What to do if gums are bleeding?

It happens that a person, while brushing his teeth, notices: the foamed paste on the brush has turned pink - usually this is how bleeding from the gums is detected. What to do if gums are bleeding, and is there anything to be done at all? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to find out the cause of the bleeding. There may be several reasons, let's dwell on this issue in more detail.
- Number one of our charts is too hard or disheveled toothbrush, the bristles of which injure the gums when brushing teeth. What to do if the gums are bleeding in this case is clear to everyone - change the brush. In fact, this does not need to be brought up, and therefore it is better to change the brush before its working part has lost its shape, which means at least once every three months. It is easy to remember - the season changes, it is time to change the toothbrush, and it is optimal so that it has medium hardness, or be soft if chosen for a child.
- The brush is new, comfortable, and the paste on it is still pink. The second most common cause of bleeding from the gums is an incorrectly installed or depressurized crown. In this case, the gums always bleed in only one place. In this case, alas, it will have to be redone, and not easy, but it must be done as quickly as possible. Otherwise, permanent trauma to the gums can lead to the appearance of very unpleasant diseases - gingivitis, periodontitis, and in especially severe cases, even tumors.
- If all the gums are bleeding, then the reason is more global, and it lies in a violation of the general condition of the body. Bleeding from the gums is one of the symptoms of blood diseases - iron deficiency anemia, leukemia, as well as some rather serious diseases of the digestive system, in which the absorption capacity of the intestines is impaired, or the process of assimilation of nutrients from food. When asked what to do if the gums are bleeding, in this case, the answer is unequivocal: immediately consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination to find the exact cause of what is happening.
- However, it may also happen that you yourself can find a factor causing gingival bleeding. This factor is an unbalanced, unhealthy diet that causes vitamin deficiency and, as a result, increased capillary fragility. This symptom often accompanies dieting, especially when it comes to extreme diets. It is also found among lovers of fast food and other harmful substances that replace good nutrition. What to do if your gums are bleeding and you know the "sin" of improper nutrition? In this case, having discovered blood from the gums, you need to revise your diet until the fourth point flows smoothly into the third point.
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