How Effective Is Restyling

How Effective Is Restyling
How Effective Is Restyling

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How effective is restyling

How effective is restyling
How effective is restyling

Probably not a single woman exists who has not heard of the magical power of hyaluronic acid - at least in places where there is media, there are none. We know from high school biology that aging occurs when cells become unable to retain water. Hyaluronic acid is precisely the substance that is responsible for the retention of water in the tissues of the body. On the basis of the acid, the pharmaceutical product Restylane was created. Restylane belongs to the class of fillers - substances created to correct small surface defects, and is a biogel. These substances are also called injectable fillers (from the English word fill - to fill, fill), since they are injected.

Restylane has many advantages, the most important of which is its naturalness. Hyaluronic acid is a product of normal metabolism, and not a foreign substance for the body, such as silicone. And therefore, in this case, there are no irreversible undesirable consequences - Restylane does not cause a negative reaction of the immune system. On the other hand, this is its comparative disadvantage, since the effect of restylane is short-lived and lasts from six months to eight months without supporting injections. However, this drawback is a drawback only at first glance. After all, if something is not pleasant in the produced effect, you can always console yourself with the fact that nothing irreparable has happened.

Biogels based on hyaluronic acid are not harmful to health. They do not cause allergic reactions and do not destroy tissues, a dense fibrous capsule does not form around them, thereby changing the contour of tissues, as around the same silicone. Restylane is even less allergenic than most because it is highly purified. Theoretically, adverse reactions are possible in the presence of individual sensitivity, but in practice, doctors, as a rule, do not face this.

However, there are contraindications to the use of Restylane. But they are not due to the properties of the drug, but the undesirability of any interventions in the inflamed tissues. Therefore, in the presence of any skin disease, restiline injections are contraindicated. The same as in the presence of other serious diseases - diabetes mellitus, heart disease in the stage of decompensation, tumors, acute viral infections, etc. Most of these contraindications are relative, and when the disease or its acute period passes, the use of anti-aging injections is quite possible.

Summing up the above, we can say that Restylane is very effective, as it fights against the main cause of wrinkles - water loss. But the effect of its introduction is not too long, and therefore every 7-9 months it is advisable to make supporting injections of biogel.

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