Exercise during pregnancy

Do you need sports during pregnancy? There is no unequivocal answer to this question, only with reservations - it is needed, but … This "but" constitutes the nuances without which sports during pregnancy turn from useful to harmful. In fact, if by sports activities we mean sufficient physical activity, then sports during pregnancy are simply necessary. By avoiding physical activity and considering pregnancy a time of passive waiting and protecting themselves from all kinds of efforts, women cause significant harm not only to themselves, but also to their unborn child.
Moving, a pregnant woman stimulates the muscles, keeps them in good shape, as well as the ligaments of internal organs. In addition, with active movement, more oxygen enters the bloodstream, respectively, the fetus in the uterus will receive oxygen-enriched blood, which it needs for normal development and well-being. With a lying or sedentary lifestyle of a pregnant woman, the blood does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen, especially in late pregnancy. Oxygen starvation can reach the point that the child in the uterus begins to suffer from hypoxia, which is very dangerous, and can lead to the development of various pathologies, primarily the pathology of the nervous system.
At the same time, the fact is known that in the first months of pregnancy a woman becomes stronger, more enduring, faster - this was used in big sports when it came to high-level competitions, and the prestige of the country or big money was at stake. Yes, in this case, the woman gave out amazing sports results, but at the same time nobody was interested in her own fate, and even more so, the fate of her unborn child was not interested. As a rule, the fetus could not be saved at the same time, the overloads were too great. So sports during pregnancy became evil, and it is good that such barbarism is in the past.
In fact, there is a golden mean: sports during pregnancy, taking into account all the features of this position. Such exercises are a series of exercises that include training the respiratory system, general strengthening exercises and those that allow you to keep in good shape the muscle groups necessary for childbirth, the deep pelvic muscles, for example. In this case, overloading of individual muscle groups and overwork in general are unacceptable. Sports activities for pregnant women should be carried out in well-ventilated, warm and dry rooms with limited access by strangers, especially during seasonal epidemics of viral infections. It is better when sports during pregnancy are supervised by an experienced coach who has the specialization necessary to work with such special "athletes". It is also important thatso that medical care is easily accessible, just in case.
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