Slimming Ozone Therapy

Slimming Ozone Therapy
Slimming Ozone Therapy

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Slimming ozone therapy

Slimming ozone therapy
Slimming ozone therapy

If you ask what ozone is, you will be immediately told that it is a substance that smells like a thunderstorm - it is this gas that gives the characteristic smell of a thunderstorm. There is an increased formation of ozone under the influence of thunderstorm electricity from atmospheric oxygen. Ozone, in fact, is oxygen, but oxygen in a special form - in its molecule there are not two oxygen atoms, but three, due to which it acquires an extremely high activity. When we go out to breathe the clean, post-light air, metabolic processes in the body intensify, and therefore we feel more cheerful and cheerful, and our thoughts become clearer. By the way, walking at a brisk pace can be considered one of the types of ozone therapy for weight loss - why not?

Of course, the medical use of ozone therapy for weight loss suggests something different. This is a technique in which ozone is injected into the body by injection, for which a saline solution or a small amount of the patient's own blood is treated with this gaseous substance. It is assumed that once inside the bloodstream, ozone activates the process of breaking down fat and removing it from the body, thereby contributing to weight loss. However, is it really so? The issue is controversial.

The fact is that ozone is one of the most toxic substances on earth. It is useful in a very small amount, and when the dosage is increased, it causes respiratory, cardiac and cerebral disorders, and in severe cases, death. The property of ozone to destroy protein is widely used in antiseptics; water treatment with ozone is one of the means of effective disinfection of water, which is used as an alternative to chlorination. The quartzization method used to sterilize premises is based on the ability of ozone to kill all living things. Those who work in medical institutions know that during the quartzing process and immediately after it, it is impossible to enter the room, precisely because of the high concentration of ozone in the air, and after quartzing it is advisable to ventilate the room. Is it any wonderthat the possibility of using ozone therapy for weight loss is being questioned in the medical community?

In fact, this method is banned in many countries, in the same ones in which it is accepted, the doctor is obliged to explain to the patient that the method belongs to alternative and is not approved by official medicine. Also, suggesting the use of ozone therapy for weight loss, the doctor is obliged to notify the patient about the possible side effects and risks, which, alas, are too many. At the same time, the therapeutic effect of ozone therapy for weight loss remains a big question. In Russia, restrictions on ozone therapy do not apply, but not because this method is approved, but because it simply has never been considered by official medicine as a treatment. Should you use ozone therapy for weight loss or find something more effective and safe? Having weighed all the pros and cons, you decide.

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