After 70 years of practical use, ASD is registered for humans
Good news for adherents of a healthy lifestyle! The legendary ASD is again registered for humans. Now it is possible to improve all tissue processes, restore immunity and comprehensively improve the body without risk. If earlier healthy lifestyle fans besieged pet stores in search of ASD, now it can be purchased near the house in a regular pharmacy. Note! Only real drops of ASD from AVZ-Pharm are registered. The drug is distinguished by a unique action in the breadth of its application and a 100% natural composition without harmful chemical additives and GMOs.

ASD: what is it?
Until the seventies of the twentieth century, ASD was successfully used in medicine and veterinary medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Later it was ousted from the medical market by expensive imported drugs.
ASD has been successfully used for 70 years to treat various diseases in animals by healthy lifestyle enthusiasts, its effectiveness has been repeatedly proven in practice, ASD has long become a legend. In 2012, the drug was registered and can be officially sold in pharmacies, used as an immunomodulator, fortifying, regenerating agent.
Dorogov's antiseptic-stimulant is a liquid containing low-molecular organic substances that improve all tissue processes: there are 121 biologically active components in the drops. During the production, only natural ingredients are used, without fragrances and artificial additives.
Real, classic ASD drops are made from organic materials - absolutely safe to use poultry meat and bone meal.
The fraction obtained after dry sublimation is a concentrated liquid, a storehouse of useful substances found in animal tissues. They are able to activate all biological processes in the body, help in the fight against chronic diseases and prevent the development of acute diseases.
Legend of healthy lifestyle
For many years, due to bureaucratic obstacles, the drug was officially used only in veterinary medicine, despite the fact that it was originally developed as an adaptogen for humans. However, word of mouth quickly spread among the people. Both pensioners and young regulars of the gym have heard about ASD.
It was sold only in veterinary pharmacies, for almost forty years people were forced to buy an ASD intended for animals, since it is impossible to find analogues with so many useful properties in a regular pharmacy.
And only in 2012, the AVZ-Pharm company finally started the production of Dorogov's antiseptic-stimulant, intended for use in medicine. Healing liquid of the highest quality is now available to everyone who wants to maintain health, beauty and energy.
The benefits of ASD drops: from detox to relief of "chemistry"
Over a long period of use, ASD has established itself as a highly effective remedy that has no analogues among modern drugs. Seven decades of successful application is the best quality guarantee.
The antiseptic stimulant has an extremely wide spectrum of action:
- helps to strengthen the immune system, including in severe conditions, including recovery after chemotherapy;
- reduces the impact of harmful environmental factors;
- accelerates metabolic processes and cell renewal;
- helps to heal injuries of various origins;
- goes well with medicines in the complex therapy of various diseases;
- helps in the rapid recovery of the body during active sports;
- accelerates the immune response in viral diseases, which is especially important in the cold season;
- has a pronounced antiseptic effect;
- reduces the risk of developing allergic reactions;
- relieves intoxication of the body.
The product is suitable for all segments of the population: it helps young people to maintain health, increases the effectiveness of detox diets and sports, allows the elderly to maintain an active lifestyle and get rid of chronic diseases. ASD drops enhance and complement the effect of medicinal preparations.
It is especially worth noting the benefits of ASD drops in the fight against dermatological problems and age-related skin changes - here the stunning result is noticeable almost immediately.
Composition and recommendations for use
ASD drops from the AVZ-Pharm group of companies, adapted for human use, include 3 components:
- ASD of the second fraction;
- folic acid;
- sodium selenite.
The drops are easy to use, the packaging is supplied with instructions, which makes the use simple and straightforward. Drops are taken 15 minutes before meals. Detailed application information can be found on the packaging.
The production of ASD drops for humans is carried out in GMP conditions on modern equipment using innovative technologies, which allows you to preserve the maximum useful properties and make the product completely safe for use. ASD drops are a natural additive of multisystem action, the high efficiency of which has been tested by generations.
It can be safely included in the diet with increased stress, including intellectual, during epidemics of acute respiratory infections and influenza.
It is obvious that now, after registration, ASD drops will be increasingly used in complex therapy, and those looking after their health can purchase the product in the pharmacy today.
Full information about the composition, action of the product, certificates can be found on the manufacturer's website -
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