Folk Remedies For Hypertension: Home Treatment, Reviews

Folk Remedies For Hypertension: Home Treatment, Reviews
Folk Remedies For Hypertension: Home Treatment, Reviews

Treatment of hypertension with folk remedies

The content of the article:

  1. Infusions and decoctions from high blood pressure
  2. How to treat hypertension with alcohol tinctures
  3. Other effective folk remedies for hypertension
  4. Healthy lifestyle
  5. Overview of Hypertension
  6. Video

Folk remedies for hypertension are widely popular and demonstrate fairly high effectiveness in the early stages, especially if accompanied by a change in lifestyle, its improvement. When used correctly, such methods are safe and can be used in the elderly and pregnant women.

The effectiveness of folk remedies depends on the stage of the disease. So, the treatment of hypertension with folk remedies at home is most effective for arterial hypertension of the 1st degree. At this stage, to normalize pressure, it is usually enough to use folk remedies and lifestyle adjustments. With arterial hypertension of II and III stages, drug therapy is indicated. In this case, alternative methods can be used as auxiliary ones, which complement, but do not replace, the main treatment.

Alternative therapy can be effective for the prevention of hypertension, as well as at its initial stage
Alternative therapy can be effective for the prevention of hypertension, as well as at its initial stage

Alternative therapy can be effective for the prevention of hypertension, as well as at its initial stage

It should be understood that the use of even the most effective folk methods of treating hypertension will not help to quickly get rid of the disease, the treatment should be long-term, and the change in lifestyle towards improvement should be permanent. Before using any methods and means of alternative therapy, including those approved by official medicine, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. If the condition worsens when using a drug, you should stop using it and consult a doctor.

Infusions and decoctions from high blood pressure

Phytotherapy is an effective method of combating hypertension. When treating hypertension with folk remedies from plant materials (herbs, leaves, flowers, fruits, roots and bark of medicinal plants), it should be borne in mind that they, like any other drugs, should be used strictly according to indications, in compliance with the dosage.

Here are some simple recipes for herbal remedies that help normalize high blood pressure.

A decoction of sunflower seeds. 500 g of raw dried sunflower seeds are poured over 2 liters of hot water, brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for two hours. After that, the broth is allowed to cool and filtered. Take 100-150 ml per day (can be divided into 2-3 doses) for two weeks. This broth can also be used to prevent hypertension.

Dill seed infusion. According to doctors and patients, one of the most effective home remedies for hypertension. For its preparation, a tablespoon of seeds is poured with a glass of hot water and insisted for 30 minutes, after which it is filtered and taken in 1/3 cup three times a day.

Decoction of clover flowers. 200 g of dried meadow clover flowers are poured with a liter of water, brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes. Allow to cool, filter and drink during the day.

Blueberry infusion. 2 teaspoons of dried or 2 tablespoons of fresh blueberries are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour. The resulting product is drunk during the day.

Blueberry infusion is a tasty and effective medicine for blood pressure
Blueberry infusion is a tasty and effective medicine for blood pressure

Blueberry infusion is a tasty and effective medicine for blood pressure

Infusion of oats and elecampane with honey. 50 g of unpeeled oats are washed, poured with a liter of water and brought to a boil. After that, the mixture is removed from heat and insisted for 4 hours. Then add 80 g of elecampane root, bring to a boil, remove from heat and insist for another 2 hours. Add 30 g of honey to the resulting infusion. Take 1/3 cup 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. The tool allows you to normalize not only blood pressure, but also the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Horseradish root decoction. 80 g of grated horseradish root is poured into 1 liter of water and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

Infusion of sophora, geranium, sweet clover and sweet clover. Mix 10 g of Japanese Sophora with 10 g of meadow geranium, 10 g of forest chisel and 5 g of sweet clover. The mixture is poured with a glass of hot water, insisted for 15 minutes, filtered, brought to the original volume with boiled water. It is taken warm a few hours before bedtime.

How to treat hypertension with alcohol tinctures

An effective remedy against hypertension is a mixture of five tinctures, for the preparation of which tinctures of valerian (100 ml), motherwort (100 ml), peony (100 ml), eucalyptus (50 ml), peppermint (25 ml) are mixed and placed in a container of dark glass with lid. Add 10 pcs to the tinctures. cloves and leave for 2 weeks (without stirring), after which the mixture is filtered. Take 10 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals for a month, after which you need to take a break for 2 weeks. If necessary, repeat the course.

Plantain tincture. 4 tablespoons of washed and crushed leaves are poured into 500 ml of vodka and insisted in a dark place for 2 weeks. Filter, take 30 drops three times a day before meals.

Garlic tincture. Grind 2 peeled heads of garlic, pour 250 ml of alcohol or vodka into them and leave for 2 weeks. Take 20 drops of the tincture three times a day before meals.

Carrot and beetroot cranberry liqueur. Mix in a glass of carrot and beetroot juice, add 100 g of cranberries, 200 g of honey and half a glass of alcohol. Insist 3 days, take a tablespoon three times a day.

Other effective folk remedies for hypertension

Of all lactic acid products with high blood pressure, kefir is considered the most useful. To enhance antihypertensive properties, cinnamon can be added to it (a pinch per glass).

Beet juice, to which honey is optionally added, can help lower blood pressure. You need to prepare the juice 1-2 hours before use so that it settles. You cannot store it for more than a day. Take a tablespoon 3-5 times a day for 2 weeks. After the course of treatment, you need to take a short break, after which, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

You don't have to squeeze the juice, but eat beets mixed with honey. Add 0.5 cups of honey to 0.5 cups of grated fresh beets and mix. Take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

Effective for hypertension aloe juice. It is recommended to use plants at least three years old. Add 50 ml of water to a teaspoon of aloe juice. Drink in the morning before breakfast for 2 weeks.

Aloe juice mixed with water helps with high blood pressure
Aloe juice mixed with water helps with high blood pressure

Aloe juice mixed with water helps with high blood pressure

A mixture of honey, lemon and garlic. Combine 5 minced garlic cloves, one lemon minced with the peel and 0.5 cups of honey. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

You can normalize pressure with a mixture of a glass of honey, juice of one lemon, 100 g of beets and 100 g of carrots. The prepared mixture is stored in the refrigerator and taken in a tablespoon three times a day after meals.

A popular folk remedy for arterial hypertension is mineral water with the addition of honey (a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water), drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Helps with hypertension mountain ash. It is recommended to eat a tablespoon of ripe berries daily or prepare juice from them.

With hypertension of 1-2 degrees, it is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of freshly squeezed persimmon or lingonberry juice daily.

Effective and safe means for lowering blood pressure that can be used by pregnant women are fruit drinks from cranberries, chokeberry (chokeberry), viburnum jelly.

You can fight high blood pressure with tea made from black currant leaves. In addition, it is useful to eat currant berries in any form - fresh, dried, grated with sugar, etc.

You can use berries of cranberries or viburnum, grated with sugar or honey in a 1: 1 ratio. They are consumed in a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Peppermint shows good results, which can be brewed as a tea, in addition, its infusion can be used for rubdowns. For severe headaches, peppermint aromatic oil can be used, however, it must be borne in mind that it can cause allergies, so it is advisable to conduct an allergo test first.

Green tea has a hypotonic effect. Once a day, you can add an alcoholic tincture of calendula (20 drops per cup of tea) to it.

Green tea has many beneficial properties, including helping to normalize blood pressure
Green tea has many beneficial properties, including helping to normalize blood pressure

Green tea has many beneficial properties, including helping to normalize blood pressure

With increased pressure, you can take cool or warm (but not hot!) Baths with valerian root infusion. To do this, add 500 ml of infusion to water.

It is possible to normalize blood pressure, which has sharply increased against the background of a sharp change in weather conditions, with the help of mustard plasters applied to the feet. Instead of mustard plasters, you can pour a teaspoon of mustard powder into socks.

To improve the patient's well-being with a hypertensive crisis, before the arrival of the ambulance team, you can use compresses with vinegar (or vinegar diluted in half with water) on your feet. It is recommended to keep such compresses for 10-15 minutes.

Healthy lifestyle

In case of hypertension, as well as for its prevention, it is recommended to exclude fried, fatty foods, baked goods from the diet, and limit the use of table salt. Dairy and sour-milk products, vegetables, fruits and berries, dried fruits, nuts, lean meats, fish, seafood are recommended. You should completely eliminate alcohol, as well as stop smoking once and for all.

Patients need sufficient physical activity, walking in the fresh air, avoiding stressful situations, a full night's sleep, in case of excess weight, its correction, on the advice of a doctor, breathing exercises can be practiced.

Overview of Hypertension

Hypertension (hypertension, persistent arterial hypertension) is a widespread condition in adult patients, which consists in an increase in blood pressure to 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 40% of the adult population face high blood pressure. In children, hypertension also occurs, but, as a rule, it is of a secondary nature.

Risk factors for the development of hypertension include overweight, genetic predisposition, passive lifestyle, bad habits, unhealthy diet, mental and / or physical stress, menopause in women.

Proper nutrition, normalization of weight are important components of the treatment of hypertension
Proper nutrition, normalization of weight are important components of the treatment of hypertension

Proper nutrition, normalization of weight are important components of the treatment of hypertension

Pathology is dangerous because its clinical signs may be absent for a long time (including before the first hypertensive crisis), while the patient will not know about the presence of the disease. Meanwhile, it is dangerous to leave this condition without treatment, as it leads to complications, including stroke and myocardial infarction. High blood pressure in pregnant women often serves as a sign of the development of gestosis - a condition that is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus.

The main clinical manifestation of hypertension is high intensity headache. It is often localized in the back of the head, it can be oppressive, compressive, and aggravated by a sharp change in body position, turning and tilting the head. Painful sensations are often associated with changes in weather conditions (meteorological dependence).

In addition, the appearance of heart pains, cardiac arrhythmias is possible. Symptoms of high include visual disturbances (blurred vision, the appearance of blackheads before the eyes), tinnitus, dizziness, numbness and / or coldness of the extremities, swelling and discoloration of the face, increased sweating, irritability.

All people over the age of 40 are advised to monitor their blood pressure regularly. Also, this should be done by women during pregnancy and other patients at risk of developing hypertension.


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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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