
The medical term "impotence" in the usual sense for a modern person was first used back in 1655. With this title, the English priest Thomas Fuller (Thomas Fuller) described in his historical novel the male weakness of the young representative of the royal dynasty - Edward VI. Of course, the problem of sexual impotence existed long before the definition of erectile dysfunction was given.
Types of impotence
The types of impotence are presented in two main categories: psychological and organic.
1. Organic impotence is a state of male sexual impotence that grows over time and is caused exclusively by physiological reasons (for example, vascular disorders, etc.). Signs of organic impotence are either a very weak erection, or its complete absence. The most characteristic sign of organic impotence is the absence of spontaneous nocturnal and morning erections, which normally occupy up to 24% of the time of night rest in the male body.
2. Psychological impotence, as a rule, does not exclude the presence of spontaneous nocturnal and morning erections, but when attempting to have intercourse with a partner, the erection is either initially absent or disappears after a short time.
Causes of impotence
Experts divide the causes of impotence into several different groups:
- vascular;
- endocrine;
- neurological;
- medicinal;
- local.
It should be noted that all of the above causes of impotence are related exclusively to the organic type of the disease, that is, they are caused by deviations from the normal functioning of any organ or a whole system in the male body.
Medical practitioners argue that pure organic impotence is quite rare. The vast majority of erectile dysfunction is caused by psychosomatic reasons. This means that the inability of a man to have sexual intercourse is provoked only by the peculiarities of his psyche. As a rule, after clarifying and eliminating the root cause of this type of impotence (the psychological factor responsible for the occurrence of the problem), the male erection and the ability to perform a full sexual intercourse with a partner are fully restored.
Symptoms of impotence
Sad statistics on impotence disease indicate that more than 35 percent of modern men in the age group from 18 to 60 years old have disorders of the functioning of the reproductive system to one degree or another.
The initial symptoms include the following signs of impotence:
- lack of erection with adequate sexual arousal, as well as the absence of spontaneous erections at night or in the morning. In the event that spontaneous erections persist, and adequate erections do not occur, we are clearly talking about erectile dysfunction of a psychological type;
- weak erection. Factors such as a decrease in the number of erections during the day, the loss of the former elasticity of the penis during sexual intercourse may indicate, most likely, organic impotence caused by physiological reasons;
- premature ejaculation (erection failure). A disorder of the male genital tract, in which ejaculation occurs before the insertion of the penis and the onset of frictions, is usually a sure sign of venous disorder.
Modern scientists have proven that in more than 90% of cases, erectile dysfunction is associated to some extent with psychological factors and only 10% of cases of impotence are actually caused by organic disorders.
Impotence treatment
The causes of impotence, as described above, can be very diverse. But only after a thorough examination of the body and clarification of the specific reason responsible for the loss of male potency, the expediency of this or that method of treating erectile dysfunction is determined.
The main methods of treating impotence used today in medical institutions:
1. Psychotherapeutic method. It is used for psychogenic impotence, and in addition, as a symptomatic treatment in the recovery period after the treatment of organic sexual disorders.

2. Method of vibration stimulation. This is a modern safe analogue of pills for impotence. Stimulation is performed using a special device - a vibration stimulator, for example, of the Viberect brand. By touching the head of the penis, the device activates thousands of sensitive receptors located on it with the help of high-frequency vibration, which results in a reflex erection. The method is relevant for all types of male sexual disorders, including impotence caused by impaired conduction of nerve connections. As for psychogenic erectile dysfunction, vibration stimulation copes with this ailment especially quickly and effectively. The positive effect in this case is due to the elimination of the anxious expectation of failure syndrome. Using the apparatus, a man is convinced over and over again that everything is in order with his erection, obsessive fears of "misfire "disappear. Gradually the anxiety before intercourse subsides, and an erection begins to appear already without Viberect.
3. Vacuum method. This method is a mechanical stimulation of the penis and, with all its disadvantages, is still used by physicians as an independent measure, or as part of a comprehensive treatment of erectile dysfunction.
4. Surgical method. It is used for organic impotence, the causes of which lie in vascular and venous disorders. The purpose of the operation is to increase blood flow to the corpora cavernosa of the penis.
5. Injection method. This method of treating erectile dysfunction is injections into the corpus cavernosum of the penis, causing persistent vasodilation and providing high-quality erection of the penis.

6. Medical method. Today there is a whole list of certain drugs that allow men to get guaranteed erection without using the above methods of treating impotence. But most of these medicines have no less a list of serious contraindications, so doctors do not recommend a drug method for a permanent and only method of treatment.
For a long time, time-tested, fairly effective and harmless folk remedies have been used to treat erectile dysfunction.
Before starting treatment for impotence with folk remedies, it is necessary to consult an experienced specialist, since treatment should be focused primarily on the cause of the disease.
However, you can cite some universal folk recipes for the treatment of impotence, which can be recommended for use in all cases of impotence in men.
1. Take in equal parts the herb of St. John's wort, mountaineer, calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, angelica root, burdock root, coriander fruit. Brew two tablespoons of the collection with 500 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for about 12 hours. It is necessary to take the infusion in a third of the glass in the morning. Treatment of impotence with this herbal infusion should last at least two months. After that, you need to take a break for about two weeks and continue the treatment with another course.
2. Birch buds, St. John's wort herb, calamus root, snake calamus root, nettle herb, shepherd's purse herb, plantain leaf, thyme herb, centaury grass - in equal proportions. Take two tablespoons of herbal tea and brew 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos. Take a course of two months, then take a break and repeat the course of impotence treatment again.
For the greatest effect, you can change the above herbal collections. The maximum result can be achieved after several courses of taking herbal teas. Before using herbal infusions, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!