Haulteria - Medicinal Properties, Benefits, Contraindications

Haulteria - Medicinal Properties, Benefits, Contraindications
Haulteria - Medicinal Properties, Benefits, Contraindications


Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Chemical composition
  2. 2. Useful properties
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Contraindications
  5. 5. Home remedies
Evergreen shrub gault
Evergreen shrub gault

Gaulteria is a medicinal plant that has a carminative, antirheumatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, absorbent, stimulating, diuretic effect.

Chemical composition

Gaulteria (gothieria, deer berry, winter grass, Canadian tea, partridge berry, winter lover, mountain tea) is a low evergreen shrub, belongs to the genus of plants in the Heather family.

For therapeutic purposes, recumbent gault is usually used.

Methyl salicylate (from 90 to 99%), organic acids, gulterilin and formaldehyde are part of the oil of the recumbent. The specific mint camphor smell is especially strongly felt when the leaves are rubbed.

The leaves of the plant contain arbutin (an antiseptic) and tannins.

Beneficial features

Methyl salicylate, which is the main biologically active substance of the haulteria, has properties similar to the natural salicylates of the white willow (Salix alba). The plant's essential oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In folk medicine, it is used in ointments for the treatment of joint and muscular rheumatism, arthritis.

Since ancient times, medicinal teas have been prepared from the leaves of the haulteria, which were used in the treatment of headaches and throat diseases. Also, the leaves of the plant have a sedative property, they were chewed to relieve fatigue.

In official medicine, essential oil is used from the leaves and young shoots of the recumbent. Oil and medicines based on it (liniment "Sanitas", "Saliniment", "Naftalgin", ointments "Bom-Benge", "Kapsin") are used externally for joint diseases as anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

The oil of the recumbent has a warming effect and is used during the massage of painful areas of the body with muscle overexertion, sprains, lumbago, fibrositis, neuralgia, rheumatism, cellulite and skin inflammations.

The aroma of the oil has an invigorating and stimulating effect, improves mood, relieves stress and relieves fatigue, and also disinfects the room, saturating it with a fresh mint scent.

Indications for use

Lying oil is used externally as a carminative, antirheumatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, absorbent, stimulating, diuretic in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


  • combined use with aspirin;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • individual intolerance to the biologically active substances of the plant (due to the likelihood of severe irritation and allergic reactions).

It is not recommended to apply gultheria oil on sensitive skin.

Given that the plant is poisonous, it should be used strictly under medical supervision in compliance with the exact dosage.

Home remedies from haulteria

The recumbent haultery is applied only externally.

Plant oil can be applied as follows:

  • disinfection and aromatization of the room: 5–7 drops are added to the aroma lamp or air humidifier;
  • aromatherapy baths: 10 drops of oil should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of emulsifier (milk, honey, salt) and then added to a bath of warm water. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 30 minutes;
  • enrichment of cosmetics: mix 3-5 drops of oil with 10 ml of cosmetic (balm, cream, shampoo);
  • massage: 4 drops of essential oil should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of base oil (olive oil, grape or apricot seed oil).

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
