Laryngeal Cancer - Stages, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Laryngeal Cancer - Stages, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention
Laryngeal Cancer - Stages, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Larynx cancer

Man with laryngeal cancer
Man with laryngeal cancer

Laryngeal cancer is quite rare, accounting for about 2% of all malignant oncological diseases. Unlike many of them, in most cases of laryngeal cancer it is possible to establish a clear dependence on a carcinogenic factor, the main of which in this case is smoking. In second place among the provoking factors is chronic alcoholism, in third place is production that is harmful to the respiratory tract (woodworking, paintwork, etc.). The most susceptible to cancer of the larynx are men 60-75 years old. According to statistics from thirty years ago, women fell ill with cancer of the larynx 20 times less often; now the gap is narrowing, which doctors associate with the spread of smoking among women.

Laryngeal cancer does not develop immediately, usually it is preceded by long-term precancerous diseases. These include: dyskeratosis of the larynx (leukoplakia, leukokeratosis), pachyderma, papilloma, fibroma, cysts, laryngeal scarring as a result of illness or injury, as well as chronic inflammation in the larynx, accompanied by smoking and frequent alcohol consumption.

In 97% of cases, laryngeal cancer develops in the supraglottic or fold (containing the vocal cords) section of the larynx, and only 3% in the subglottic (lower) section. Cancer of the upper larynx is more malignant, characterized by a rapid course and development of metastases.

Laryngeal cancer symptoms

Symptoms of laryngeal cancer, especially early ones, are not specific, that is, characteristic of this particular disease, therefore, if one or two of them appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. As with many other malignant processes, laryngeal cancer is characterized by an asymptomatic onset.

The earliest symptoms of laryngeal cancer include hoarseness, especially for tumors of the upper sections. This usually does not cause much inconvenience, and the patient does not pay attention to the change in voice, or associates it with smoking. A long, persistent cough is also often attributed to smoking, although it can be another symptom of laryngeal cancer.

There is a sensation of a foreign body in the throat, first when swallowing, then there is a constant feeling that patients describe as a "lump in the throat." Signs of intoxication with tumor decay products gradually join: a general breakdown, sleep disturbances, weight loss. As the malignant tumor grows, the symptoms of laryngeal cancer grow, hoarseness can turn into a complete loss of voice - aphonia, swelling in the neck, in the area of the vocal cords often becomes visible, pain syndrome appears in the form of constant pain in the throat or ear, difficulty swallowing.

In the advanced stage of laryngeal cancer, breathing becomes difficult, purulent sputum appears, often mixed with blood, accompanied by a putrid odor from the mouth.

Laryngeal cancer stages

  1. Cancer in situ, or cancer in situ. The tumor is located within the mucous membrane, in one of the parts of the larynx.
  2. The tumor is located within the mucous membrane and submucous layer, occupies completely one section of the larynx. There are no metastases, the mobility of the larynx is preserved (the tumor has not grown to the surrounding tissues).
  3. a) the tumor invades adjacent tissues, but does not go beyond one section, b) the tumor spreads to several sections of the larynx. Single mobile metastases to regional lymph nodes are determined.
  4. a) the tumor has spread to most of the larynx, the larynx is fused with adjacent tissues, b) the tumor spreads to neighboring organs, c) a tumor with immobile metastases in the regional lymph nodes, d) a tumor with distant metastases.

Laryngeal cancer diagnosis

To diagnose cancer of the larynx, laryngoscopy is used - an endoscopic examination of the larynx. If signs of cancer of the larynx are found, CT (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) are done to determine the exact location of the tumor, its size, and the presence or absence of metastases. The cellular composition of a laryngeal cancer tumor is determined by a biopsy - taking a small piece of tumor tissue for examination. A biopsy is done during a laryngoscopy.

Laryngeal cancer treatment

For the treatment of cancer of the larynx, medical and radiation therapy is used, as well as surgical removal of the tumor. The choice of method depends on the stage of the laryngeal cancer. In the early stages - the first and second, the main method is irradiation.

With the spread of the process, combined treatment is carried out in the form of tumor resection, followed by radiation therapy. In the third and fourth stages of laryngeal cancer, laryngectomy is performed, i.e. total resection of the larynx, followed by radiation. Chemotherapy in the treatment of laryngeal cancer is used only as an additional method aimed at combating metastases, or in cases of inoperable cancer in the terminal stage to relieve the patient's condition.

Laryngeal cancer prognosis

Laryngeal cancer prognosis and prevention
Laryngeal cancer prognosis and prevention

With timely treatment of laryngeal cancer, the prognosis can be favorable, especially if treatment is started in the early stages of the disease, first or second. The five-year survival rate after treatment in the first stage of laryngeal cancer is about 94%, if treatment was started in the second stage - 87%. The prognosis of laryngeal cancer worsens if the tumor grows into adjacent tissues and organs, as well as the presence of metastases, especially distant ones, as this is a sign of generalization of the process.

Laryngeal cancer prevention

The main prevention of laryngeal cancer is giving up bad habits, primarily smoking. It has been established that if you quit smoking, drinking alcohol and take up restorative procedures, then even the already appeared cancer of the larynx in the in situ stage can undergo a reverse development. When working in hazardous industries, safety precautions should be followed and respirators should be worn. Considering that the signs of laryngeal cancer may not be too pronounced even with a fairly large tumor, when they appear, you should not delay the visit to the doctor.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
