Calorie Content Of Corn - Boiled And Canned

Calorie Content Of Corn - Boiled And Canned
Calorie Content Of Corn - Boiled And Canned

Calorie content of corn

Corn is one of the oldest cultivated cereals, and its popularity in the diet of the population is due to the variety of products that can be prepared from corn and its processed products.

Canned corn - calorie content, benefits, dishes
Canned corn - calorie content, benefits, dishes

In 100 g of corn: calorie content - 120 kcal, proteins 3.9 g, fats (unsaturated) 1.3 g, carbohydrates 20-25 g. Glycemic index - 70.

Despite its high calorie content, corn is considered a good dietary product due to the presence of substances in its composition that can bind cholesterol and remove it from the body, as well as increase the burning of recently consumed fats in the intestines.

In the modern food industry, corn is used to produce:

  • Corn bread or baked goods;
  • Cornflakes, popcorn;
  • Corn porridge (wholemeal flour);
  • Corn puddings, baked goods, confectionery (fine flour);
  • Canned corn (for first and second courses, salads);
  • Corn starch (thickener, sweetener, raw materials for alcoholic beverages, vinegar);
  • Corn oil (from the germ of corn seeds).

Also, freshly picked boiled corn cobs are eaten during the ripening season. The calorie content of boiled corn is 100-150 kcal per 100 g and depends on the variety, degree of maturity and growing conditions.

Boiled corn is an environmentally friendly product, due to its property not to accumulate or retain chemical substances from fertilizers applied to fields in large quantities. At the same time, the calorie content of boiled corn is insignificant, and its nutritional value and healing qualities are indispensable in nutrition.

Corn porridge is prepared from corn grits, the calorie content of which must be taken into account when the porridge is included in the diet menu. Corn groats are low-allergenic, inhibits the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Corn grits are widely used in children's menus and for making cereals in dietary and daily meals.

Corn porridge: calorie content per 100 g of the finished product is 337 kcal, proteins 8.3 g, fats 1.2 g, carbohydrates 75.0 g.

Corn flakes, the calorie content of which is three times higher than the calorie content of the original product, are made from corn grits obtained in a special way. The shell is removed from the grains, the embryos are separated, the resulting cereal is boiled in sugar-salt syrup, the mass is flattened into thin petals and fried until crispy. Cornflakes are enriched with various additives - sugar syrup, caramel, chocolate, vitamin and mineral complexes. They are mixed with various finely chopped dried fruits.

Corn flakes: calories per 100 g 363 kcal, proteins 6.9 g, fats 2.5 g, carbohydrates 83.6 g.

Corn porridge - calorie content and dietary properties
Corn porridge - calorie content and dietary properties

Canned corn is widely used in modern cooking. Its calorie content is low, and it is irreplaceable in the preparation of some dishes and for various salads. When canning, half of the useful properties of corn is lost, but at the same time its shelf life is significantly increased.

Canned corn: calories per 100 g 119 kcal, proteins 3.9 g, fats 1.3 g, carbohydrates 22.7 g.

Corn dishes help to quickly saturate the body with nutrients and suppress hunger for a long time.

Slimming corn silk

Corn silk (hairs) are used in official medicine for the manufacture of various preparations. A liquid extract or infusion of corn silk increases the secretion of bile, helps to reduce its viscosity and specific gravity, accelerates blood clotting, increasing the number of platelets, and increases diuresis.

Corn silk is used for weight loss due to its diuretic and choleretic effect. An infusion or decoction of corn silk reduces appetite, stabilizes blood sugar levels and suppresses sugar cravings, thereby increasing the comfort of the diet.

To prepare the broth, it is recommended to purchase corn silk in pharmacies, where the product undergoes special testing; they should not be collected on your own, since the pesticides that are used to process the fields accumulate mainly in the fibrous tissues of the corn.

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