Why Do The Military Live Longer? Health Secrets Of The Russian Military

Why Do The Military Live Longer? Health Secrets Of The Russian Military
Why Do The Military Live Longer? Health Secrets Of The Russian Military

Why do the military live longer? Health secrets of the Russian military

According to statistics, the life expectancy of an ordinary Russian officer is 25 years longer than that of an average man. Let's try to figure out why the military live longer than they are being treated, and how they manage to maintain sexual activity into old age

Why do the military live longer?
Why do the military live longer?

Source: depositphotos.com

One of the main reasons for this longevity of Russian officers is obvious: being liable for military service, they constantly undergo medical examinations. Therefore, all diseases, including diseases of the genitourinary sphere, are detected at early stages, and treatment is carried out in a timely manner.

Military doctors, due to the specifics of the main contingent with whom they have to work, are forced to delve into the nature of male diseases. And here, however, as in "civilian", inflammation of the prostate gland, or, in other words, prostatitis is in the lead. Therefore, a great place in the work of doctors in the army is the prevention and treatment of this disease, as well as the complications associated with it: weak erection, infertility, prostate vesiculitis, prostate adenoma and cancer, diseases of the urinary system. For the military, prostatitis is doubly dangerous, since along with physical manifestations, prostatitis, interacting with the hormonal system, has psychological consequences in the form of sleep and appetite disturbances, performance, in pronounced hot temper, conflict, gloom, depression and even tearfulness.

How is men's health saved in the army?

Servicemen of the regular army begin to undergo urological examinations after 25 years, since it is from this age, according to statistics, that the risk of prostatitis increases sharply. At this age, the causes of the onset of the disease are most often: irregular sex life, hypothermia, sexually transmitted infections.

It is important that, firstly, prostatitis has different forms that can flow into each other: infectious, non-infectious, acute, sluggish, chronic. Secondly, there are no nerve endings in the prostate, so inflammation can begin much earlier than symptoms of prostatitis appear and noticeable problems begin. The disease proceeds in a certain period covertly, gradually destroying the prostate gland. Thirdly, if the disease is not treated, then it will definitely return with new symptoms and manifestations. Fourthly, neglected prostatitis gradually, but inevitably turns into a chronic form. And this means that any breath of wind can become the reasons for its manifestation.

Peptide therapy has been introduced into the prostatitis prophylaxis system for more than 20 years. This improves the quality of life of officers, preserves their health and protects the prostate from the development of adenoma and cancer. Prophylaxis with peptide bioregulators has allowed for 20 years of practice to reduce the incidence of surgical (surgical) treatment of prostatitis.

How is men's health saved in the army?
How is men's health saved in the army?

Source: depositphotos.com

What medicines do the military need?

With regard to treatment and prevention, not all methods and means are suitable for the military. At any time, the officer must be in the ranks. Conventional pills require a long course of treatment (up to several months). In this case, the tablets dissolve in the stomach without bringing their agents to the diseased organ (prostate), so the question arises about the effectiveness of treatment. Well, most importantly, the pills have side effects: allergies, drowsiness, irritability, stomach pains, which are undesirable for such a profession. The army needs more effective means that do not require large moral and physical costs.

"Prostatilen" - the standard of treatment for prostatitis

Based on these restrictions and requirements, the specialists of the Leningrad Research Laboratory of Bioregulators of the Military Medical Academy of the Russian Ministry of Defense named after V. I. CM. Kirov developed a whole range of methods and techniques for treating prostatitis. One of these is the peptide complex "Prostatilen".

Prostatilen - the standard of treatment for prostatitis
Prostatilen - the standard of treatment for prostatitis

Source: prostatilen.ru

This drug is prescribed to improve the microcirculation of substances in the prostate, relieve edema and venous stasis, and overcome inflammatory processes. In general, the action of the drug is aimed at restoring tissues and functions of the prostate gland. The clinical effect is expressed in the disappearance of pain and discomfort, in the normalization of the regimen and nature of urination, in increasing sexual desire, and improving erection.

More details about the results of using "Prostatilen" can be found in the following sources:

  • Al-Shukri S. Kh., Bobkov Yu. A., Gorbachev A. G., Kuzmin I. V., Tkachuk V. N. Our experience of using "Prostatilen" in urology // Journal "Urology", No. 6,2003, 32-36
  • Vozianov A. F., Gorpinchenko I. I., Boyko N. I. and others. The use of "Prostatilen" in the treatment of patients with diseases of the prostate gland // Journal "Urology and Nephrology", No. 6, 1991, p. 13–36

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