How to lose 2 kg

During the day, the weight of a healthy person can fluctuate significantly. Therefore, it seems that it will not be difficult to quickly lose 2 kg in a week. The problem will arise later when you try to maintain the desired weight. How to lose weight by 2 kg per week without dieting and keep the result?
Bad eating habits
Sometimes excess weight is associated with psychological problems. It is worth a little work with your beliefs, as, against the background of solving psychological problems, extra pounds mysteriously disappear without training and dieting. What beliefs and psychological problems lead to obesity?
- The pressure of culture and advertising. Obsessive advertising encourages people to eat more, more often, and tastier. At the same time, we receive information about the dangers of overeating. But it is more difficult to refrain from eating, and this contradiction is resolved along the path of least resistance;
- Food as psychological compensation. Food is a quick and affordable way to enjoy yourself. And we often use it to relieve psychological discomfort when we really need peace, love and tenderness;
- Gluttony is like a binge. If you set unrealistic goals for yourself, for example, a ten-day fast, then, as a rule, failure is guaranteed. And then, feeling the bitterness of disappointment, people begin to overeat because of feelings of protest;
- Distorted self-esteem. Not everyone is able to assess their body adequately. A distorted view of reality can lead to both overeating and starvation;
- Family traditions. The habit of eating when you are no longer hungry is established by your parents, who once in deep childhood forced you to eat everything that is on your plate.
If you try to understand the reasons for the situation, then quickly losing weight by 2 kg or more will not be difficult for you.
How to lose 2 kg with fat burners
All sports stores sell thermogenics or fat burners used by bodybuilders in their brightest packaging. These are multicomponent drugs, like ephedrine, that affect the mechanism of fat storage and consumption. On the one hand, powerful stimulants of this nature increase energy levels and suppress appetite. In their composition, they often contain flavonoids and vitamins, which enhance the effect of the drug and mitigate side effects. On the other hand, ephedrine is considered one of the most dangerous drugs in terms of the number of side effects. Ephedrine and similar drugs should not be used for diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, hypertension.
Fat burners are found in everyday life. For example, caffeine - it increases mental excitability, increases the contractility of the heart muscle, but most importantly, it increases the rate of release of fatty acids, for which it received recognition among nutritionists. A cup of coffee on an empty stomach eliminates the feeling of hunger, since caffeine consumes the sugar reserves "conserved" in liver glycogen. Sugar and fatty acids, entering the bloodstream, cause an invigorating feeling. But caffeine also has the opposite effect - it increases the acidity of gastric juice and raises pressure, and its long-term intake causes an adaptation reaction in the body. Therefore, the aphrodisiac effect will decrease over time and you will need large doses.
Sports "chemistry" and even its natural counterparts will help you quickly lose weight by 2 kg or even more, but not without harm to health. The safest substance in the fat burner category is L-Carnitine. It increases the intensity of the participation of fat in energy metabolism. L-Carnitine has two goals - burns fat and provides energy for an active life. However, it is not effective by itself. In order for fat to burn in the biological furnace of the body, it is necessary at least to start the process of its consumption, which means that the drug will only help in combination with physical activity.
How to lose 2 kg per week through exercise
All loads are divided into strength (designed to build muscle), cardio (train the cardiovascular system), and aerobic (promote fat oxidation when a sufficient amount of oxygen is supplied). It is logical to assume that aerobic training will help you lose 2 kg quickly. But our goal with you is to get maximum efficiency with minimum effort, and at the same time maintain the result. That is why, of all the available loads, you should choose walking in the fresh air. The main thing is to follow a few rules:
- Constant oxygen supply. Oxygen in the blood helps burn fat, so exercise should be done either outdoors or in a well-ventilated area;
- Correct breathing. Deep inhalation through the nose, exhalation through the mouth - this system allows the blood to be saturated with oxygen as much as possible and stabilizes the heart rhythm;
- Walking technique. You need to walk in such a way as to use as many muscles as possible, that is, in small steps, smoothly rolling from heel to toe;
- Class time. The ideal time to burn fat is from 7 am to 9 am before breakfast. At this moment, the reserves of carbohydrates in the blood are so low that the body quickly consumes adipose tissue;
- Duration of classes. It should be at least 30-40 minutes daily, ideally an hour, since the body begins to burn fat 15 minutes after the start of aerobic exercise.
To eat or not to eat after 18.00

In terms of daily biorhythms, we are divided into late "owls", early "larks" and "pigeons", which adapt to any rhythm. Most weight loss methods are suitable for "larks" - they easily get up in the morning to do aerobics, fall asleep at about 10 pm, not particularly suffering from hunger at night, since only 4-5 hours pass between the last meal and sleep. For "owls", after six, life is just beginning. How to lose weight by 2 kg per week without diets, taking into account this rule? You need to know some of the features of our body. Closer to bedtime, the natural mechanisms of slowing down metabolic processes are activated, therefore, at this moment, you cannot overload the body with an abundant dinner. At about 9 p.m. our body sends signals of false hunger, at this moment you need to take advantage of a low-calorie snack,for example, juicy vegetables. If overeating is a consequence of stress, then you need to find other ways to calm down in the evening, for example, painting, yoga, baths with aromatic herbs, interesting books.
To answer the question of how to lose 2 kg in a week without dieting, you can use quick solutions like express diets, which usually undermine health, shatter nerves and lead to rapid weight gain back after they are canceled. But you can go another way - to understand the root of the problem, to investigate the mechanisms of the functioning of our body and to compose an optimal individual diet and physical activity. There is no perfect answer to the question: how to lose 2 kg in a week without dieting. But, using our recommendations, you can find a solution that is right for you.
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