Microcurrent Therapy - Reviews, Contraindications

Microcurrent Therapy - Reviews, Contraindications
Microcurrent Therapy - Reviews, Contraindications

Microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent facial therapy procedure
Microcurrent facial therapy procedure

Microcurrent therapy is a method of influencing the body using weak electrical impulses. Today this technique is one of the most popular in the beauty and youth industry. High efficiency made it very popular, although initially cosmetologists preferred not to tackle it, since light electrical impulses (up to 1000 microamperes), in their opinion, do not give any muscle contractions. However, rave reviews of microcurrent therapy have caused them to change their minds. It turns out that the mild effect of impulses is an excellent prevention of skin aging and is useful for both young people and elderly people. In addition, microcurrent facial therapy is completely safe and completely harmless.

Indications for microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent face therapy is done in the following cases:

  • aging prevention;
  • thin, dry, sensitive skin;
  • relaxation of tense muscles in hypertonicity;
  • impact on atonic, hypotrophic muscles in order to restore them;
  • pigmentation of the skin;
  • removal of fatigue and stimulation of blood circulation;
  • stretch marks and scars;
  • trauma, edema, pastiness, postoperative rehabilitation;
  • problematic, porous, oily skin, acne, comedones.

Microcurrent body therapy has the following indications:

  • atonic body skin, stretch marks;
  • atonic muscles of the buttocks, thighs, abdomen, chest;
  • vascular problems of the lower extremities, edema;
  • cellulite, body fat, correction of aesthetic body problems;
  • hair treatment;
  • rehabilitation after liposuction or other operations.

What are the advantages of microcurrent therapy?

According to reviews, microcurrent therapy can be compared with 10-12 hours of deep and restful sleep. The procedure itself eliminates the possibility of aggravating wrinkles or muscle damage, and the effect becomes noticeable after the very first procedure. The condition of the skin improves significantly, and if you do the procedure for several days, then the complexion changes noticeably, the skin becomes smooth and soft, like a child's.

The course of microcurrent facial therapy consists of 10-12 procedures. Microcurrents have a positive effect on the processes of cell metabolism, restore damaged cells, lymphatic drainage and blood microcirculation. With the help of the procedure, the intercellular spaces are eliminated from toxic substances, muscle spasm is relieved, and the production of elastin and collagen is stimulated.

This procedure has found application not only in cosmetology. Microcurrent therapy is widely used by physicians to relieve muscle spasm, as well as to treat hair loss, acne, skin pigmentation. In addition to the fact that micro-impulses relieve the patient of the main problem, they also contribute to the normalization of the secretion of the sebaceous glands and deep hydration of the skin.

The impact of microcurrents on the lymph nodes and blood vessels produces a persistent lymphatic drainage effect. The use of microcurrent therapy in cosmetology is especially popular for the treatment of bags under the eyes and puffiness of the face. Often, patients resort to the procedure to prepare their face for plastic surgery. And plastic surgeons often use microcurrent therapy during the rehabilitation period after facial surgeries (facelift, blepharoplasty) in order to reduce edema.

According to reviews, microcurrent therapy improves circulation in muscle tissue, as a result of which muscle tone is restored. This allows you to successfully use the technique not only for the face, but also for the body.

Tissue regeneration under the influence of microcurrent lasts several weeks. The optimal result can be achieved with a long course (2-3 times a week for 1.5-2 months).

Types of microcurrent therapy

In cosmetology, microcurrent therapy is divided into several types. The most famous of them are: microionophoresis, microcurrent face and neck lifting, reprogramming of facial muscles, lymphatic drainage, disinfection.

Disincrustation is a cosmetic procedure that closes narrow pores on sensitive skin. It is carried out using disinfectant solutions and galvanophoresis. The procedure helps to get rid of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the skin of the face is deeply cleansed. This method is used both in cosmetology and medicine.

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage - removal of excess fluid from tissues. It is known that after 25 years, the blood supply to the face deteriorates, which leads to stagnation of interstitial fluid, the accumulation of cellular waste products. Lymphatic drainage is used to correct this problem. This procedure ensures an even distribution of fluid, which allows you to effectively fight puffiness of the face and "bruises" under the eyes.

Reprogramming of facial muscles helps to restore tone and nutrition of facial muscles. This procedure is an excellent alternative to Botox injections. By acting on the skin with microcurrents, the muscles relax, which makes existing wrinkles weaker and prevents the formation of new ones.

Microcurrent therapy - impact on the body with weak electrical impulses
Microcurrent therapy - impact on the body with weak electrical impulses

It is possible to get rid of skin laxity, wrinkles, increase the tone of facial muscles by lifting the face and neck using microcurrents. However, this procedure has a small drawback - a high intensity of stimulation, as a result of which minor cosmetic problems may arise - deepening of mimic wrinkles, exacerbation of neuritis.

One of the most common types of facial microcurrent therapy is mesotherapy. This procedure helps to rejuvenate the skin, relieve puffiness, reduce scars and pores.

Microcurrent therapy at home

In the presence of appropriate equipment, as well as in the absence of contraindications to microcurrent therapy, it can be carried out at home.

First you need to purchase the appropriate device. It must have the following characteristics:

  • Frequency 1-300 hertz;
  • The strength of the pulse streams is 20-800 microamperes.

Be careful when choosing a device, otherwise you run the risk of acquiring a fake, the use of which not only will not bring a beneficial effect, but can also negatively affect your health.

Microcurrent therapy should be performed using a special gel. Today, many cosmetic companies produce such gels, so purchasing them should not be a problem.

Contraindications to microcurrent therapy

You cannot do this procedure in case of epilepsy, violation of the integrity of the skin, heart rhythm, in the presence of cancer, fever, cardiopathy, the presence of a pacemaker.

A contraindication to microcurrent therapy is also pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

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