Impotence is not a disease
Sex cannot help grief, or why men treat their non-existent diseases.

Only 10% of men, when sexual dysfunction occurs, go to the doctor and, thanks to competent treatment, get rid of the problem. The rest prefer to independently treat non-existent diseases. And the problem is that impotence (erectile dysfunction) is most often not an independent disease, but only a complication of an existing one. Therefore, men struggle only with the symptoms, and not with their cause.
Impotence from "A" to "Z"
Erectile dysfunction can develop for several reasons. Most often, problems in the sexual sphere arise from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as from such serious diseases of the male genitourinary system as urethritis, vesiculitis, orchitis and, of course, prostatitis.
It is very important initially to make a correct diagnosis and find out exactly what actually causes impotence. In practice, it is not uncommon for patients to first treat urethritis or vesiculitis, and only after contacting specialists will they find out the correct diagnosis - prostatitis. That is, the real cause of the disorder is precisely prostatitis, which the man himself does not even know about. So, there is no point in swallowing potency-stimulating pills - it is useless. Only drugs aimed at the very cause of the disease can provide real help in such a situation. After all, impotence goes away by itself if the cause of the disease is eliminated with the help of effective and proven in medical practice drugs for prostatitis.

Prostatitis is the cause of male infertility
By the way, symptoms of prostatitis can be not only impotence or weak erection, but also other sexual disorders:
- decrease in the frequency of sexual intercourse;
- decrease in the number of morning erections;
- lack of pleasure from sex;
- lack of desire for sexual intercourse;
- "Worn out" orgasm;
- painful ejaculation.

Medicines for impotence do not cure prostatitis
Sexual disorders with prostatitis
Sexual disorders in prostatitis have a physiological basis. The prostate gland or prostate, which is not for nothing called the "second heart" of a man, works worse and worse, secretes less secretion, which negatively affects the hormonal balance of the body. Gradually, the prostate increases in size, begins to touch the surrounding nerve endings, which leads to pain during urination or during sexual intercourse. But wait for pain, in order to diagnose yourself with prostatitis, is not worth it. Inflammation of the prostate often lasts a very long time without obvious symptoms and pain appears only at an advanced stage of the disease. It is possible to reduce the volume of the prostate only if the edema and inflammation are removed by taking complex drugs.
But pain and sexual dysfunction is not the worst consequence of chronic abacterial prostatitis. In addition to sexual dysfunctions, prostatitis can lead to male infertility. After all, the juice of the prostate is involved in the formation of seminal fluid, which directly affects the viability of sperm. In addition, prostatitis can provoke inflammation in the testes - prostate vesiculitis. It is possible to relieve inflammation, resume metabolism in the tissues of the prostate gland, and normalize its functions only with effective remedies for prostatitis with a proven clinical effect.
"Magic" pill
Most of the drugs for impotence presented in Russia, such as, for example, Viagra, are stimulants rather than drugs. They give a strong short-term effect, but do not fight the very reason for the decrease in potency. Therefore, sexual problems quickly return to a man's life, and sometimes even in a more severe form.

Treat with drugs that have a registration certificate and are used in official medicine
Only drugs (not dietary supplements) for prostatitis can cope with this situation, which can stop the inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland and relieve swelling. Also, to normalize the "second heart of a man", it is necessary to conduct a recovery course for prostate cells after destructive and dystrophic processes in the diseased organ. As you know, dystrophy is the loss of the tissues of the ability to perform their direct functions, in this case, to produce a high-quality secret that is part of the seminal fluid.
In medical practice, peptide complexes have been used for this for more than 20 years. having an organotropic restorative effect. For example, various forms of the drug "Prostatilen", which includes peptides, glycine and other trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the prostate gland. Peptides reduce edema and leukocyte congestion in prostate tissue.
Glycine is involved in cell renewal and oxygen enrichment. It is also part of many hormones, participates in the synthesis of immunoglobulins, and plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system. Zinc trace elements prevent the development of benign and malignant processes in the prostate gland, contributes to the preservation of the integrity of spermatozoa, are necessary for the maturation of specific immune cells. As a result, in the first days of treatment with the drug "Prostatilen" pain and discomfort in men disappear, the mode and nature of urination are normalized, sexual desire increases, erection improves, the quality of orgasm increases. Prostatilen is a drug with proven effectiveness, confirmed by clinical trials.
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