City Dust: How To Protect Your Eyes?

City Dust: How To Protect Your Eyes?
City Dust: How To Protect Your Eyes?

City dust: how to protect your eyes?

Living in a metropolis has many advantages in the form of comfortable housing, high-quality medical services, developed social infrastructure and entertainment. But there is also a less rosy side of the coin - city dust and acrid smog. These indispensable attributes of large cities negatively affect the health of the population, causing a number of diseases of the respiratory system and mucous membranes.

City dust: where does it come from?
City dust: where does it come from?


Where does the dust come from?

Among the sources of the appearance of urban dust, it is worth highlighting industrial enterprises, thermal power plants, vehicles and construction work. After the snow melts, this “dusty cocktail” is supplemented by the weathering of the upper layers of the soil and chemical reagents, with which utilities abundantly sprinkle the city's roads in winter.

Thus, in April, the peak of air dust content is observed annually. During this period, in dry windy weather, residents of large cities are faced with whole dust eddies. Naturally, such an unfavorable environmental situation immediately affects the increase in the incidence of diseases in the population.

What is the danger of city dust?

The property of dust to absorb all emissions of harmful substances from the atmosphere guarantees the presence of radionuclides, toxins, and microparticles of heavy metals that are harmful to people. Together with dust, they penetrate the human body through the nasopharynx and eyes, creating preconditions for such serious diseases as asthma, pneumonitis, alveolitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis and dry eye syndrome.

Also, constant contact with dust masses can cause the appearance or aggravation of allergic reactions. Moreover, Spanish scientists have proven the relationship between the growth of cancer and an increase in the concentration of the carcinogen benzoprene in city dust, which enters the atmosphere with the exhaust gases of cars.

What is the danger of city dust?
What is the danger of city dust?


Protection methods

Ideally, in order to protect yourself from the harmful effects of seasonal dustiness, you need to travel out of town for this period. But, unfortunately, in modern realities this is impossible. However, every resident of the metropolis is able to minimize the negative consequences of interacting with a dusty substance. To do this, it is enough to follow three simple rules.

  1. In windy weather with an abundance of dust masses, cover the respiratory system with cotton-gauze bandages, respirators or medical masks. If you don't have any of the listed personal protective equipment on hand, use a regular scarf or handkerchief.
  2. During the spring, do a daily nasal rinse with saline (sodium chloride) or seawater (LinAqua). For maximum convenience, you can use drugs in the form of a nasal spray.
  3. Take care of additional moistening of the mucous membrane of the eyes to protect against mechanical damage from solid dust particles and the penetration of concomitant infections. For this purpose, special moisturizing drops are great. Their choice should be taken very carefully to prevent the occurrence of vision problems.
How to protect your eyes from urban dust
How to protect your eyes from urban dust


The subtleties of choosing eye drops

As a result of long-term medical research, ophthalmologists have come to the unanimous conclusion that the most gentle and natural action is produced by preparations of "artificial tear" containing hyaluronic acid. It is equally important that drops:

  • did not contain preservatives;
  • were hypoallergenic, that is, did not cause allergic reactions;
  • did not create blurred vision, ensuring that the usual pace of life was maintained;
  • suitable for people who wear contact lenses;
  • acted for a long period of time.

Preparations with such properties include moisturizing drops "Gilan". They have an additional advantage over their analogues - convenient use, thanks to special packaging in the form of separate unidoses with a dosage per application. Thus, with each use, you can be sure of 100% sterility of the drug.

Gilan moisturizing drops
Gilan moisturizing drops


If you do not take care of preventive hydration in time, you can face the syndrome of "red" eye. In this case, you should pay attention to drops of a wider spectrum of action. One of the best in this niche is SIGIDA crystal. It is able to quickly eliminate irritation and relieve redness in the white of the eye.

Sigida moisturizing vasoconstrictor eye drops
Sigida moisturizing vasoconstrictor eye drops


As you know, the best treatment is prevention. So do not forget to take care of the personal protection and health of your loved ones.

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