Spanish massage

Spanish massage is a complex of massage techniques that harmoniously combine a variety of techniques aimed at achieving deep relaxation and restoring the elasticity of tissues and skin.
The founder of the Spanish massage technique is the Spanish scientist Enrique Garcia, who perfected the “Chiromassage” technique of his predecessor, Dr. Ferrandis, who founded the Massage School in Spain at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Enrique Garcia's new technique was developed at the INMASTER Institute of Manual Therapy and was called Hemolymphatic Drainage.
Spanish massage is based on a specific effect on the venous system and interstitial fluid, which plays an essential role in the exchange of substances between tissue cells and blood.
Being a fairly young system, Spanish massage combines not only the achievements of modern medicine and cosmetology, but also the techniques of Indian Ayurvedic medicine, yoga and Buddhist spiritual practice.
Spanish massage technique
The basics of Spanish massage techniques are:
- Inadmissibility of using two different techniques in massage, since some combinations can have opposite effects;
- A variety of techniques, which allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. Thanks to this, the Spanish massage technique eliminates the addiction to repetitive techniques, which increases their effectiveness;
- The inadmissibility of painful sensations, which is achieved by the skill of the massage therapist and his ability to master the plasticity of techniques. This ensures deep tissue penetration.
In addition to the healing effect, Spanish massage, according to reviews, brings a feeling of joy and pleasure.
Spanish facial massage
Spanish facial massage is prized primarily for muscle relaxation. This is achieved through a variety of techniques and an atmosphere that is created specifically for the session.
Stroking light movements with the fingertips are replaced by pinched kneading of the facial muscles (deep and superficial) or rubbing with the palmar and back of the hand. These techniques combine intensity and painlessness and involve relaxing actions on each muscle group.
According to reviews, Spanish massage brings not only relaxation and improvement of the psycho-emotional state. It improves blood circulation to tissues, lymph drainage and venous blood outflow. This leads to an improvement in the relief and color of the skin, an increase in its elasticity, smoothing of wrinkles, as well as a significant reduction in puffiness in, as a rule, problem areas around the eyes.
During the Spanish massage sessions, the face contour is lifted, as well as the facial contours modeling, which includes:
- Upper eyelid lifting with simultaneous eyebrow shape correction;
- Enlargement of lips (effect of "silicone lips");
- Smoothing the nasolabial fold area;
- Reduction of purse string and gravity wrinkles;
- Reducing the severity of the "double chin".
With pronounced signs of wilting and atony, Spanish massage, according to reviews, provides rejuvenation of the neck and décolleté area, and also gives a feeling of compactness and tightness of the face.
Spanish facial massage is suitable for pregnant women, which eliminates the characteristic swelling and swelling of the face.
Spanish body massage
Spanish body massage includes several unique techniques.

Myostructural massage technique, allows you to work out the deepest tissue levels - tendons, muscles, bones and joints. The main goal of this massage technique is maximum muscle relaxation, reduction of spasticity and stagnation in tissues, and improvement of metabolic processes. After myostructural massage, pain symptoms decrease, muscle contractility and joint mobility improve, and the general tissue tone also increases, which helps to slow down the aging process.
In myostructural massage technique, a large number of relaxing soft massage techniques are used, which are aimed at restoring muscle elasticity and improving blood supply to both the joint and the soft tissues around it.
The biovascular massage technique is aimed at eliminating the problems associated with vascular insufficiency. This type of Spanish body massage helps to improve both the lymphatic and venous parts of the drainage system. This allows solving both the problems of the cardiovascular system and many cosmetic problems associated with vascular disorders.
The anti-cellulite massage technique is aimed at correcting the subcutaneous tissue and local lipodystrophic changes in the skin, which most often manifest themselves as a change in the relief and color of the skin, as well as a violation of the elasticity and turgor of tissues. This technique includes a wide variety of massage techniques.
After surface stimulation of the skin's thermoreceptors and external capillary networks, there is a gradual penetration into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is the morphological substrate of cellulite.
Somato-emotional massage technique, based on the contrast of sensations, is aimed at strengthening the nervous system.
Lymphatic drainage massage technique is used when it is necessary to remove metabolic products and excess fluids from tissues.
The hemolymphatic massage technique is typically used to relieve prolonged stress, apathy, irritability and sleep disturbances. In addition, it is aimed at restoring local blood circulation and helping to lower blood pressure.
The neurosedative massage technique is also used for increased irritability and prolonged stress, the consequences of which are chronic fatigue and sleep disturbances. It is based on the stimulation of certain brain centers that can cause deep relaxation.
Neurosedative Spanish massage increases the body's adaptive capabilities and resistance to stress. The result is a decrease in the activity of the dominant hemisphere, as well as the release of endorphins, which have an anti-stress effect. This massage technique is based on weak, monotonous, slowly changing sensations that result in maximum relaxation.
Indications for Spanish body massage
In addition to the cosmetic effect, Spanish massage has a pronounced healing effect:
- To reduce edema;
- In the treatment of varicose veins;
- In the treatment of lymphostasis;
- To relieve stress;
- With reduced immunity;
- In case of malnutrition of cells and tissues;
- To lower blood pressure.
Contraindications to Spanish massage
It is not recommended to carry out Spanish massage in the background:
- Diseases in the acute stage;
- Malignant neoplasms;
- Skin diseases;
- Bronchial asthma during the flowering period.
Cosmetologists recommend to carry out Spanish massage sessions no more than 3 times a week for a course of 10-12 sessions.
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