Instructions for use:
- 1.wool
- 2.marsh
- 3. Contraindications

Chistets is a herb from the Yasnotkov family that grows in the forest-steppe, forest zones in mixed and coniferous forests, cultivated in personal plots for further use for medical purposes.
Distinguish between woolly and marsh chase.
Woolly chisel
Other common names for the woolly chisel are Byzantine chisel and hare ears. The chastets received its second name for the light edge on the leaves, which distinguishes it from other plant varieties.
The purse grows in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the Black Sea regions of Ukraine, Russia.
For traditional medicine, the leaves, flowers, stems, roots of the woolly purse, which contain vitamin C, tannins, flavonoids, and an alkaloid, are of interest.
The Byzantine herb has anesthetic, hypotensive, cardiotonic effect, causes contraction of the muscles of the walls of the uterus. Dry herb extract, liquid tincture and a decoction from it lower pressure, reduce the amplitude of heart contractions.
The roots of the purse have an antispasmodic effect, a decoction of them is effective for colic.
To prepare the herb infusion, a tablespoon of dried and crushed stems, flowers and leaves of the Byzantine cesspool is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for two hours and the used raw materials are filtered. With increased pressure and metrorrhagia (uterine bleeding), take one or two tablespoons of water infusion tablespoons.
A tincture is prepared from the roots: a tablespoon of chopped dry roots is poured with 300 ml of water, boiled for 3-4 minutes, insisted for two hours, the roots are filtered. They drink an infusion on the roots for intestinal and stomach colic, gastralgia, 125ml 3-4r / day.
Marsh purse
The plant can be found on the banks of ponds and rivers, in wet meadows, near swamps.
For medicinal purposes, the aboveground part of the marsh chase is cut off when it gives flowers - from the second half of June to September.
In the herb of the plant, coumarins, astringents, pectins, essential oils, flavonoids, organic acids, sugars, vitamin C, carotenoids are found. It has a sedative and anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates blood circulation.
They dry the stems and flowers of the cesspool in the air, hide them in the shade. You can store the dried herb of the purifier only in a well-closed container.
The infusion and alcoholic tincture of the marsh purse are used internally for the treatment of hysteria, nervous disorders, diathesis, gout, lichen, eczema, cerebral stroke, high blood pressure, stopping uterine bleeding, restoring the menstrual cycle.

Water infusion, when applied externally, promotes the healing of abscesses, wounds, cuts, bruises, you can rinse with it for angina, take baths to treat scrofula and other skin diseases.
To prepare an alcoholic tincture, 200 ml of vodka is poured into three tablespoons of marsh tea herbs, they insist for a week, filter. It is recommended to take the tincture two r / day, 15-20 drops each, diluting them with water - no more than two or three tablespoons.
To prepare an aqueous infusion, a teaspoon of the herb is brewed in 400 ml of boiling water, wait until the infusion has cooled, passed through a strainer. Drink infusion three r / day on a tablespoon.
You can not use the cleaner for treating bronchial asthma, hepatitis, chronic, acute nephritis, hypotension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, during pregnancy, with convulsive syndrome.
Despite the fact that the plant is not recognized by official medicine, before applying tinctures on its leaves or roots, you need to consult a doctor: the plant is poisonous and an incorrect dosage can lead to poisoning.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!