Acropigmentation - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Acropigmentation - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Acropigmentation - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Acropigmentation (acropigmentatio; Greek akros - the most distant, extreme, high + Latin pigmentum - paint; synonym: acromelanosis) - hyperpigmentation of the skin of the distal (located further from the center of the body) parts of the extremities:


  • Subungual acropigmentation (acropigmentatio subungualis; synonym: Touraine subungual acropigmentation) - congenital acropigmentation, which is localized under and around the nail plates;
  • Reticular acropigmentation (acropigmentatio reticularis; synonym: reticular pigmentary dystrophy, symmetric hereditary acrodyschromatosis, Kitamura acropigmentation) - hereditary acropigmentation, manifested in the form of multiple network-like small spots;
  • Symmetric acropigmentation (acropigmentatio symmetrica; synonym: Matsumoto-Komaya-Toyama acropigmentation, Dohi-Komaya symmetric acropigmentation) is hereditary acropigmentation, manifested in the form of symmetrically located small atrophic pigment spots such as freckles on the red border of the lips, faces and distal parts. Symmetrical acropigmentation is found in Japan.

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