Why Are Diets Ineffective?

Why Are Diets Ineffective?
Why Are Diets Ineffective?

Why are diets ineffective?

What is the essence of any diet? In strict limitation. The restrictions apply to absolutely everything - meal time, quantity, type. The same goes for drinks. You can drink only water and green tea without sugar, carbohydrates only in the morning, only protein foods in the evening, do not eat after 6 pm, divide all food into 5 meals and so on. How far these recommendations are from our usual, comfortable food. It is quite natural that, while on a diet, we only think about food. And the longer we go on a diet, the more attractive it seems to us. The more we want to return to normal nutrition.

Why diets are ineffective: the main reasons
Why diets are ineffective: the main reasons

This is completely natural. First, our taste habits. In humans, they are formed for decades, first under the influence of family and national traditions, then under the influence of personal taste preferences. It is clear that any violent attempt to break them will be met with resistance. The body is used to receiving a certain amount of food at a certain time. Even if it is a harmful, high-calorie food, which led to the deposition of fat reserves, the body is used to working this way, and fat deposition is a natural process for it, for this there is a fat depot. If you deny him this, it will be stressful. Hence the breakdowns, and discomfort, and obsessions about something tasty. As a consequence, once you stop dieting,you try to reward yourself for the suffering and return to your usual diet. Of course, after a while you will notice that all the work wasted, the dropped kilograms have returned.

Secondly, the constant restriction of nutrition in terms of volume and calorie content leads to the fact that a constantly high level of the hunger hormone ghrelin is maintained in the blood. If at the initial stage you can still resist attacks of hunger, then the more time passes, the harder such a struggle is. As a result, all the same breakdowns and repeated weight gain after stopping the diet.

It seems that the situation is hopeless - you cannot lose weight without a diet, and the diets themselves are ineffective. This is true, but only if you want to get a quick and short-term result. If you are ready to fight for your harmony, then you have to be patient. There are some general rules that are suitable for absolutely everyone. If you follow them, you can not only effectively reduce weight, but also forget about the word "diet".

No discomfort

The most important thing in the process of losing weight is in no case to experience discomfort. If you feel uncomfortable, it means that sooner or later you will try, consciously or unconsciously, to return to your usual comfortable state. But you know that this is the most comfortable state and led to weight gain. Do not engage in physical activity to the point of exhaustion - it will give you nothing but muscle pain. But next time you will be looking for an excuse not to go to the gym. Do not immediately limit your diet to a minimum, do it gradually - first, eliminate only the highest-calorie foods high in fat and sugar, then you can gradually remove from the diet dishes cooked with oil and replace them with dishes cooked on steam or grilled. Such a gradual replacement will already give a significant reduction in calorie content, while you will not experience discomfort.


A gradual reduction in calories by replacing some foods with others and reducing portions will lead to the same result as diets: your food will become hypocaloric, but this will not happen in a jump, but gradually. Of course, with this approach, you will not immediately see significant results, but it will teach you to eat right and stick to restrictions without any stress. Break this process down into several steps. For example, at the first stage, you only analyze how much you overeat in terms of calories and which foods in your diet are the most nutritious. Journaling is the best way to keep track of and record everything. This step can take you about a week. In the second step, try to give up the most high-calorie foods, replacing them with less harmful and low-calorie ones. For instance,exclude from the diet sausages, sausages, wieners, which contain a large amount of hidden fats. Replace them with boiled meat or meat cooked in foil. Also evaluate how much your diet has decreased in calories. If this is not enough to keep the amount of calories from food lower than the body's need for the day, continue to analyze what else can be removed or replaced. Such analysis and selection of products can take from several weeks to several months. Don't let this confuse you. This process is not quick, but you yourself will develop your own diet, which you can then adhere to exactly as long as it takes to achieve the desired result. Also evaluate how much your diet has decreased in calories. If this is not enough to keep the amount of calories from food lower than the body's need for the day, continue to analyze what else can be removed or replaced. Such analysis and selection of products can take from several weeks to several months. Don't let this confuse you. This process is not quick, but you yourself will develop your own diet, which you can then adhere to exactly as long as it takes to achieve the desired result. Also evaluate how much your diet has decreased in calories. If this is not enough to keep the amount of calories from food lower than the body's need for the day, continue to analyze what else can be removed or replaced. Such analysis and selection of products can take from several weeks to several months. Don't let this confuse you. This process is not quick, but you yourself will develop your own diet, which you can then adhere to exactly as long as it takes to achieve the desired result. Such analysis and selection of products can take from several weeks to several months. Don't let this confuse you. This process is not fast, but you yourself will develop your own diet, which you can then adhere to exactly as long as it takes to achieve the desired result. Such analysis and selection of products can take from several weeks to several months. Don't let this confuse you. This process is not fast, but you yourself will develop your own diet, which you can then adhere to exactly as long as it takes to achieve the desired result.

No taboos

The worst thing about any diet is tough prohibitions. It is precisely what is forbidden that seems especially attractive to us. Everyone knows that the forbidden fruit is sweet. That is why do not deny yourself that you love so much, at all. Want chocolate or strawberry whipped cream, eat it. But not on an empty stomach. If you eat something while full, you can easily be satisfied with a small portion. Moreover, if one day you made yourself such a small gift, it's okay. We all eat differently every day, sometime more, sometime less. The main thing is the total number of calories per week. If this value fits into the framework of a hypocaloric diet, then everything is in order.

What if diets are ineffective?
What if diets are ineffective?

Balance in everything

All extremes are equally harmful. And malnutrition and overeating. And the lack of physical activity, and exercise on simulators to exhaustion. You should not strive to lose 10 kg in a week, even if you really want to. Even if someone wrote on the Internet that he was able to achieve this. Firstly, you personally do not know this person, and you can write anything you want. Not everything can be trusted. Secondly, drastic weight loss will not teach you how to eat properly in order to maintain the result. So, the best solution would be to gradually change not only your diet, but also your lifestyle. Such things cannot be changed overnight; it is a long process. But the nice thing about this is that it will definitely lead to the desired result. A gradual decrease in caloric intake and a gradual increase in physical activity are the key tothat at one point you will not give up everything and return to your comfortable state on the couch in front of the TV with a large portion of ice cream.

Friend's help

Try to find a like-minded person in your fight against excess weight. Ideally, it will be someone from your family. You can go jogging with him, and share the joy of another lost kilogram. But if you are unlucky with relatives, you can find virtual friends on the Internet. There are entire clubs and forums dedicated to this topic. Do not be shy, feel free to share your problems and victories, because everyone is like that. You will be understood and supported.

Home first aid kit

There are also difficult cases. For example, a healthy appetite does not want to give in to your persuasion and follow the path of moderation and a healthy rational diet. Visions of tender cakes and juicy barbecue torment, after six it is impossible to think about anything but food, and any trip to visit or friendly gatherings in a cafe threatens to end in failure. It's okay if at the first stage you have to resort to the help of appetite suppressants. Sibutramine-containing formulations such as Goldline Plus do an excellent job with this problem. They act on the saturation center in the brain. Feelings of fullness are prolonged and, as a result, the feeling of hunger is dulled, while adhering to dietary restrictions becomes much easier. Scientists in a number of studies have found that when taking such drugs, the calorie intake is reduced by 25%,and the amount of food consumed - by 20%. The effect develops gradually during the first month of administration, and the maximum effect is observed after three months. If you want not only to moderate your appetite, but also to form the right eating habits, then it is recommended to extend the intake to 6 months. But, in any case, no drug, no remedy will do everything for you. If you want to get rid of extra pounds permanently, you have to work on yourself. If you want to get rid of extra pounds permanently, you have to work on yourself. If you want to get rid of extra pounds permanently, you have to work on yourself.

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