Treatment Of Vasomotor Rhinitis: How To Treat Adults At Home

Treatment Of Vasomotor Rhinitis: How To Treat Adults At Home
Treatment Of Vasomotor Rhinitis: How To Treat Adults At Home

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis: how to treat it at home

The content of the article:

  1. Features of the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in adults
  2. How is vasomotor rhinitis treated at home?

    1. Drug treatment
    2. Homeopathy
    3. Inhalation
    4. Massage
    5. Rinsing the nose
    6. Breathing exercises
  3. Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis with folk remedies
  4. Video

Why is it important to choose the right treatment for vasomotor rhinitis? How to treat the disease at home, and is it effective to use folk remedies? Do inhalation and breathing exercises help?

The relevance of adequate treatment of chronic rhinitis (allergic, vasomotor) is due to the widespread prevalence of this pathology, as well as the significant influence of the symptoms of the disease on the quality of life of patients.

Vasomotor rhinitis - what is it, and how is it different from other rhinitis? Vasomotor rhinitis refers to chronic diseases occurring in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Its development is based on a disorder in the regulation of the tone of blood vessels located in the submucosal layer of the inferior turbinates.

Vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by nasal congestion and difficulty in nasal breathing
Vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by nasal congestion and difficulty in nasal breathing

Vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by nasal congestion and difficulty in nasal breathing.

In a healthy person, these vessels adequately respond to the air entering the respiratory tract, and with fluctuations in humidity and temperature, they change the blood supply of the nasal mucosa. With hormonal imbalance and various neurovegetative abnormalities, vascular tone is disturbed, blood vessels dilate, the nasal mucosa swells, and breathing becomes difficult.

Changes in the physical and chemical properties of the environment are the main factors contributing to the appearance of the disease. These include:

  • decrease in air temperature or humidity;
  • harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • household chemicals with an irritating odor;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • other physical and chemical irritants.

Often, pathology occurs due to neurotic disorders, acute and chronic stress conditions, hormonal imbalance in the body (with endocrine diseases, pregnancy, during puberty or menopause), violations of the general vascular tone (against the background of vegetative vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension).

The appearance of vasomotor rhinitis can also be caused by:

  • a bacterial or viral upper respiratory tract infection;
  • adenoids in children;
  • defects that lead to difficulty in the passage of air through the nasal cavity or squeezing of blood vessels, including curvature of the nasal septum;
  • haphazard or prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, some antihypertensive drugs, oral contraceptives.
The disease is accompanied by paroxysmal sneezing
The disease is accompanied by paroxysmal sneezing

The disease is accompanied by paroxysmal sneezing

The appearance of the disease is indicated by symptoms such as:

  • paroxysmal sneezing;
  • profuse mucous exudate from the nose and nasopharynx;
  • difficulty breathing.

Vasomotor rhinitis has a paroxysmal course, most often exacerbations are observed after waking up in the morning. After the end of the attack, the symptoms of the disease, in addition to difficulty breathing, practically disappear.

The symptoms of the disease are similar to those in allergic rhinitis, while they are distinguished by the etiology of development: vasomotor rhinitis occurs under the influence of nonspecific exo- or endogenous factors, and not as a result of an allergic reaction.

Features of the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in adults

When the first symptoms appear, you should consult an otorhinolaryngologist. Diagnostics includes clinical examination, history taking, anterior rhinoscopy, instrumental and laboratory studies. Timely seeking medical help and the selection of adequate treatment in most cases can get rid of the disease forever.

Treatment is aimed at reducing the blood supply to the nasal mucosa
Treatment is aimed at reducing the blood supply to the nasal mucosa

Treatment is aimed at reducing the blood supply to the nasal mucosa

It is not recommended to treat vasomotor rhinitis on your own due to the existing risk of complications - chronic sinusitis, hypertrophic rhinitis, and the formation of polyps in the nose.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude possible endo- and exogenous factors provoking the disease, carry out therapy for existing pathologies of the nasopharynx (polyps, tonsillitis, maxillary sinusitis), normalize the functions of the autonomic nervous system, cancel the intake of drugs that can disrupt vascular tone and worsen the course of the disease.

The humidity of the air in the room where the patient is most often is also of great importance. It is most effective to use a humidifier to maintain its optimum level.

With vasomotor rhinitis, it is necessary to maintain optimal air humidity in the room, for this it is recommended to use a humidifier
With vasomotor rhinitis, it is necessary to maintain optimal air humidity in the room, for this it is recommended to use a humidifier

With vasomotor rhinitis, it is necessary to maintain optimal air humidity in the room, for this it is recommended to use a humidifier

The treatment regimen for vasomotor rhinitis may include the use of antihistamines, drugs that affect vascular tone, traditional medicine, physiotherapy and, in extreme cases, surgery.

The main goal of therapy is to normalize the function of the autonomic and central nervous system, reduce the reflex excitability of the nasal mucosa, reduce its blood supply and improve the patient's quality of life.

In hospital conditions, physiotherapeutic treatment is used - acupuncture, inhalations using a nebulizer, intranasal electrophoresis with thiamine, diphenhydramine or calcium. Also, endonasal blockade with novocaine is carried out in the region of the inferior turbinates, sclerosing drugs are injected and the nasal mucosa is locally cauterized with various chemicals.

In cases where severe edema of the lower turbinates and persistent nasal congestion are detected against the background of vasomotor rhinitis, intranasal glucocorticosteroids (Budesonide and Beclomethasone) are prescribed.

In some cases, with the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment methods, surgery is indicated
In some cases, with the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment methods, surgery is indicated

In some cases, with the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment methods, surgery is indicated.

If a therapeutic effect is not observed when using conservative methods of treatment, they resort to minimally invasive surgery. Depending on the general condition of the patient and the clinical picture of the pathology, radio wave or laser destruction (removal of benign neoplasms with a laser), microwave or ultrasonic disintegration of the inferior turbinates can be used. The ineffectiveness of these methods is an indication for the submucosal vasotomy of the inferior turbinates, sparing the inferior conchotomy. Often, surgical interventions on the turbinates are performed in conjunction with endoscopic correction of intranasal structures, adenotomy or septoplasty.

Patients with a neurovegetative form of pathology should be observed and treated by a neurologist. With an allergic form of vasomotor rhinitis, specific hyposensitization is required. In cases of the sympathetic orientation of the autonomic tone, alcoholization, blockade or surgical destruction of the superior sympathetic stellate ganglion is used, and an operation is performed on the nerve of the pterygoid canal with the intersection of its sympathetic component.

How is vasomotor rhinitis treated at home?

In the absence of complications, treatment of vasomotor rhinitis is carried out at home.

Drug treatment

Therapy may include the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • systemic antihistamines (Cetirizine, Ebastine, Desloratadine, Fexofenadine, Loratadine);
  • antiallergic drugs for local use (Dimetinden, Mometasone);
  • local glucocorticosteroids (Nazarel, Nazonex);
  • immunomodulating drops (Derinat);
  • vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin);
  • antiseptics containing silver (Protargol, Sialor);
  • anticholinergics (Atroventa, Ipravent).

When using vasoconstrictors, it is important to take into account that their prolonged and haphazard use often leads to a violation of vascular tone and the development of rhinitis.


As part of the combined treatment, homeopathic preparations can be used - Teukrium, Agrafis, Sambucus, Apis, Euphorbium, Rinitol Edas-131.

Self-selection of such remedies is not recommended, since a homeopathic doctor prescribes effective treatment only after a thorough examination of the patient and a detailed survey, taking into account many factors, including psychosomatic ones. Homeopathy is allowed during pregnancy.

Also, with vasomotor rhinitis, Fleming's Ointment for external use may be prescribed. It is applied to turundas and laid in the sinuses for 5-10 minutes, or it is smeared with the nasal mucosa 2-3 times a day.


At home, inhalation can be performed using a nebulizer. For their implementation, antiseptic or salt solutions, mineral water are used. Such procedures help to reduce swelling, mucus discharge and moisturizing of the nasal mucosa.

For inhalation, you can use a nebulizer
For inhalation, you can use a nebulizer

For inhalation, you can use a nebulizer

If you don't have a nebulizer, you can use steam inhalation with essential oils. In order to avoid burns of the nasal mucosa, it is important to monitor the temperature of the water (boiling water cannot be used). Hot water is poured into a large container and a few drops of pine or fir essential oil are added to it. They breathe in vapors for 15–20 minutes.


In order to facilitate the discharge of mucus in vasomotor rhinitis, a nose massage can be performed. Every day for several minutes, you should massage the bridge of the nose and points at the wings of the nose. Regular massage in combination with rinsing can completely replace the use of vasoconstrictor drops.

Rinsing the nose

To remove accumulated mucus and relieve swelling through a nasal shower, a special teapot, a syringe without a needle or a syringe without a tip, the nasal cavities are washed.

For rinsing the nose, a solution of table salt or sea salt can be used
For rinsing the nose, a solution of table salt or sea salt can be used

For rinsing the nose, a solution of table salt or sea salt can be used.

To do this, use ready-made pharmaceutical solutions (Aqua Maris), physiological solution, decoctions of medicinal herbs (eucalyptus, chamomile), a solution of sea or table salt. According to reviews, it is most convenient to use special washing kits (for example, Dolphin), which contain both a solution and a device for the procedure.

Breathing exercises

Since vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by shortness of breath, there is a violation of blood circulation in the nasal cavity and an increase in its swelling. Special breathing exercises can help cope with these complications.

To perform them, you need to take a comfortable position, exhale completely through the nose, close the left nostril and slowly inhale with the right. Then exhale slowly through both strokes, close the right nostril and inhale through the left. Exercises are performed daily 10 times on each side. It is most effective to carry out breathing exercises after cleansing the nasal cavities.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis with folk remedies

For the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis, the use of traditional medicine is widespread. In order to avoid the deterioration of the course of the pathology and the development of possible complications, it is recommended to use such methods only in consultation with the doctor.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as eucalyptus, can be used to treat vasomotor rhinitis
Decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as eucalyptus, can be used to treat vasomotor rhinitis

Decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as eucalyptus, can be used to treat vasomotor rhinitis.

The most effective for rinsing the nasal cavity are decoctions of eucalyptus, calendula and chamomile, as well as birch sap mixed with boiled water and honey. The procedure can be carried out without special devices, drawing in liquid from the palms of the nose with the nose.

If a bacterial infection is diagnosed, instillation with aloe or Kalanchoe juice is effective. The plant sap is preliminarily diluted with an equal amount of water, slightly warmed up and 2-3 drops are instilled into each nostril 3 times a day.

A medicinal ointment is prepared from the leaves of a walnut or calendula. The leaves are crushed, mixed with petroleum jelly, and then placed on turundas and laid in each nasal passage.

Various herbal teas can be used to relieve the symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis. A mixture of yarrow herb, raspberry and nettle leaves, chamomile flowers is used as a raw material. It is necessary to mix 20 g of each type of vegetable raw material, pour hot water, put on a low heat and boil for 10 minutes. Ready tea should be drunk half an hour before a meal, 150 ml for one month.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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