Insti - Instructions For The Use Of Granules, Reviews, Price, Analogues

Insti - Instructions For The Use Of Granules, Reviews, Price, Analogues
Insti - Instructions For The Use Of Granules, Reviews, Price, Analogues


Insti: instructions for use and reviews

  1. 1. Release form and composition
  2. 2. Pharmacological properties
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Contraindications
  5. 5. Application method and dosage
  6. 6. Side effects
  7. 7. Overdose
  8. 8. Special instructions
  9. 9. Drug interactions
  10. 10. Analogs
  11. 11. Terms and conditions of storage
  12. 12. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
  13. 13. Reviews
  14. 14. Price in pharmacies

Latin name: Insty

ATX code: R05X

Active ingredient: dry plant extracts (extractum siccum plantae)

Producer: Herbion Pakistan Private Limited (Pakistan)

Description and photo update: 2019-13-08

Granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration Insti
Granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration Insti

Insti is a herbal preparation used for the symptomatic treatment of colds.

Release form and composition

Insti is produced in the form of granules for preparing a solution for oral administration: brown, with a slight smell of menthol, cardamom, anise, coffee, lemon or chocolate when rubbed (in a sachet (a bag of three-layer foil), 5.6 g each, 5 sachets in each cardboard box).

1 sachet contains the active substance: thick aqueous extract - 0.4 g, prepared from the following plants:

  • White willow (bark) - 0.75 g;
  • Fragrant violet (leaves and flowers) - 0.1 g;
  • Vascular adhatoda (leaves) - 0.3 g;
  • Chinese tea (leaves) - 0.125 g;
  • Naked licorice (roots and rhizomes) - 0.55 g;
  • Eucalyptus spherical (leaves) - 0.035 g;
  • Fennel ordinary (fruit) - 0.075 g;
  • Valerian officinalis (rhizomes) - 0.1 g.

Auxiliary components: corn starch, menthol, sucrose.

In addition, the composition of Insti includes auxiliary substances that determine its smell: cardamom fruit oil, anise seed oil, coffee flavor (Coffee D-0818), lemon flavor (Lemon Lime S-8946) or chocolate flavor (Chocolate D-0970) and cocoa powder …

Pharmacological properties

The drug is characterized by anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, expectorant and antipyretic effects.


White willow contains salicin and tremulacin, which are associated with antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The adhatoda contains the alkaloids vazicinone and vazicin, which have an expectorant and bronchodilatory effect. Thanks to this, the drug promotes the discharge of sputum, increases the mobility of the cilia, has an oxytocin-like and excretory effect. Violet contains essential oils and Fridelin, which provide expectorant, antipyretic, diaphoretic and antihistamine effects.

Licorice contains flavonoids, asparagine and the glycoside glycyrrhizin, which provides the anti-inflammatory, expectorant and mucolytic efficacy of Insti. Theophylline, tannin and caffeine, which have a tonic, diuretic and astringent effect, have been identified in the composition of Chinese tea. Fennel contains essential oils and dipentene, which are responsible for expectorant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Eucalyptus contains essential oils (pinocarvone, pinene, eidesmol, cineole, myrtenol) and tannins that exhibit antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, mainly against streptococci and staphylococci. Valerian contains saponins, essential oils, ketones and alkaloids that reduce the excitability of the central nervous system and eliminate muscle spasms.

Insti contributes to a significant improvement in the patient's condition, reducing high temperature and intensity of cough. When applied, the symptoms of pharyngitis, tracheitis and rhinitis disappear very quickly. Taking the drug does not cause drowsiness and addiction, and its effect is manifested after 24 hours.

Also, Insti reduces the manifestations of intoxication (severe weakness, hyperthermia, sweating), which often accompany inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, acts as an antiseptic, increases productivity and reduces the intensity of cough attacks, and also reduces the regression of the acute stage of the disease to 3-4 days.


When taken orally, Insti is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and its effect appears within 30-40 minutes. The antipyretic effect of the drug is observed 5-8 hours after administration.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Insti is prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (with nasal congestion, headache, body temperature rise to 38 ° C, cough, pain when swallowing).


  • Pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
  • Age under 18;
  • Hypersensitivity to drug components.

The drug should be used with caution in severe functional disorders of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, as well as in patients with increased blood clotting.

Instructions for use of Insti: method and dosage

Insti granules are taken orally, after a meal. Before taking, the contents of 1 sachet should be dissolved in a glass of hot water. Drink the resulting solution slowly.

Usually prescribed 2-3 times a day for 1 sachet. The duration of the therapeutic course is 7-8 days. On the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to increase the duration of taking Insti.

Side effects

When using Insti, allergic reactions may develop.


Proven cases of overdose of Insti granules are currently unknown.

special instructions

The preparation contains sucrose (in a single dose - 5.13 g), which must be taken into account when prescribing Insti to patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as when following a low-calorie diet.

With an increase in cough, the appearance of purulent sputum, wheezing in the lungs, rhinorrhea with purulent discharge, tonsillitis and an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of Insti with antitussive drugs, as well as with drugs that reduce the formation of sputum, is not recommended (because of the possible difficulty in coughing up liquefied sputum).


Insti's analogues are: AnviMax, Antiorzin, Asinis, Antigrippin, Aflubin, Influnet, Influcid, Kofanol.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep out of reach of children at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

The shelf life is 3 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Reviews about Insti

Almost all reviews about Insti are positive when using this herbal preparation according to indications. Some patients have a negative assessment of the drug, which is associated with the need for further treatment with the use of antibiotics and other potent drugs.

Some doctors prescribe Insti to pregnant women, referring to its herbal composition. However, such prescriptions are rather controversial and require serious research on the side effects and negative consequences of the possible effect of the drug on the fetus. Some expectant mothers took Insti during pregnancy and claim that this did not have any consequences for the child, however, there is no reliable research on this, so the drug should be used with extreme caution during this period.

Price for Insti in pharmacies

The approximate price for Insti in pharmacies is 143-155 rubles (the package contains 5 sachets).

Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
