Reflexologist - Specifics, Responsibilities, Reviews

Reflexologist - Specifics, Responsibilities, Reviews
Reflexologist - Specifics, Responsibilities, Reviews


A reflexologist is a medical specialist who deals with treatment using modern methods of healing, which are based on local effects on biologically active points of organ systems.

Reflexologist - a medical specialist who treats various diseases by influencing active points - acupuncture
Reflexologist - a medical specialist who treats various diseases by influencing active points - acupuncture

History of the profession

In the 20th century, a group of European scientists worked to develop the most effective treatments for nerve palsy and used acupuncture. The treatment gave not only good results, but also revealed the cosmetic effect of acupuncture. A number of specialists came up with the idea of creating a comprehensive rejuvenation system using acupuncture.

The research was carried out in 1996 by the international journal Acupuncture. As a result, it was found that in 350 patients who underwent acupuncture, the general condition of the body improved, the skin became more elastic, and the muscles became elastic, some wrinkles smoothed out and blood circulation normalized. In some patients, a general rejuvenation of the body was observed.

Facial acupuncture has gained widespread popularity in Europe and the United States. Currently, scientists and medical specialists have found that biologically active points, which are subjected to acupuncture, help to improve the state of the body. During this procedure, blood flow occurs, collagen production increases and hormonal balance is normalized.

Various procedures for acupuncture, acupuncture lifting and other reflex procedures began to be carried out by competent medical specialists - reflex therapists.

A reflexologist uses acupuncture to reduce the signs of aging, normalize the nervous system, eliminate problems with the digestive tract and relieve stress.

The reflexologist, as a professional specialist in acupuncture, received positive reviews for effective methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients.

The specifics of the reflexologist's work and treatment methods

The reflexologist applies various healing methods, influencing certain points of a person. Reflexologists have positive reviews for the use of the most effective methods of treatment, which include:

  • Acupuncture;
  • Acupressure, that is, mechanical action without damaging the integrity of the skin;
  • Phonopuncture based on ultrasound and micromassage;
  • Apitherapy;
  • Microtherapy.

Currently, there are more than 900 known acupuncture points that correspond to areas and systems of the human body. By acting on these points, the reflexologist improves vital energy and generally strengthens the body.

The reflexologist treats neurological diseases, arthritis, vascular disorders, eye diseases, migraines, nephritis and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Responsibilities and professional qualities of a reflexologist

The reflexologist is engaged in medical activities in public and private institutions, including hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, scientific institutes, diagnostic centers and research institutes.

This specialist must have high knowledge of medicine and be able to provide emergency medical care.

The work of a reflexologist must be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on healthcare and sanitary and epidemiological standards. A reflexologist needs to know the basic methods of clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, the basics of social hygiene and medical ethics, theoretical and practical methods of clinical examination.

The main work of a reflexologist is prevention, diagnosis, rehabilitation and treatment of various diseases of a neurological, psychological, traumatic and pathological nature. This specialist not only organizes and conducts treatment, but also provides comprehensive advisory assistance.

In his medical activity, a reflexologist must observe medical ethics, correctness and attentiveness in relation to patients.

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