General characteristics of the disease

If you came to the doctor and he diagnosed you with tracheitis, then there is no cause for concern here. This disease affects many people of all ages and is successfully treated without any unpleasant consequences. Tracheitis, with symptoms similar to laryngitis or rhinitis, is an inflammation that progresses in the lining of the trachea. As a rule, the disease manifests itself not as an independent disease, but develops against the background of other viral infections (pharyngitis, acute renitis, laryngitis).
Tracheitis - symptoms of the disease
First of all, tracheitis in children and adults manifests itself as sore throat, unpleasant sensations in the sternum and dry cough, which pesters a person especially strongly at night and in the morning. In this case, the following features can be noted:
- coughing fits are fickle and strong only in the morning. The rest of the time, a person needs to take a deep breath in order to provoke spasmodic reactions;
- the cough is accompanied by sputum production, as well as severe pain in the pharynx and behind the sternum, which remain even after the attack stops.
Acute tracheitis
This form of the disease occurs as a result of an acute inflammatory reaction of the tracheal mucosa to the action of viral, bacterial or viral-bacterial infections. The most common acute tracheitis, the treatment of which proceeds against the background of other respiratory diseases, is caused by pneumococci and influenza bacillus. Staphylococci affect the tissue of the trachea much less frequently. As for other factors that provoke the development of inflammation, among them it is worth highlighting:
- too dry or too cold air that a person breathes;
- general hypothermia of the body;
- some diseases of the heart and lungs;
- poor environmental situation in the place of residence or work.
The disease is characterized by severe edema of the tracheal mucosa. The inflammatory process leads to the release of a viscous secretion of a mucous or purulent nature, an increase in body temperature, migraines and a feeling of weakness. A sudden runny nose, which is soon replaced by a dry cough and hoarseness, is one of the clearest signs that a person is developing acute tracheitis. Treatment of the disease is difficult due to the fact that it almost never proceeds on its own, "adjacent" to the acute form of rhinitis and / or laryngitis.
Chronic tracheitis
If you do not pay attention to acute tracheitis, symptoms of the disease and other related factors, then, sooner or later, the disease will inevitably progress to a chronic form. In this case, the transformation process is accompanied by atrophic or hypertrophic changes in the tracheal mucosa. Like the acute form, chronic tracheitis in children and adults manifests itself as prolonged bouts of coughing and rather severe pain in the lower chest. The sputum has a different character. In some patients it is scanty and viscous, while in others it is abundant, mucopurulent. Note that regardless of the consistency and intensity of the discharge, it is almost always very easy to separate.
Tracheitis - treatment in adults
Since the disease most often occurs in the body under the influence of infection, tracheitis treatment involves the use of various antibiotics. This therapy brings very good results and is quite effective to combat not only tracheitis, but also other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract.
I would like to note one important point: in the presence of individual intolerance to the individual components of antibiotics or a mild form of the disease, it is recommended to abandon potent drugs. Treatment of tracheitis with antibiotics from the penicillin group is advisable in cases where a person has all the signs of an acute bacterial infection, namely: purulent sputum, chills, severe cough and fever. But even in such situations, it is better to use antibiotics in the form of inhalation. At the same time, you will ensure their uniform application to the surface of the tracheal mucosa and will be able to reduce the required dose of drugs. If acute tracheitis is mild, then it is better to abandon antibiotics altogether and take antiviral, antitussive, expectorant and antihistamines.
If a person is diagnosed with tracheitis, treatment can be carried out using traditional medicine. Currently, several more or less effective recipes have become known at once, but we recommend that you make the following inhalation: take sage and eucalyptus leaves, mix them with mint grass and chamomile flowers, add a few pine buds and pour the resulting mass with a glass of boiling water. Soak the herbal mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes and then pour it into the inhaler. Vapors must be inhaled for at least 10 and no more than 15 minutes.
Also, tracheitis, the symptoms of which often manifest themselves in early spring and late autumn, is well treated by collecting coltsfoot leaves, horsetail, primrose and plantain flowers. The infusion must be taken warm, half a glass a day, or gargled with it.
Tracheitis in children - treatment and prognosis

The disease affects children of any age, including infants. It proceeds against the background of acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and acts as an independent disease and as a complication after influenza or acute respiratory viral infections. The main symptom of tracheitis in children is a frequent barking cough that gets worse in the morning or after physical exertion, when the child's breathing becomes faster. The most severe attacks are observed in the first three days of illness. If you ignore them and let the development of inflammation take its course, then children may develop chronic tracheitis. This is especially dangerous in the case of a child's tendency to allergic manifestations, since they can provoke bronchial diseases.
How to treat tracheitis in children? Treatment consists of regular inhalation and heating procedures (mustard plasters, cupping and other methods). Before doing this, you should consult with your pediatrician in order to rule out possible complications and achieve the most effective results. With tracheitis, rubbing the baby's breasts with “Star” or “Doctor MOM” balms helps. It is advisable to use them from the first day of illness. The procedure is carried out twice a day, and the second time rubbing is best done at night.
Of course, one should not forget about disease prevention. Lead a healthy lifestyle, temper your children and then they will not be afraid of many viral infections.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!