Encephalopathy - Types, Symptoms, Treatment

Encephalopathy - Types, Symptoms, Treatment
Encephalopathy - Types, Symptoms, Treatment


Brief description of the disease

Encephalopathy - pathological damage to the brain
Encephalopathy - pathological damage to the brain

Encephalopathy is a pathological damage to the brain due to the death of nerve cells, which is caused by impaired blood supply and oxygen deficiency of the brain tissue.

Encephalopathy is not a separate disease, it is a collective concept that means various pathological conditions and diseases. Encephalopathy can occur in both adults and children.

Types of encephalopathy

Distinguish between congenital and acquired encephalopathy.

Congenital encephalopathy occurs due to the action of damaging factors during childbirth, genetic defects or abnormalities in the development of the brain. Birth trauma and cerebral hypoxia can be the causes of congenital encephalopathy. Congenital encephalopathy is also called perinatal.

As mentioned above, perinatal encephalopathy most often occurs and develops as a result of pathological conditions during pregnancy or childbirth. Perinatal encephalopathies include damage and pathological conditions of the brain, which occur during the period from 28 weeks of pregnancy to 7 days of a child's life.

Risk factors for the development of perinatal encephalopathy are premature and late childbirth, multiple pregnancies, taking certain medications by a pregnant woman, placental abruption, complications during childbirth, and the mother's age (less than 20 years old or over 40).

Symptoms of congenital encephalopathy are restless behavior of the newborn, frequent crying, inadequate reactions to light and sound, head tilting, bulging eyes, and frequent regurgitation. Symptoms of perinatal encephalopathy can be identified in the hospital. A child with such a pathology has a violation of the heartbeat, a weak or late cry, the absence of sucking reflexes.

If the manifestations of brain damage do not make themselves felt immediately, but after a rather long period, then they speak of residual encephalopathy. This pathology occurs some time after perinatal encephalopathy.

In some cases, it is quite difficult to diagnose residual encephalopathy, since in the perinatal period the symptoms of pathology are rather short-lived, and a relapse can appear after a long period of time. A relapse of residual encephalopathy can be provoked by infectious or inflammatory diseases, increased blood pressure, and traumatic brain injury.

Acquired encephalopathy develops in the postnatal period. There are several types of acquired encephalopathy.

Post-traumatic encephalopathy - occurs as a result of a previous traumatic brain injury.

Toxic encephalopathy - occurs as a result of exposure to the body of neurotropic and bacterial toxins.

Radiation encephalopathy - occurs as a result of exposure to the brain of ionizing radiation.

Metabolic encephalopathy - occurs with various diseases of the internal organs. At the same time, toxic substances that are formed during the disease enter the systemic circulation and cause metabolic damage to the brain.

Vascular encephalopathy - occurs as a result of chronic disorders of the blood supply to the brain.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy - occurs as a result of pathological changes in brain tissue due to cerebrovascular disorders.

Distinguish between venous, atherosclerotic, hypertensive, and mixed discirculatory encephalopathy.

There are three degrees of discirculatory encephalopathy.

  1. The first degree of encephalopathy is characterized by memory loss, irritability, headache, and restless sleep.
  2. The second degree of encephalopathy is characterized by fairly pronounced symptoms. The headache becomes constant, there is a decrease in memory, lethargy, apathy, and sleep disturbance.
  3. The third degree of discirculatory encephalopathy is characterized by severe changes in the brain tissue, the symptoms of the disease are aggravated. There are paresis, vascular parkinsonism, speech is impaired.

Encephalopathy symptoms

The symptoms of encephalopathy are quite varied and depend on the form and stage of the disease. At the initial stage, there is a decrease in memory and performance, general fatigue, sleep disturbance, lethargy. On examination, there is a decrease in hearing and vision, muscle tone, impaired coordination.

Electroencephalography is one of the methods for diagnosing encephalopathy
Electroencephalography is one of the methods for diagnosing encephalopathy

Severe brain damage leads to severe headaches, dizziness, vomiting and nausea, disturbances of consciousness, paresis and various mental disorders. Subsequently, there may be developmental delays and problems in raising children.

Diagnosis of encephalopathy

Anamnesis data play an important role in the diagnosis of encephalopathy.

Electroencephalography, computed tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging are also used.

Biochemical blood tests, urine and cerebrospinal fluid tests are performed.

Encephalopathy treatment

Treatment for encephalopathy focuses on relieving symptoms as well as treating the disease that has caused the brain damage.

In acute severe encephalopathy, hemoperfusion, hemodialysis, ventilation, parenteral nutrition are used. They use drugs that lower intracranial pressure and prevent the development of seizures. Also prescribed drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain.

Additional treatment for encephalopathy involves the use of physiotherapy and reflexology, breathing exercises.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
