What is gingivitis

Official medical statistics show that more than 70% of the population of our country suffers from bleeding gums to one degree or another. One of the most common causes of this condition is gingivitis, an inflammatory disease that causes swelling and bleeding of the gums. Gingivitis in children and adults occurs due to the activity of bacteria, the active reproduction of which leads to the appearance of irritation and the development of an inflammatory process. If untreated, the disease progresses and causes more serious consequences, for example, periodontitis, which is fraught with tooth loss and prosthetics.
The most likely reason for the appearance of gingivitis is an unsatisfactory condition of the oral cavity, non-observance of basic hygiene rules. In addition, the disease is provoked by certain drugs, low immunity, malocclusion and mechanical trauma to the gums. Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of gingivitis, the treatment of the disease should begin as soon as possible. The urgency of treatment is associated with both the risk of periodontitis and the fact that gingivitis can be just a sign of a systemic disease (vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus, herpes, allergies, leukopenia). Accordingly, the sooner the cause of gum disease is identified, the higher the chance of avoiding serious consequences.
Gingivitis - symptoms of the disease
The manifestations of gingivitis depend on the form of the disease. Catarrhal gingivitis is most common these days and has the following symptoms:
- discomfort in the gums;
- smell from the mouth;
- decreased sensitivity of taste buds;
- bleeding gums while brushing your teeth or eating;
- swelling of the gums;
- increased content of dental plaque.
This form of the disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. The general condition of patients changes slightly, however, during an exacerbation, catarrhal gingivitis can cause a feeling of malaise and low-grade fever. We also note that acute catarrhal gingivitis, the symptoms of which appear during periods of eruption and change of teeth, is distinguished by pronounced signs of the disease, but it responds well to treatment. The chronic form is more dangerous, since the symptoms of inflammation are practically absent, which means that the treatment begins already when the bacteria lead to the development of periodontitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.
Hypertrophic gingivitis is a chronic inflammatory process that affects the frontal areas of both jaws and nearby soft tissues. In some cases, hypertrophic gingivitis in children is the only early symptom of endocrine system disorders and blood diseases, so its manifestations should be taken as seriously as possible. The characteristic features of this form are:
- a significant increase in the size of the gums;
- itching, bleeding and pain, aggravated by eating;
- bad breath;
- the presence of plaque firmly fused with the teeth.
In milder forms of gingivitis, symptoms are mild. Patients have practically no complaints or only complain about an unusual enlargement of the gums. For moderate and severe forms, pronounced signs of inflammation are characteristic, accompanied by severe pain.
Ulcerative gingivitis (necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis) - is a consequence of an untreated catarrhal form. The initial stages of the disease are characterized by: itching, swelling of the gums, slight bleeding. Then ulcerative gingivitis leads to the appearance of necrosis and ulceration, covered with a gray or dirty green coating. Patients feel severe pain when eating, putrid breath, complain of increased secretion of viscous saliva and sleep disturbances.
Gingivitis - treatment of the disease
Since catarrhal gingivitis is most often a consequence of acute infectious diseases (scarlet fever, measles, mononucleosis, diphtheria), the initial measures are reduced to identifying the cause of the underlying disease. Local therapy involves anesthetizing the gums, preventing secondary infections, and reducing tissue swelling. Catarrhal gingivitis in children is treated with steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin-mineral complexes and plant phenolic compounds. The latter are mild, non-toxic and have no severe side effects, therefore they are widely used in childhood and adolescence.
Treatment for hypertrophic gingivitis depends on the severity of symptoms and the clinical picture of inflammation. In most cases, the involvement of specialists from other areas of medicine is required (for example, a neuropsychiatrist, if gingivitis is associated with taking anticonvulsants, or an endocrinologist, if the disease develops against a background of hormonal disorders). Also, the doctor must take care of the elimination of local adverse factors - low-quality orthodontic appliances, malocclusion, dental plaque, bad fillings. When diagnosed with hypertrophic gingivitis, treatment is based on eliminating inflammation and exudative phenomena. For this, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out, hygiene products and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Besides,patients are recommended natural antibacterial drugs and astringents of plant origin - sage, yarrow herbs, a decoction of nettle leaves.
Ulcerative necrotizing gingivitis is characterized by tissue necrosis and the penetration of inflammation into the connective base of the gums, therefore, the treatment plan is drawn up taking into account the severity of the clinical course of the disease, the patient's age, the pathogenesis of the disease and the results of bacteriological research. Patients are prescribed an abundant drink, a diet rich in proteins and vitamins, antihistamines. Launched ulcerative gingivitis may require surgery.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!