 years old - 0.25 million IU, children from 7 years old - 0.5 million IU; course - 5 days. In a severe course of the disease, a single dose of the drug can be doubled;
- Mumps, measles, rubella, chickenpox: 2 times a day; children 1-7 years old - 0.25 million IU, children from 7 years old - 0.5 million IU; course - 5 days;
- Rotavirus infection: children under 1 year old - once a day, 0.25 million IU; children 1-3 years old - once a day, 0.5 million IU; children 3-7 years old - 2 times a day, 0.5 million IU; course - 5 days;
- Chronic viral hepatitis in children (complex treatment): daily 1.5 million IU / m² of body surface 2 times a day, course - 10 days; further - for 6-12 months 3 times a week;
- Chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract in adults (complex treatment): 1 time per day, 1 million IU, course - 10 days. The therapy should be given to both sexual partners;
- Dysplasia of the cervix (complex treatment): 3 million IU daily, course - 10 days.
Rehabilitation therapy for children who are susceptible to frequent diseases of viral and bacterial recurrent infections of the ENT organs, the respiratory tract, recurrent herpes of the 1st type is carried out in stages (single dose for children 1-7 years old - 0.25 million IU; children 7-14 years old - 0.5 million IU):
- 1-10 days: 2 times a day;
- 11-24 days: 3 times a week, 2 times a day;
- Day 25-38: 2 times a week, 2 times a day;
- 39-52 days: 2 times a week 1 time a day at night;
- Day 53-66: 1 time a week 1 time a day at night.
The total duration of the course is 2 months.
Nasal drops Laferon-PharmBiotek in the treatment of influenza and other respiratory viral infections are prescribed in the following doses:
- Babies: 8 times a day, 2 drops;
- Children 1-7 years old: 8 times a day, 4-6 drops;
- Children from 7 years old: 8 times a day, 8 drops;
- Adults: 8-10 times a day, 10-12 drops.
Typically, the duration of therapy varies from 3 to 5 days.
For prophylactic purposes, the drug is used 4 times a day, 4 drops.
Before use, the bottle with dry powder is filled with boiled water cooled to room temperature (15-25 ° C). The upper level of the liquid should be 10 mm below the opening of the bottle. After complete dissolution of the powder, the rubber stopper must be replaced with a dropper cap.
Side effects
Solution for injection
As a rule, injection of the drug is accompanied by the occurrence of a flu-like syndrome, which is characterized by fever, chills, headache, muscle and joint pain, and lethargy. These disorders are dose-dependent, and are usually observed only in the first days of therapy, then they subside and disappear. It is possible to stop or significantly reduce the severity of these side effects by prescribing 0.5-1 g of paracetamol 30-40 minutes before injection.
With prolonged use of the drug, the development of leuko- and thrombocytopenia is sometimes noted (dose reduction is necessary).
Rectal suppositories
Subject to the recommended regimen of Laferon-PharmBiotek, side effects are usually not observed. To stop or reduce the severity of the development of flu-like symptoms, it is possible to use age-related doses of paracetamol.
Long-term use of Laferon-PharmBiotek in high doses can lead to changes in blood composition (thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia), increased levels of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, sleep disturbance, fluctuations in blood pressure. These violations are dose-dependent and disappear with dose reduction.
Nasal drops
When using short treatment courses, side effects, as a rule, do not develop.
special instructions
Laferon-PharmBiotek in the form of suppositories can be administered to infants, including premature babies.
To obtain a single dose of 0.25 million IU, a suppository with an activity of 0.5 million IU must be divided into 2 equal parts.
Drug interactions
Laferon-FarmBiotek can be used simultaneously with antibiotic, hormonal, cytostatic drugs, which are used to treat viral-bacterial, viral, autoimmune and tumor diseases.
The analogues of Laferon-PharmBiotek are: Viferon-Feron, Genferon IB, Interferon, Laferobion, Alfarekin, Alfiron, Betaferon, Ingaron, Infergen, Unitron, Pegintron, Silatron.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store in a dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 2-8 ° C.
Shelf life:
- Rectal suppositories - 1 year;
- Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for injection and nasal drops - 3 years.
After preparation, the injection solution must be used immediately; a solution for intranasal use retains its properties for 1 day, subject to the temperature regime (at a temperature of 2-8 ° C).
Nasal drops can be stored for 5 days in the refrigerator, at room temperature in a place protected from direct sunlight - 2 days.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Available without a prescription.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!