Causes of visual impairment

One day a person notices that the world has become dull, objects have become indistinct, faces are blurred, and reading books gets tired and leads to headaches. Often at first, people do not immediately realize what happened and blame age, stress, depression. All this is possible, but most often such symptoms are explained by the fact that vision has begun to deteriorate. As a rule, we rarely notice it right away, usually even when the process has gone far enough. And the first thing that a person rushes to do, finally realizing that there is a deterioration in vision, is to buy glasses or contact lenses.
In fact, it is advisable to first find out the causes of visual impairment, and eliminate them. After all, if the process has not gone too deep yet, it may not be too late to return what was lost, but even if the changes that have occurred are irreversible, it will be possible to stop the progression of the pathology, or at least slow down the process.
One of the most common causes of visual impairment is paperwork or computer work. The point here is not in the computer as such, and not in the papers, but in the fact that the eye muscles are regularly exposed to excessive and at the same time monotonous load. These muscles are responsible for the adaptation of the eye to the changing focus of vision, and if the focus does not change for a long time, then they weaken and become flabby. A person notices that now he needs to constantly make some effort to hold the picture, which all the time strives to blur. For prevention, it is necessary to do exercises to change focus every half hour of such work: look at a distant object, then at a near one, then again at a distant one, etc., for several minutes.
Insufficient blood circulation. Deterioration of vision may be due to the fact that the eyes are simply not getting enough nutrition. The reason is usually trivial - osteochondrosis, which affects more than 90% of city dwellers aged 40 and over. In this case, everything that is aimed at combating osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will help, mainly special physical exercises and massage techniques. Osteochondrosis is a disease associated with a sedentary lifestyle, and if you add it to your daily schedule of physical activity, then it can be completely avoided, which means visual impairment.

Improper nutrition. In order for the photosensitive pigment responsible for vision to be produced, it is necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of provitamin A, or vitamin A itself. To prevent a deficiency of these substances, you need to eat fresh carrots, blueberries, fish, cod liver or beef liver, eggs, milk. Carrots are the most readily available for daily consumption, but it should be noted that vitamin A is fat-soluble, which means that fat is needed for its absorption. Therefore, to prevent visual impairment, it is better to eat not pure carrots, but fresh carrot salads seasoned with butter or fatty sour cream.
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