Jogging - Benefits, Technique, How To Prepare The Body

Jogging - Benefits, Technique, How To Prepare The Body
Jogging - Benefits, Technique, How To Prepare The Body


Jogging Technique
Jogging Technique

For active people who want to keep their bodies in good shape, jogging or jogging is one of the most beneficial types of physical activity. It helps not only to lose weight and strengthen the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, but also improves mood and gives pleasure from training, so absolutely everyone can practice this type of running.

When starting morning or evening jogging, you need to familiarize yourself with the features and running technique, since its effectiveness depends on the correct execution.

The benefits of jogging

The benefits of running load are varied, but the following main points can be highlighted:

  • Positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems. Thanks to running, their rhythmic work is getting better. This is due to the fact that during a run, a person constantly overcomes the gravity of the Earth, jumping and then lowering in an upright position. In this case, the blood flow in the vessels enters into resonance with running and also "sways", gradually opening the capillaries, which were "asleep" before. Due to the large number of dilated vessels, microcirculation increases, which activates the work of the internal secretion organs. The increased flow of hormones reaches the most distant cells and improves their work;
  • Heart health benefits of jogging As a result of training, the number of heart contractions decreases, the heart works more economically and becomes more powerful, the pulse is normalized;
  • Antidepressant action. After 30 minutes of running, a person experiences a feeling of happiness, which is the result of the increased work of the pituitary gland, which produces endorphins. These hormones cause a feeling of euphoria and joy, produce an analgesic effect. Their effect lasts for 30 minutes - 1 hour after running;
  • Normalization of blood pressure (BP). With prolonged rhythmic training, the pulse rate reaches 120-130 beats per minute, peripheral blood vessels expand, and their resistance decreases. All this leads to a decrease in blood pressure, and with a low blood pressure - to an increase.

The benefits of jogging do not depend on the time of day, that is, you can run both in the morning and in the evening. Jogging in the morning naturally releases excess hormones, helping the body return to balance and harmony. Running in the evening helps to relieve the stress of the working day, relaxes, recharges energy and suppresses excessive appetite.

In addition, with prolonged jogging, calories are burned more actively, which means that it helps to lose weight and normalize weight.

How many calories are burned during jogging

If the average running speed is 7-8 km / h, then depending on the weight of the person, the following number of calories can be burned in one hour of training:

  • 580-600 kcal for people weighing 59-70 kg;
  • 710-750 kcal for a person weighing 75-90 kg;
  • 870-900 kcal with an excess body weight of 100 kg or more.

Of course, the calorie expenditure of jogging does not only depend on the person's weight. This indicator is also influenced by such factors as the speed of movement, the duration of the training and the correctness of the execution technique.

To find out the energy costs while running, you can use special tables or online calculators that take into account all factors as much as possible, and, therefore, will help to calculate the calories burned with almost 100% accuracy.

Features of jogging

Correct jogging implies a jog speed of 7-9 km / h, that is, a little faster than normal active walking. Nevertheless, it has its own characteristic features of the technique: "spanking" with a relaxed foot, or, on the contrary, a hard blow with the heel on the support. The main difference between this type of running is that the flight phase is shorter, that is, the period of the state without support is almost absent: when one leg pushes off the ground, the other just touches the surface.

Professional athletes often use jogging workouts to warm up. This kind of load is also good after injuries as restorative activities. Since the pressure on the joints with proper jogging is less than with regular running workouts, the risk of injury is reduced.

Athletes assure that this type of physical activity, provided it is of good duration (from 30 minutes or more), has a remarkable effect - the runner's euphoria, which is accompanied by a feeling of happiness, mood elevation and a feeling of lightness.

Jogging technique

Many beginners, starting workouts, pay attention only to their intensity and duration, but this is not entirely true, since an equally important point is the correct jogging technique. The execution mechanism differs from sports running: jogging is lighter and more free, with less vibration amplitude. The average stride length does not exceed 60-80 cm and can spontaneously increase only with an increase in movement speed.

In this type of running, it is very important to keep the body upright. The foot touches the ground with the entire foot at once, although it is not a mistake to place the foot on the heel, followed by a smooth roll to the toe.

When moving, it is necessary to coordinate the work of the upper and lower extremities as much as possible. The elbows should be as close to the torso as possible, and the bent arms should work forward. In this case, the hands are bent into a fist, and the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms are as relaxed as possible.

Correct breathing is of great importance in jogging technique, as, in principle, in any other sport. During training, it is necessary to focus on the extended exhalation. Correct hand work helps to control breathing.

If you follow these recommendations, jogging will only bring benefits, otherwise there will be no result, and the likelihood of injury will increase.

How to prepare your body for jogging

Jogging Burns Calories
Jogging Burns Calories

To prepare the body for running workouts, immediately before them, you should perform a number of general strengthening exercises, combined with various types of walking:

  • On heels and on toes;
  • Expedited and Regular;
  • On the outer and inner surfaces of the feet;
  • With turns;
  • With circular body movements;
  • With high hips;
  • With different hand positions (to the shoulders, behind the head, on the belt, forward, to the sides, up).

With these exercises, the body will prepare for the stress, which will help avoid unwanted injuries.

When jogging, you need to listen to yourself: if during training you feel acute pain in the ligaments, joints or feet, it should be stopped. In case of extreme fatigue, when "pricks in the side" or gets out of breath, you need to go to walking. Running should be fun, energizing and positive, otherwise workouts will quickly get bored and abandoned.

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