Folliculin - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Indications

Folliculin - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Indications
Folliculin - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Indications


Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Pharmacological action
  2. 2. Indications for use
  3. 3. Instruction
  4. 4. Side effects
  5. 5. Contraindications
  6. 6. Release form
  7. 7. Synonyms
  8. 8. Storage conditions
Folliculin packaging
Folliculin packaging

Folliculin - belongs to the group of hormones and their analogs and is a natural ovarian hormone (follicular hormone).

pharmachologic effect

Folliculin has an effect on the body, similar to the action of estrogens - produced by the ovaries and adrenal cortex of female sex hormones. Estrogens are responsible for the development of genitals and secondary sex characteristics in women. They promote the proliferation (proliferation) of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium). Together with Progesterone (the hormone of the corpus luteum), they take an active part in the regulation of menstrual function.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Folliculin is used to treat ovarian failure. According to reviews, Folliculin is also effective for the treatment of certain skin diseases (hypertrichosis - increased development of the hairline, acne, which is unusual for sex and age, etc.).


In case of primary amenorrhea (there has never been menstruation), combined with underdevelopment of the genitals and / or secondary sexual characteristics, the drug is prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections, performed daily or every other day, 10,000-20,000 units for one to two months. After the size of the uterus increases markedly, Progesterone is additionally prescribed for 5-6 days in the form of intramuscular injections of 5 mg daily. If necessary, courses of hormone therapy can be continued.

According to reviews, Folliculin is also effective in the treatment of secondary amenorrhea - the cessation of normal menstruation for more than six months in the absence of pregnancy. In this case, the drug is injected intramuscularly daily at 10,000 units for 15 days, after which Pregnin or Progesterone is prescribed for 6-8 days. If there is no effect of the hormonal therapy carried out, the course of treatment is repeated.

In case of infertility, hypo-and oligomenorrhea, the development of which is caused by hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the uterus and hypofunction of the ovaries Folliculin is prescribed immediately after the end of the next menstruation for 15 days intramuscularly at 5000-10,000 IU per day. Starting from the 16th day, if necessary, Pregnin or Progesterone is prescribed for 7-8 days. Treatment courses can be repeated, if necessary.

According to the instructions, Folliculin can be used for the treatment of pathological manifestations of menopause, associated not only with the natural aging of the woman's body, but also caused by the surgical removal of the ovaries. In this case, 5,000-10,000 units of Folliculin are injected intramuscularly every other day. The course of treatment is usually prescribed 10-15 injections. If the symptoms of pathological menopause occur again, then the treatment can be repeated. In this case, one should strive to use the minimum doses of the drug that ensure the achievement of a positive effect of the therapy, and be sure to take into account the patient's age, the phase of the climacteric period, the severity of nervous and cardiovascular disorders.

According to reviews, Folliculin promotes the opening of the cervix during post-term pregnancy. The drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 40,000-50,000 IU a few hours before the start of rhodostimulating therapy.

Folliculin side effects

Ampoules Folliculin
Ampoules Folliculin

Long-term use of this drug can lead to the development of uterine bleeding.


According to the instructions, contraindications to Folliculin are:

  • Malignant neoplasms in women under 60 years of age;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Endometritis;
  • Increased risk of uterine bleeding
  • The hyperestrogenic phase of menopause, i.e. the period during which the release of female sex hormones is increased.

Folliculin release form

Folliculin is available in the form of an oil solution, in ampoules of 1.0 ml (5000 U). The package contains 6 ampoules; in ampoules of 1.0 ml with an active substance content of 10,000 units, in a package of 3 ampoules.

Folliculin synonyms

Telekinin, Telestrin, Proginone, Estroginone, Estroglandol, Menformon, Ketohydroxyestrin, Ketodestrin, Ginestril, Glandubolin, Femidin, Folestrin, Estruzol, Estrugenon, Kristallovar, Estron.

Storage conditions

Folliculin belongs to list B. It should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place.

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
