Speech impairment

Speech is the ability to interact with people around you, society. The success of this interaction also depends on how developed the speech is. Considering that a person is by nature a social being, it becomes clear that this is one of the most important aspects of his life. Violation of speech has a severe impact, first of all, on the psychological health of a person, and subsequently on social and mental health. Of course, it also matters when and for what reason the speech impairment occurred.
Speech impairment is more common in childhood, and despite the fact that this is a rather serious deviation, as a rule, it can be corrected. Speech therapists determine the cause of the speech impairment and develop an individual program that helps the child cope with the problem. Often, therapy is carried out for a long time, requires perseverance and patience from both the child and his parents.
The causes of speech impairment in children are usually three groups of factors. The first is the anatomical features of the child that interfere with normal speech (short frenulum of the tongue, malocclusion, etc.). The second is organic disorders of the structures of the brain that have arisen in the prenatal period or during complicated labor (birth trauma). And the third - functional disorders of the nervous system associated with mental trauma or lack of conditions for normal development. This is the so-called primary speech disorder, or more precisely, a violation of the formation of speech.

Violation of speech in an adult is almost always associated with organic damage to the nervous system. This is a formidable sign, and its appearance may indicate a progressive and malignant course of the disease. Speech impairment in adults accompanies diseases such as brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, stroke, encephalopathy of various origins, epilepsy, diabetes and some others. These are diseases in which either the structures of the nervous system are directly affected, or vascular disorders occur, and nerve damage is secondary and associated with a lack of blood circulation.
If a speech disorder occurs when speech has already been normally formed, an immediate visit to a doctor is necessary. In some cases, speech impairment is an early sign of severe pathology, and timely measures taken can not only restore speech, but also save a person's life.
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