Calorie content of pepper

By the word "pepper" we mean both hot seasoning and sweet paprika and red chili. In this article, we will discuss the calorie content of bell peppers. The history of this type of sweet paprika originates in America. Ripe paprika fruits are brightly colored: red, yellow, orange. When unripe, the vegetable is green. It is at this stage of development that it is ideal for canning. Bell peppers are widely used in cooking. Many people love it as a salad, as a main course, and in soups. The question of the calorie content of pepper arises for those who are trying to get rid of extra pounds or just keep their figure.
Calories in pepper and its chemical composition
Pepper is a vegetable. The calorie content of pepper is low. The calories in bell peppers are least of all raw. There are only 28 kilocalories per 100 grams of sweet pepper. Sweet paprika salads are on the menu of many diets. This is not only due to the low calorie content of pepper. In addition, this vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Before culinary processing and even cooked, the product is a good source of B vitamins, niacin, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, retinol, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron. There is a lot of useful plant fiber in pepper, which helps to fight excess appetite and normalizes bowel function. There are few calories in bell peppers, but they are still a valuable food product. Of course, most of all in the composition of a vegetable is water (92%), but there is also vegetable protein (1.4%), and carbohydrates (6%), and even oils (0.4%).
Calorie content of Bulgarian pepper after cooking
The source of calories in stuffed peppers is primarily not the vegetable itself, but the filling and vegetable oil. Minced meat can be different. It all depends on your taste. You can make mushroom filling. Vegetarians will love this recipe. For this, onions, carrots, champignons, greens are used. The calorie content of pepper in one serving (100 grams) will be in this case only 89 kilocalories. If you like meat dishes, then make minced pork or beef. For the filling, besides meat, use onions, rice, herbs. In this case, the calorie content of the pepper in one serving will be about 180 kilocalories.

Baked bell peppers are another delicious and popular dish. According to the recipe, paprika slices are baked in the oven with onions and herbs. To improve the taste, the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese while hot. The calorie content of pepper in this dish is about 105 kilocalories.
If you want something a little more original, then try making bell pepper and chicken cutlets. The calorie content of pepper in this case will be 124 kilocalories per 100 grams. Minced chicken, finely chopped pepper, one egg, two tablespoons of flour are mixed in a deep dish. From the resulting mass, small cutlets are formed and fried. The dish is served hot with herbs.
The benefits and harms of bell pepper
Despite the excellent taste, the composition rich in vitamins and microelements, the low calorie content of pepper, this product and dishes from it are not useful for everyone. With caution, pepper dishes should be eaten by patients with gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, hemorrhoids, colitis. It is shown to eat sweet peppers for people with overweight, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, insomnia and depression. There are so few calories in pepper that it can be included in any diet for weight loss.
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