The content of the article:
- Causes of lactostasis
- Lactostasis symptoms
- Diagnosis of lactostasis
- Lactostasis treatment
- Complications of lactostasis
- Forecast
- Prevention of lactostasis
Lactostasis (from Latin lac - milk and Greek stasis - stagnation) is a violation of lactation, stagnation of milk, resulting from excessive milk production by the gland and / or a decrease in the patency of the excretory duct of the mammary glands.

Lactation is a complex neuroendocrine process, in the emergence and maintenance of which many organs and systems of the female body are involved. Lactostasis most often occurs during a period when a balance has not yet been achieved between the possibilities of excretion routes and the productivity of the secretory parts of the mammary glands, synthesizing milk during lactation. The alveoli, in which milk is secreted, are located at different depths, each of them is connected to the nipple by the lactiferous ducts. Milk is excreted through the duct system to the nipple, in which the lactiferous sinuses open. If the process of removing milk from the alveoli is disturbed, milk stagnation occurs in a certain segment of the mammary gland, a so-called milk plug is formed. The tissue of the gland in the area of stagnation swells and infiltrates, induration and soreness appear. Pressure in the ducts and lobules of the mammary gland increases, which inhibits further lactation.
Lactostasis is a common pathology of the postpartum period, every third breastfeeding woman faces a temporary violation of the outflow of milk.
Causes of lactostasis
Possible causes of lactostasis:
- refusal to breastfeed the child;
- premature weaning of the baby from the breast;
- infrequent feedings, limiting the frequency or duration of sucking, long breaks between feedings;
- the narrowness and tortuosity of the milky ducts, due to the physiological characteristics of the body;
- anatomical features of the structure of the nipple, inverted or flat nipples;
- incomplete emptying of the breast due to sagging of its lower part with large mammary glands;
- excess milk production due to hyperlactation;
- incorrect latching technique to the breast, incorrect position of the baby during feeding, incorrect grip of the nipple by the baby
- feeding in the same position;
- squeezing some areas of the mammary glands when feeding;
- cracked nipples;
- lethargy sucking by a child;
- regular unreasonable pumping;
- tight clothes, wearing too tight bra;
- the habit of sleeping on your stomach, squeezing the mammary gland during sleep during lactation;
- excess animal fats in the diet of a nursing mother;
- mechanical trauma to the breast;
- hypothermia;
- too active physical activity;
- dehydration, insufficient drinking regime;
- a history of mastopathy;
- inadequate rest, nervous overstrain, frequent stressful situations that provoke vasospasm and narrowing of the ducts.
Lactostasis symptoms
Lactostasis is manifested by the following symptoms:
- discomfort, feeling of heaviness, overcrowding in the mammary gland;
- moderate pain when touched;
- the appearance of seals, less often induration of the entire breast, redness;
- local temperature rise in the stasis area;
- swelling and redness of the affected area, the skin in the affected area becomes taut, shiny;
- pronounced vascular network on the skin of a diseased chest;
- milk is expressed in a scanty, uneven stream;
- change in the shape of the nipple;
- slight increase in body temperature;
- deterioration of the general condition: weakness, chills, headache.
Diagnosis of lactostasis
Diagnosis of lactostasis begins with a physical examination, superficial and deep palpation of the mammary glands, measuring body temperature and collecting a general history. The picture of pregnancy, the lifestyle of a nursing mother is taken into account.
If necessary, the revealed signs of lactostasis are investigated in detail using laboratory and instrumental diagnostics: general and biochemical blood tests, general urine analysis, ultrasound of the mammary glands.
Lactostasis treatment
Treatment of lactostasis consists in establishing lactation through the correct feeding and expression regimen, massage, etc.
It is important not to allow a sharp increase in the amount of milk: reduce to a minimum (no more than 1 liter per day) the amount of liquid consumed during the treatment period. Since the use of warm liquid causes hot flashes of milk, you should abandon decoctions and teas that increase lactation, be careful with the first courses.
To improve the outflow of milk from the mammary glands, it is recommended to increase the frequency of attachments to the affected breast. Feedings are carried out according to the 2: 1 principle (two feedings in a row from the affected breast, one from the healthy one). In case of severe pain at the beginning of feeding, you should attach the baby to a healthy breast.
Particular attention should be paid to correcting improper attachment and feeding position of the baby. Feeding should be carried out in such a way that the baby's chin is facing the formed lump in the mammary gland, since during sucking, the lower jaw makes the most active movements that help to neutralize the lump. For example, if the duct in the outer lower segment of the breast is affected, the best position for feeding is from under the arm, with this method the woman is in a reclining position, leaning on the forearm and thigh. If milk stagnation is formed in the upper breast segments, jack feeding is effective when the baby lies on its side and its legs are placed along the mother's head. Feeding pillows or other devices can be used to find a comfortable position. Another way to empty your breasts well is to apply moderate squeeze and massage to the lump during breastfeeding.

To stimulate the oxytocin reflex, it is allowed to apply a napkin or diaper soaked in moderately warm water to the mammary gland. Expressing under a warm shower or in a warm bath is quite effective.
Massage of the mammary glands helps to facilitate the expression of milk, aimed at improving the outflow of breast milk, activating the work of the mammary glands, normalizing blood and lymph circulation in the area of damage to the mammary gland, and reducing pain. Massage for lactostasis should be done within 5-10 minutes before feeding or expressing, as well as after feeding.
During the massage, the mammary gland is lifted, retracted slightly to the side and supported in this position with one hand, with the free hand at this time, soft circular movements are made from the base of the breast to the nipple, paying special attention to the affected duct. A gentle tapping on the chest with the fingertips is added. Strong squeezing of the breast tissue during massage can help squeeze the milk ducts.
Expression of milk from the breast during lactostasis is carried out several times a day, before feeding and in the intervals between attachments to the breast. It is not necessary to express after each feeding, thus incorrect information is sent to the brain about how much milk the baby needs, and more milk begins to arrive. Preference should be given to manual expression, as the most physiological, gentle, least traumatic method of normalizing the outflow of breast milk. If necessary, the use of breast pumps is permissible. After emptying the mammary gland, it is recommended to apply a cold compress to the site of greatest compaction to relieve swelling and reduce inflammation.
Pharmacological therapy in the treatment of lactostasis is practically not carried out.
If lactostasis does not go away within 2-3 days, you need to seek professional help.
Complications of lactostasis
Under unfavorable circumstances, lactostasis is transformed into mastitis. The woman's well-being worsens, the body temperature rises, soreness and redness of the affected area increase, pain in the area of compaction can be felt when changing the position of the body, walking.
With inadequate therapy of the disease, non-infectious mastitis progresses, after a few days the infiltrative stage of the disease begins. The skin turns red, the mammary gland swells, increases, abscesses appear at the site of inflamed seals. An urgent visit to a doctor is necessary in the event of severe pain, temperature above 38 ° C, purulent discharge from the nipple.
With the timely detection of symptoms of lactostasis and compliance with all recommendations, it is resolved without any complications. In most cases, in the first few days there is a drop in temperature, the outflow of milk from the mammary gland is normalized, the seals disappear, leaving no negative consequences for either the nursing mother or the baby.
Prevention of lactostasis
Prevention of lactostasis during breastfeeding includes the following measures:
- training in effective breastfeeding practice;
- compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of a nursing mother;
- drinking the optimal amount of liquid;
- correct organization of breastfeeding;
- changing and alternating feeding positions;
- free feeding and unrestricted presence of the child at the mother's breast;
- wearing comfortable underwear;
- good rest and balanced nutrition;
- strengthening immunity;
- correct body position during sleep;
- protecting the chest from mechanical injury;
- timely treatment of damage to the nipple, engorgement of the mammary glands.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!